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Натаниель Готорн
Натаниель Готорн
Жанры, в которых пишет автор:
Современная зарубежная литература
Литература 19 века
Зарубежная классика
Историческая литература
Без серии
The Miraculous Pitcher
The Village Uncle (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Vision of the Fountain (From "Twice Told Tales")
A Book of Autographs
The Man of Adamant
The Paradise of Children
"Browne's Folly"
Sketches and Studies
Sketches from Memory
The Blithedale Romance
Twice Told Tales
Twice-Told Tales
Little Daffydowndilly
Old News
The New Adam and Eve
A Select Party
An Old Woman's Tale
Beneath an Umbrella (From "Twice Told Tales")
Edward Fane's Rosebud (From "Twice Told Tales")
Sunday at Home (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Christmas Banquet
The Gorgon's Head
The Haunted Mind
Passages from the American Notebooks, Volume 1
The Whole History of Grandfather's Chair
The White Old Maid (From "Twice Told Tales")
A Rill from the Town Pump
A Virtuoso's Collection (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Fire Worship (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Footprints on the Sea-Shore (From "Twice Told Tales")
Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man
Old Ticonderoga, a Picture of the Past
The Intelligence Office (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Passages from a Relinquished Work (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Passages from the English Notebooks, Volume 2
The Old Manse (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Volume 2
Snow Flakes (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Seven Vagabonds (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Hall of Fantasy (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
The Sister Years (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Threefold Destiny (From "Twice Told Tales")
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches
Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Volume 1 of 2
The Scarlet Letter
Kızıl Damga
The Marble Faun; Or, The Romance of Monte Beni - Volume 2
Time's Portraiture
Tanglewood Tales
Sylph Etherege
Septimius Felton, or, the Elixir of Life
Хохолок. Назидательная сказка
The Scarlet Letter
The Prophetic Pictures (From "Twice Told Tales")
Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Volume 2 of 2
The Marble Faun; Or, The Romance of Monte Beni - Volume 1
Passages from the American Notebooks, Volume 2
Buds and Bird Voices (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Dr. Bullivant
Fancy's Show-Box (From "Twice Told Tales")
P.'s Correspondence (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Monsieur du Miroir (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
The Wives of the Dead
The Three Golden Apples
Chippings with a Chisel (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Lily's Quest (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Ancestral Footstep (fragment)
Sights from a Steeple (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Old Apple Dealer (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete
The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Mountains
The Christmas Banquet
The Snow-Image
The Scarlet Letter
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Volume 1
Main Street
Our Old Home. Volume 2
A Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys
Nathaniel Hawthorne
A Wonder Book for Girls & Boys
Passages from the English Notebooks, Volume 1
Journal of an African Cruiser
The Toll Gatherer's Day (From "Twice Told Tales")
The Dolliver Romance
John Inglefield's Thanksgiving
Other Tales and Sketches
Biographical Sketches
Biographical Stories
A Bell's Biography
Earth's Holocaust
Little Annie's Ramble (From "Twice Told Tales")
Passages from the English Notebooks, Complete
The House of the Seven Gables
Exclusive Classics Paperback (AST)
The Scarlet Letter / Алая буква
Легко читаем по-английски
Лучшие любовные истории / The Best Love Stories
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Легенды губернаторского дома
Эксклюзивная классика (АСТ)
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Чтение в оригинале (Каро)
The Scarlet Letter / Алая буква. Книга для чтения на английском языке
The Scarlet Letter / Алая буква
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