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Искусство фотографии

Автор: Michael Corsentino
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Get enlightened with this detailed coverage of Canon's Speedlite system If you use a digital SLR camera, then you understand just how critical it is to have a capable flash. A Canon Speedlite shines a whole new light on taking photos with a Canon DSLR. This full-color, in-depth guide takes you beyond the standard manual that accompanies a Canon Speedlite and shows you the types of settings you can use on your camera when working with off-camera flashes. You'll explore the possibilities of wireless lighting with multiple speedlites as well as the creative effects you can achieve. Author, teacher, and professional photographer Michael Corsentino demystifies setting up a speedlite, synchronizing the speedlite equipment, and determining lighting ratios. He provides you with detailed, real-world information on using all of Canon's various Speedlite models including the new 600EX-RT and covers other Canon lighting system components such as the ST-E2 Wireless Transmitter, Macro Ring Lite, and Macro Twin Lites and OC-E3 Off-Camera Shoe Cord. Highlights how the Canon Speedlite system is a must-have accessory for exploring a new world of digital photo possibilities Covers a number of Canon's Speedlites, including the 600EX-RT, 580 EX II, 430 EX II, 270 EX and 270 EX II, and the 320 EX Shows you how to create an inexpensive and portable wireless studio lighting system that can go where you go Demystifies setting up the speedlite, synchronizing the equipment, and figuring out lighting ratios Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide, 3rd Edition is a handy guide that shares real-world information and untangles the complexities of using the Canon Speedlite system.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 06:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Discover how to style and photograph food like the pros Whether you're taking shots for a foodie blog, advertisements, packaging, menus, or cookbooks, Food Styling & Photography For Dummies shows you how to take the next step in your passion for food and photography. This attractive, informative, and fun guide to the fundamentals of food styling provides information on the tools and techniques used by some of the most successful industry professionals. Food Styling & Photography For Dummies provides you with the fundamentals of food styling and gives you the inside scoop on the tools and techniques used by some of the most successful industry professionals. Shows you how to translate taste, aroma, and appeal through color, texture, and portion Includes techniques such as extreme close-ups, selective focus, and unique angles to create dramatic effect Detailed coverage on lighting and composition Tips for choosing the proper equipment and mastering the use of camera settings, lenses, and post-production software Advice for creating a professional personality and getting your food photography business off the ground Whether you're an amateur or professional food photographer, Food Styling & Photography For Dummies is a fun and informative guide to photographing and arranging culinary subject matter.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 06:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: John Carucci
Название: GoPro Cameras For Dummies
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Shoot, edit, and share action-packed video with a GoPro The world moves fast—so if you want to capture it in real time, only a fast-moving camera will do. Enter the GoPro! This small but powerful camera is easy to hold, wear, or mount to capture video of all your high-speed adventures. Unfortunately, to the uninitiated, it can be a bit intimidating—but fear not! With the help of this revised edition of GoPro Cameras For Dummies, you'll acquire the skills needed to shoot high-quality video or photos, edit raw footage into a final masterpiece, and share your GoPro works of art with the world. Compared with traditional digital video devices, the GoPro is a superhero. Okay, so it can't scale high rises, but it can go virtually anywhere and produce thrilling new perspectives of an epic slalom down the slopes or awesomely scenic hike—and everything in between. When still photos simply won't do the trick, GoPro Cameras For Dummies shows you step by step how to use your GoPro camera to make movies, work with available light, create time-lapse sequences, and so much more. Meet the full line of GoPro cameras, including the HERO5, and find the one that's right for you Get help setting your GoPro to shoot better video Discover what you need (or don't need) to shoot in the water Find step-by-step guidance for capturing better sound Edit your work like a GoPro guru Packed with full-color photos and updated to cover the latest GoPro cameras and software, this fun and accessible guide is a gadget lover's dream.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 06:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Julie Adair King
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Get picture-perfect shots with your Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D Your Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D is capable of taking incredibly cool and truly frame-worthy photos, but unless you know how use it properly your pictures won't be worth a thousand words. Luckily, Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D For Dummies is packed with the tips, tricks, and instruction you'd gain in a photography course to take the intimidation out of working with your new camera—so you can start taking stunning photos right away. Assuming no prior experience in photography, this book gets you up to speed on core photography concepts, then shows you how to grasp using the features specific to the Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D, like working in automatic mode, controlling exposure, selecting the best lens for the job, using shutter and aperture priority modes, knowing how and when to use flash, and so much more. Whether you're looking to capture lovely landscapes, perfect portraits, awesome action shots—or anything in between—the friendly guidance you'll find inside offers everything you need to get the shot…every time. Get started in automatic mode before working up to advanced features Take control of your camera's exposure, lighting, color, and focus settings Shoot better portraits and action shots Get great shots every time—even in low light and when composing close-ups Complemented by online supplements that cover the unique features of the companion T6i/750D at, this hands-on guide will take your pictures from bland to beautiful in a flash!

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 06:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: J. Dennis Thomas
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Everything you need to know to take amazing photographs using your new DSLR The Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide is filled with everything you need to know to take fantastic photos with your new Nikon. In full color, this portable guide covers all of the essential controls, features, and functions of the Nikon D5300, using step-by-step instructions and providing full-color images of each menu screen. Nikon users will love this comprehensive field guide—it's just the right size to fit into a camera bag, so you'll be able to take it wherever your photography adventures take you. The guide goes beyond camera settings, offering you a refresher course in digital photography principles, and covering the essentials of lighting, composition, and exposure. This perfectly sized field guide features: Compact size, allowing photographers to carry it wherever they go Professional advice on everything from composing a variety of shots to choosing lenses Colorful example images, along with detailed instructions on how to get the most from each of the camera's features Filled with amazing examples, this handy guide offers a variety of tips and tricks. You'll learn how to capture portraits, take character-filled candid shots, frame sports action, document travel, work with macro photography, and much more!

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 06:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Remigio Venanzi
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Polino. In questo tempo sospeso, una piazza nuova.
Accadde in Umbria, in Valnerina, in un piccolo lembo di terra fatto di donne e di uomini, di tradizioni e sensazioni, di misticità, di duro lavoro e spesso anche di miseria. Consapevoli e fieri di appartenere a una terra vera e leale, che sa raccontarsi anche attraverso vecchi ricordi immortalati in una semplice foto.

Oggi, dove tutto corre veloce, uno strano fenomeno ci obbliga a vivere un tempo sospeso, relegati in casa, rischiamo di perdere l'identità sociale. L'idea di questa pubblicazione nasce da semplici considerazioni: in un momento dove i rapporti interpersonali rischiano di perdersi, le relazioni e gli scambi di esperienze si annullano e con questi anche i contatti che, soprattutto nei piccoli paesi, avvenivano nella piazza principale, abbiamo creato una ”piazza nuova” un luogo virtuale che annulla tempo e spazio ponendoci di nuovo a contatto, facendo incontrare i paesani di una volta, che le vicende della vita hanno portato anche lontano dal paese natio, con quelli di oggi. È su questa ”piazza nuova”, costruita su un profilo social, che giovani e anziani si sono incontrati e parlati di nuovo: confrontandosi e ritrovandosi, in questo tempo sospeso, attraverso semplici vecchie foto, che sono diventate la trasposizione dell'identità antica e presente.

Un tempo sospeso che non è stato perso, al contrario, ha dato un frutto nuovo: i vecchi cassetti hanno restituito e condiviso contenuti che, diversamente, sarebbero rimasti confinati e forse persi per sempre.

Questo tempo sospeso ci ha rubato molti anziani: la nostra memoria, le nostre radici!
Questa “piazza nuova”, tutta virtuale, contribuisce a restituire la memoria e l'identità portandole avanti nel tempo e nello spazio. Il profilo social ”Poiino, com’era raccontato con le vecchie foto” ha il merito, soprattutto in questo tempo, di costituire una sorta di esperimento sociale che connette il passato con il presente, attraverso i ricordi e le testimonianze di chi c’era e di chi c’è ancora, proiettandoci in un futuro di incertezze e dubbi, ma ricco e sicuro dei valori che abbiamo rispolverato e condiviso con queste vecchie foto, duro lavoro, coesione, dignità, onestà morale, aprendo una finestra sul nostro passato, proiettando in avanti le esperienze e mettendo a frutto identitario e comunitario questo tempo sospeso.

I proventi netti delle vendite di questa opera saranno impiegati per restaurare alcuni affreschi dell'eremo di sant'Antonio di Polino.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Wendy Hills
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Un manual integral para usar la cámara del iPhone 12 Pro. La mejor cámara para tomar una fotografía cuando te surja la oportunidad, es la que tienes en tus manos, especialmente cuando esa cámara es el iPhone 12 Pro.
Optimiza el uso de tu iPhone 12 para hacer fotos maravillosas. Una guía completa para usar la cámara del iPhone 12 Pro. La mejor cámara para fotografiar cuando surge la oportunidad de hacer una sesión de fotos es la que tienes en tus manos, especialmente cuando esa cámara es el iPhone 12 Pro. La pregunta entonces es, ¿estás aprovechando al máximo esta increíble herramienta que tienes en tu bolsillo? ¿Piensas que las fotos que tomas son las de un aficionado por lo borrosas que parecen y lo muy diferentes que son a las del tipo de foto que tenías pensado hacer? Si te sucede así, pero quieres ser capaz de tomar fotos espectaculares con tu iPhone, entonces este libro es para ti. Después de analizar este manual, deberías sentirte cómodo tomando fantásticas fotos con tu iPhone 12 Pro, incluso en condiciones de poca luminosidad. Adquirirás también las habilidades necesarias para capturar fantásticos retratos de personas y diseñarlos de tal forma que tus amigos quedarán muy impresionados de lo profesional que son tus fotos, mientras creas impactantes paisajes, fotografías de comidas y fotos sobre los viajes y experiencias que estás viviendo. Este manual comienza repasando algunos de los principios básicos del iPhone 12 Pro, y cómo afectan estas características a la calidad de las fotos. Poco tiempo después de empezar a usar los consejos de este libro, comenzarás a tomar fotografías con tu cámara con mucha más confianza y destreza que otros usuarios que toman sus fotos sin usar estos conocimientos y habilidades básicas. Algunos de los contenidos que veremos en este libro son: – Cómo crear e incluso compartir animojis y memoji con usuarios de otros tipos de teléfono. – Cómo tomar impresionantes fotos para tus redes sociales. – Cómo tomar increíbles fotos con el modo retrato, y mucho más. Con este libro en tus manos, puedes pasar de ser un simple mediocre usuario de iPhone a ser un especialista en fotografía de iPhone. Sumergiéndote completamente en estas características y funciones, te ahorrarás el tiempo y la energía de atascarte con algunas de estas aplicaciones por falta de experiencia. Si lo que quieres es un manual de referencia sobre temas relacionados con la fotografía de iPhone, entonces esta es una gran guía de para ti, muy diferente de lo que un manual genérico del iPhone 12 Pro puede lograr, debido a que estos libros son muy densos en diferentes temas. Pero además, también puedes ofrecer este libro como regalo a un amigo, hijo, hija o a un ser querido y ayudarles a empezar a usar su teléfono sin límites, tan pronto como empiecen a explorar las páginas de este libro. Y eso no es todo… ¡Bono especial! Al final de este libro, tenemos un regalo especial para ti, algo que creemos que te encantará. Haz clic en “Añadir al carrito” para pagar en tu cuenta, o haz clic en “Comprar ahora” para comprar al menos una copia hoy mismo.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Wendy Hills
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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Eine vollständige Anleitung zur Verwendung der iPhone 12 Pro-Kamera Die beste Kamera für den Job ist die, die Sie in der Hand haben, wenn es eine Gelegenheit für ein Fotoshooting gibt, besonders wenn diese Kamera das iPhone 12 Pro ist.
Maximieren Sie die Verwendung Ihres iPhone 12, um großartige Aufnahmen zu machen Eine vollständige Anleitung zur Verwendung der iPhone 12 Pro-Kamera Die beste Kamera für den Job ist die, die Sie in Ihren Händen haben, wenn es eine Gelegenheit für ein Fotoshooting gibt, besonders wenn diese Kamera das iPhone 12 Pro ist. Die Frage ist also, ob Sie das Beste aus diesem leistungsstarken Werkzeug in Ihrer Tasche herausholen. Scheinen die Fotos, die Sie machen, von einem Amateur zu stammen, weil sie unscharf aussehen und sich stark von der Art von Bild unterscheiden, die Sie eigentlich machen wollten? Wenn es Ihnen so geht und Sie in der Lage sein wollen, mit Ihrem iPhone unglaubliche Fotos zu machen, dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie. Am Ende dieses Buches sollten Sie in der Lage sein, mit Ihrem iPhone 12 Pro auch bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen großartige Aufnahmen zu machen. Sie werden auch mit den Fähigkeiten ausgestattet sein, die Sie benötigen, um großartige Porträtfotos von Menschen aufzunehmen und Ihre Komposition so festzulegen, dass andere staunen, wie professionell Ihre Bilder durchweg aussehen, während Sie atemberaubende Landschafts-, Essens- und Reisefotos von den Veranstaltungen erstellen, an denen Sie beteiligt sind. Das Buch beginnt damit, einige grundlegende Dinge über das iPhone 12 Pro und die Relevanz einiger dieser Funktionen auf dem iPhone zu behandeln und wie sie die Qualität der damit aufgenommenen Bilder beeinflussen. In kürzester Zeit, nachdem Sie mit diesem Buch begonnen haben, werden Sie anfangen, mit Ihrer Kamera zu knipsen, und zwar mit viel mehr Selbstvertrauen und Geschicklichkeit als andere, die einfach nur ihre Kamera auf ein Objekt richten und Bilder machen, ohne einige dieser grundlegenden Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten. Einige Inhalte, die Sie in diesem Buch erwarten können, sind: – Wie Sie Animojis erstellen und sogar Memoji mit anderen Telefonbenutzern teilen – Wie Sie atemberaubende Bilder für Ihre Social-Media-Plattformen aufnehmen – Wie Sie atemberaubende Bilder mit dem Porträtmodus aufnehmen und vieles mehr Mit diesem Buch in Ihren Händen können Sie sich von einem mittelmäßigen iPhone-Basisbenutzer zu einem iPhone-Fotospezialisten entwickeln. Es wird Ihnen die Zeit und Energie ersparen, über einige dieser Funktionen zu stolpern, indem es Sie ganz bewusst mit diesen Features und Funktionen vertraut macht. Wenn Sie ein Nachschlagewerk zu Themen rund um die iPhone-Fotografie suchen, dann ist dies ein großartiges Nachschlagewerk für Sie, ganz anders als ein generisches iPhone 12 Pro-Handbuch, da solche Bücher verschiedene Themen grob behandeln. Nicht nur das, sondern Sie können dieses Buch auch als Geschenk für einen Freund, Sohn, Tochter oder einen geliebten Menschen bestellen, um ihnen zu helfen, schnell mit der Nutzung ihres Telefons zu beginnen, sobald sie anfangen, die Seiten dieses Buches zu erkunden. Besonderer Bonus Das ist noch nicht alles, am Ende dieses Buches haben wir ein besonderes Geschenk für Sie, von dem wir glauben, dass Sie es lieben werden. Klicken Sie auf ”In den Warenkorb”, um das Buch zu kaufen, oder klicken Sie auf ”Jetzt kaufen”, um mindestens ein Exemplar jetzt zu erwerben.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Wendy Hills
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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A Complete Guide to Using the iPhone 12 Pro Camera
The best camera for the job is the one you have in your hands when there is an opportunity for a photoshoot, especially when that camera is the iPhone 12 Pro.
Maximize the use of your iPhone 12 to take great shots
A Complete Guide to Using the iPhone 12 Pro Camera
The best camera for the job is the one you have in your hands when there is an opportunity for a photoshoot, especially when that camera is the iPhone 12 Pro. The question then becomes, are you making the most of that powerful tool in your pocket? Do the photos you take seem to be from an amateur because of how blurry they look, and very different from the kind of picture you had in mind to take? If this is you and you want to be able to take incredible pictures with your iPhone, then this book is for you.
At the end of this book, you should be comfortable taking great shots with your iPhone 12 Pro even in low light conditions. You will also be equipped with the skills needed to capture awesome portrait pictures of people and nail down your composition such that others can be amazed at how professional your pictures consistently look, as you create jaw-dropping landscapes, food, and travel photos of the events you are involved in.

The book starts by covering some of the basic things about the iPhone 12 Pro and the relevance of some of these features on the iPhone and how they affect the quality of the pictures taken with it. In no time after you start using this book, you will begin to start snapping with your camera with far more confidence and dexterity than others who simply go through the motions of pointing their cameras at an object and taking pictures without some of these basic knowledge and skills.
Some contents to expect to see in this book include:How to create animojis and even share memoji with other types of phone usersHow to take stunning pictures for your social media platformsHow to take stunning pictures with the portrait mode and lots more

With this book in your hands, you can move from being just a mediocre basic iPhone user to an iPhone photography specialist. It will save you the time and energy of stumbling into some of these features by deliberately exposing you to these features and functions.
If what you want is a go-to guide on matters surrounding just iPhone photography, then this is a great reference guide for you, very different from what a generic iPhone 12 Pro manual can achieve because of how such books gross over different topics.
Not only that, but you can also order this book as a gift for a friend, son, daughter, or a loved one to help them quickly get started with using their phone as soon as they start exploring the pages of this book.
Special Bonus
That is not all, at the end of this book, we have a special gift for you, something we believe you will love.
Click the “Add to Cart” to purchase on your closeout or click the “Buy Now” to purchase at least one copy now.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: John Freeman
Название: Digital SLR Handbook
Жанр: искусство фотографии
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This is the definitive practical guide to getting the most out of your digital SLR camera, written by top working photographer, John Freeman. Full of inspiring photography and professional tips, it is ideal for all keen amateur photographers and those aspiring to move over from using a traditional film SLR camera.The digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera is now the must-have camera for all serious amateur photographers. Whether you already own one or are thinking of making the move from a point-and-shoot digital camera or a film SLR, this practical guide will provide all the help, advice and inspiration you need.Chapters include: understanding the DSLR system, seeing the picture, photographing landscapes, nature, people, architecture, still life, action, getting more from your DSLR and post-production techniques.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 00:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.