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Автор: Yvon Francois
Жанр: ужасы
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This book presents statistical models that have recently been developed within several research communities to access information contained in text collections. The problems considered are linked to applications aiming at facilitating information access: – information extraction and retrieval; – text classification and clustering; – opinion mining; – comprehension aids (automatic summarization, machine translation, visualization). In order to give the reader as complete a description as possible, the focus is placed on the probability models used in the applications concerned, by highlighting the relationship between models and applications and by illustrating the behavior of each model on real collections. Textual Information Access is organized around four themes: informational retrieval and ranking models, classification and clustering (regression logistics, kernel methods, Markov fields, etc.), multilingualism and machine translation, and emerging applications such as information exploration. Contents Part 1: Information Retrieval 1. Probabilistic Models for Information Retrieval, Stéphane Clinchant and Eric Gaussier. 2. Learnable Ranking Models for Automatic Text Summarization and Information Retrieval, Massih-Réza Amini, David Buffoni, Patrick Gallinari,
Tuong Vinh Truong and Nicolas Usunier. Part 2: Classification and Clustering 3. Logistic Regression and Text Classification, Sujeevan Aseervatham, Eric Gaussier, Anestis Antoniadis,
Michel Burlet and Yves Denneulin. 4. Kernel Methods for Textual Information Access, Jean-Michel Renders. 5. Topic-Based Generative Models for Text Information Access, Jean-Cédric Chappelier. 6. Conditional Random Fields for Information Extraction, Isabelle Tellier and Marc Tommasi. Part 3: Multilingualism 7. Statistical Methods for Machine Translation, Alexandre Allauzen and François Yvon. Part 4: Emerging Applications 8. Information Mining: Methods and Interfaces for Accessing Complex Information, Josiane Mothe, Kurt Englmeier and Fionn Murtagh. 9. Opinion Detection as a Topic Classification Problem, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno, Marc El-Bèze, Patrice Bellot and
Fréderic Béchet.

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 15:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Piramanayagam N. S.
Жанр: ужасы
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A timely text on the recent developments in data storage, from a materials perspective Ever-increasing amounts of data storage on hard disk have been made possible largely due to the immense technological advances in the field of data storage materials. Developments in Data Storage: Materials Perspective covers the recent progress and developments in recording technologies, including the emerging non-volatile memory, which could potentially become storage technologies of the future. Featuring contributions from experts around the globe, this book provides engineers and graduate students in materials science and electrical engineering a solid foundation for grasping the subject. The book begins with the basics of magnetism and recording technology, setting the stage for the following chapters on existing methods and related research topics. These chapters focus on perpendicular recording media to underscore the current trend of hard disk media; read sensors, with descriptions of their fundamental principles and challenges; and write head, which addresses the advanced concepts for writing data in magnetic recording. Two chapters are devoted to the highly challenging area in hard disk drives of tribology, which deals with reliability, corrosion, and wear-resistance of the head and media. Next, the book provides an overview of the emerging technologies, such as heat-assisted magnetic recording and bit-patterned media recording. Non-volatile memory has emerged as a promising alternative storage option for certain device applications; two chapters are dedicated to non-volatile memory technologies such as the phase-change and the magnetic random access memories. With a strong focus on the fundamentals along with an overview of research topics, Developments in Data Storage is an ideal reference for graduate students or beginners in the field of magnetic recording. It also serves as an invaluable reference for future storage technologies including non-volatile memories.

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 15:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
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Discusses all types of corporate risks and practical means of defending against them. Security is currently identified as a critical area of Information Technology management by a majority of government, commercial, and industrial organizations. Offers an effective risk management program, which is the most critical function of an information security program.

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 15:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Lee Choon Young
Жанр: ужасы
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The energy consumption issue in distributed computing systems raises various monetary, environmental and system performance concerns. Electricity consumption in the US doubled from 2000 to 2005. From a financial and environmental standpoint, reducing the consumption of electricity is important, yet these reforms must not lead to performance degradation of the computing systems. These contradicting constraints create a suite of complex problems that need to be resolved in order to lead to 'greener' distributed computing systems. This book brings together a group of outstanding researchers that investigate the different facets of green and energy efficient distributed computing. Key features: One of the first books of its kind Features latest research findings on emerging topics by well-known scientists Valuable research for grad students, postdocs, and researchers Research will greatly feed into other technologies and application domains

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 15:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
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This book is about complexity in Information Systems (IS). The subject is addressed from both conceptual and applied perspectives. Concepts are drawn from information theory, industrial design and software engineering. Its content capitalizes on experiences gathered by the authors during various contracting jobs involving software architecture, modeling and IS architecture that were conducted for large organizations in the banking and industry sectors, as well as in the public sector. The authors develop the point of view according to which mastering complexity involves two essential steps: first, one should develop a clear understanding of the real nature of complexity within the IS; second, one should identify the primary causes which contribute to its uncontrolled growth and organize these into a logical framework, in order to define efficient countermeasures. Both technical and psychological causes of complexity are to be considered. Two themes make up the main thread of the book: complexity and value. Both themes are quite common when considered separately, but their interplay remains a largely unexplored topic. The analysis of this interplay is one of the sources of originality of this book.

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This is an applied handbook for the application of data mining techniques in the CRM framework. It combines a technical and a business perspective to cover the needs of business users who are looking for a practical guide on data mining. It focuses on Customer Segmentation and presents guidelines for the development of actionable segmentation schemes. By using non-technical language it guides readers through all the phases of the data mining process.

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 15:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Название: Alvethor. Białe miejsce
Жанр: ужасы
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Stał prawie nieruchomo obok bezgłowego ciała. Był ochlapany krwią od góry do dołu. Skoro takie straszne morderstwo miało miejsce praktycznie za ścianą, że przecież wszystko jest możliwe, że nic nie wiadomo, co robić, komu wierzyć, komu ufać. Przecież nigdzie nie jest bezpiecznie … ALVETHOR (wyjaśnienie kwantyfikacją tezy) – zjawisko (fenomen), najwyższy stopień zagrożenia czterowymiarowej czasoprzestrzeni oraz stabilności procesów tu zachodzących. Najwyższy stopień zagrożenia życia Istot-rezydentów – w przypadku czasoprzestrzeni zamieszkanej. Proces nieodwracalny … Magdalena Maria Kałużyńska – wielokrotnie nagradzaną powieścią grozy Ymar. Autorka opowiadań zamieszczanych w antologiach 13 ran, Halloween, Zombiefilia oraz publikowanych w pismach „Science Fiction Fantasy & Horror” i „Farenheit”. Współpracuje z „Qfantem”, „Madoggowo”, „Secretum”, „Duże K” oraz „Femką”.

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 15:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: H. F. Lavkrafts
Название: Kthulhu aicinājums
Жанр: ужасы
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"Kthulhu aicinājums" sarakstīts 1928. gadā, bet slavu guvis tikai pēc autora nāves. Šis stāsts ir iedvesmojis rakstniekus Stīvenu Kingu un Nīlu Geimenu, kino režisoru Giljermo del Toro, smagā metāla veterānus Metallica un Iron Maiden, daudzu populāru datorspēļu veidotājus, māksliniekus un citus izcilus dažādu kultūras jomu pārstāvjus. H. F. Lavkrafta mantojumā kopumā ir vairāk kā 100 stāsti, un viņa daiļrades ietekme uz nākamo paaudžu radošo jomu pārstāvjiem pielīdzināma viņa priekšgājēja Edgara Alana Po darbiem.
Stāsts vēsta par nelaiķa Frānsisa Veilenda Tērstona atklāsmēm, pētot senu, slepenu un mistisku kultu. Pēc Tērstona nāves viņa dokumentos atrasti vairāku baisu, savā starpā neizskaidrojami saistītu notikumu apraksti, mīklainos apstākļos miruša semītu valodu pētnieka pieraksti un ārkārtīgi neparasts bareljefs, kurā attēloti zinātniekiem nezināmi hieroglifi un briesmoņa tēls, kādu varētu uzburt vien slims prāts… Stāsts mūs aiznes uz nomaļām pasaules vietām, kurās gadu tūkstošiem turpina pastāvēt slepenais, šaušalīgais Kthulhu kults.

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 14:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Жанр: ужасы
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Всю свою жизнь он чурался системы, признавшей его сумасшедшим. Смотрел наивными, широко раскрытыми глазами на мир, а видел лишь порок и бесчестие. Он не шёл против всех, обнажив острый меч, нет, он просто хотел тихонько отсидеться в сторонке. Но у Судьбы были на него совсем другие планы. И своей властной рукой она бесцеремонно втянула его в свой безумный круговорот. Всю свою жизнь он считал себя сумасшедшим, тогда как на самом деле, он просто… другой.

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Даже в самом безнадёжном мире можно найти надежду. Даже в самом гиблом месте можно обнаружить жизнь. Даже самого жестокого человека можно изменить. Ибо в мире нет абсолютных величин, только грани. Добро пожаловать в миры, где всё запутано и одновременно ясно.
Содержит нецензурную брань.

Добавлено: 09.05.2022 14:05 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.