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Зарубежная компьютерная литература

Автор: Alan T. Norman
Название: HACKED
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

O livro de hacking pretende servir como um guia de nível intermediário para algumas ferramentas de teste de penetração e habilidades comuns – particularmente, aquelas de hacking sem fio e de manutenção do anonimato.
O livro se concentra mais na execução prática e fornece alguns procedimentos passo a passo para instalação de plataformas e ferramentas essenciais, bem como na teoria por trás de alguns ataques básicos.
Ganhe a capacidade de fazer hacking ético e testes de penetração se valendo deste livro de hacking!
Obtenha respostas de um experiente especialista em TI para todas as perguntas que você tiver relacionadas ao aprendizado neste livro, incluindo:instalar o Kali Linux usando o básico do LinuxPermanecendo anônimo com Tor ProxychainsVirtual Private Networks (VPN) MacchangerNmap cracking wifi aircrack cracking senhas Linux
Quais são os requisitos?
Conexão de internet confiável e rápida.
Placas de rede sem fio Habilidades básicas de TI de Kali Linux.
O que você aprenderá com o livro de hacking?Respostas para todas as perguntas que você tenha sobre hacking ético e testes de penetração de um profissional de TI experiente! Você aprenderá o básico da rede, Lidar com muitas ferramentas Kali Linux, Aprender alguns comandos do Linux, Dicas para permanecer anônimo em atividades de hacking e de testes de penetração.Proteja sua rede WiFi contra todos os ataquesObtenha acesso a qualquer conta de cliente na rede WiFi, Um tutorial completo explicando como construir um ambiente virtual de hacking , atacar redes e quebrar senhas. Instruções passo a passo para isolamento do VirtualBox e criação de seu ambiente virtual no Windows, Mac e Linux.

Translator: Duda Junqueira Machado

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Alan T. Norman
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Einsteigerbuch, um sich mit den grundlegenden Konzepten des maschinellen Lernens vertraut zu machen?
Mein Buch erklärt Ihnen die grundlegenden Konzepte auf einfach verständliche Weise. Wenn Sie dieses Buch gelesen haben, werden Sie ein solides Verständnis für die Grundprinzipien haben, das Ihnen den Schritt zu einem fortgeschritteneren Buch erleichtert, wenn Sie mehr darüber lernen möchten.

Translator: Bianca Balzer

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: James Nino
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

If you have paid a premium to get the most famous device available, then you deserve a book that is also able to create the same kind of user experience in making your use of the iPhone 13’s Pro Max camera an easy experience.
Even for experienced iPhone users, iPhone 13 Pro Max comes with new innovative features that make it the coolest phone out there in the market. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is an embodiment of luxury and as is typical of Apple, customer user experience is at the forefront of its usage which is what this book aims to help illustrate.
Congratulations on getting the most aesthetically beautiful products created. The Apple iPhone experience is always about great design, elegance, and experience.
You now have the iPhone 13 Pro in your hands, now you are probably wondering what next? How do you become one of the smartest users of the phone without looking like a dummy?
This book will help you explore some of the hidden camera features that can help you create some of the most stunning and amazing pictures possible, not just that, it will show how to shoot cool videos with this stylish iPhone 13 Pro Max. Because the iPhone 13 Pro Max makes users feel different and ahead of the pack, you can’t help but feel cool about owning the phone, then learning to use a lot more features than an average user will put you further ahead of the crowd and make you look more modern and cooler.
The iPhone 13 Pro Max is the ultimate tool of creativity which helps to reinforce your self-esteem as a new addition to your existing Apple system or just getting started on the Apple ecosystem. Every time you use this book alongside your iPhone 13 Pro Max when sharing your photos with your loved ones and friend, it tells a story of who you are in a way no other device can.
This bang for buck book is the ultimate guide and companion to have with your iPhone 13 as you begin to explore your iPhone 13 Pro Max.It will show you how to take advantage of the cinematography feature of the phoneIn it, you will also learn how to activate and use the new camera function called Photographic StyleYou will then be exposed to how to switch between lenses easily on the iPhoneLearn the differences between optical zoom and digital zoom and when to use them
This book also contains many important photography principles to make you understand some of the features Apple added to this new iPhone 13 Pro Max.
One more thing, the price of this book is likely to go up soon, so if you Buy it Now with one click, you will be among the very few who are able to get it at this bargain price. So, don’t miss out.

Translator: Johnn Bryan

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: James Nino
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

If you have paid a premium to get the most famous device available, then you deserve a book that is also able to create the same kind of user experience in making your use of the iPhone 13’s Pro Max camera an easy experience.
Even for experienced iPhone users, iPhone 13 Pro Max comes with new innovative features that make it the coolest phone out there in the market. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is an embodiment of luxury and as is typical of Apple, customer user experience is at the forefront of its usage which is what this book aims to help illustrate.
Congratulations on getting the most aesthetically beautiful products created. The Apple iPhone experience is always about great design, elegance, and experience.
You now have the iPhone 13 Pro in your hands, now you are probably wondering what next? How do you become one of the smartest users of the phone without looking like a dummy?
This book will help you explore some of the hidden camera features that can help you create some of the most stunning and amazing pictures possible, not just that, it will show how to shoot cool videos with this stylish iPhone 13 Pro Max. Because the iPhone 13 Pro Max makes users feel different and ahead of the pack, you can’t help but feel cool about owning the phone, then learning to use a lot more features than an average user will put you further ahead of the crowd and make you look more modern and cooler.
The iPhone 13 Pro Max is the ultimate tool of creativity which helps to reinforce your self-esteem as a new addition to your existing Apple system or just getting started on the Apple ecosystem. Every time you use this book alongside your iPhone 13 Pro Max when sharing your photos with your loved ones and friend, it tells a story of who you are in a way no other device can.
This bang for buck book is the ultimate guide and companion to have with your iPhone 13 as you begin to explore your iPhone 13 Pro Max.It will show you how to take advantage of the cinematography feature of the phoneIn it, you will also learn how to activate and use the new camera function called Photographic StyleYou will then be exposed to how to switch between lenses easily on the iPhoneLearn the differences between optical zoom and digital zoom and when to use them
This book also contains many important photography principles to make you understand some of the features Apple added to this new iPhone 13 Pro Max.
One more thing, the price of this book is likely to go up soon, so if you Buy it Now with one click, you will be among the very few who are able to get it at this bargain price. So, don’t miss out.

Translator: Johnn Bryan

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Название: Cybermobbing
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Das Cybermobbing ist eine moderne Form des Mobbings und kann jeden treffen. Es wird aber besonders beunruhigend, wenn es Minderjährigen sind, welche getroffen werden.
In dieser kurz gefassten Einführung werden Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen dargestellt, die dieses Thema betreffen. Antworten, welche alle Eltern mit schulreifen Kindern berücksichtigen sollten, wie zum Beispiel: Was ist Cybermobbing? Wie beeinflusst es das Leben des Opfers? Ist es möglich, Cybermobbing zu vermeiden? Und vor allem, was kann man machen wenn unser Kind davon betroffen ist? Finden sie alle Schlüsselaspekte des Cybermobbings heraus, dank der Resultate der neuesten Forschungen, welche in diesem Zusammenhang im psychologischen Bereich, durchgeführt wurden.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Джим Вуд
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

ဤစအပသညသငရနငပသမသနငသသင၏ iPad Pro ၏အခသအငဂရပမကစစမလလရနကညပလမမည။ ထအပငသင၏ကရယပတငအခနမရစတငပ။ သငသသညလကဆငအဖစ ၀ ယယနငသည။ သငကလ၏ပစစညသမဟတပစစညမကကကနစသကပဖစသဤစအပသညအခနတနလငအရနမငလလမမည။

★★★ iPad Pros ၏သစသမအသစအတကပညစသအသပသလမညနနငလကစ★★★ iPad Pros သညအလနကငသလညစအပတစအပဖတခငအဖင၎ငကမညသအသပရမညကသငသပက၎ငတထမပမရယနငပသည။ ဒတစခလပ အကယ၍ သငသညမကသမက iPad Pro အသစက ၀ ယယပ၎ငသညသမနသစသမအခကခငမမငနငသည၎င၏စမဆငခကမစကမညသအကငဆအကရရအသခသငကငလမညနမလအပသညဆပက။ ဒမမဟတသငဟ Apple ဂဟစနစအတကအသစအဆနမဟတသတစ ဦ ဖစကငဖစမည။ သသယခင iPad ဗရငမမအဆငမငတငရသ Apple သညအငတဖစအပညအစပငလသပသင၏ယခငအကကဆအခကဖယရခငသမဟတပငရခငကသထငမငလသည အငဂရပမ၊ ငတရသမသည Apple ၏ iPad Pro သညကမဘပတငအကကဆအထငကရပဂဂလတစ ဦ အဖစဆကလကတညရနသညကကနပတအလသပဖစသည။ ၎ငကသင၏စပရတငကနထတစမအတစခအဖစအသပနငသည၊ ၎ငကမရမဖစလအပသလမမဒယလကထက၊ e- စအပစဖတသကနငခရသဖတစ ဦ ဖစစနငသည။ iPad Pro ကဘယလအသခရမလဆတလလပတနကမဒတအလဖစလနငပတယ။ ဤစအပသညသင iPad Pro တစလကသလရနလအပသညအရမကဖတသနရနအတကတစဆငခငလမညနအဖစရသခသည။ ၎ငသညသစသမသထရနလအပသညအရကသအငဂရပမနငအသပသမကသတစတ ၀ ငစလသညမညသညအပငကမဆခနကခငပသည။ ဆလသညမလမညနသညသငရသထသညအစဉအတငလကနလခငမရသလည၎ငကအသခနငသညနညဖငရသထခငဖစသည။ ပ ၀ ငသညအကငအရအခ – •သင၏ကရယကမညသပထမ ဦ ဆတပဆငရမညနင ပတသက၍ လယကစနငနလညရနလယကပနလညရနလယကသည။ • Face ID ကအသပခင• Hidden Features •အကပလကရငမကအကပလကရငမနငဖစညခင•အကပမကဝယခင၊ ဖယရခင၊ ပနလညစစဉခငနငအသစပငခင•ဓတပမရကခင၊ တညဖတခင၊ သငဖစကငမသခသညသင၏ iPad Pro ၏အခသအငဂရပမကစစမလလရနနငသင၏ကရယပတငအခနမရစတငနငရနကညလမမည။ သငသသညလကဆငအဖစ ၀ ယယနငသည။ သငကလ၏ပစစညသမဟတပစစညမကကကနစသကပဖစသဤစအပသညအခနတနလငအရနမငလလမမည။ အထအပဆကအလအတကမဟတပ၊ သငနစသကမညဟယကညသအရတစခအတကကနပတအတကအထလကဆငတစခရသည။ သင၏ ပတလကတင ၀ ယရန“ စဝယခငထသထညသည” ခလတကနပပသမဟတသငခကခင ၀ ယရန“ ဝယပတစဥကနပပနငအတ” ခလတကသငခကခင ၀ ယနငသည။

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Джим Вуд
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

This book will help you explore some features of your iPad Pro that you probably didn’t know existed and also get you started on your device in no time. You can also buy it as a gift for that son or daughter of yours who already like fiddling with devices, this book will get him or her up to speed in no time.

★★★ A Comprehensive User Guide and Manual for New Users of the iPad Pros ★★★
Even though iPad Pros are great right out of the box, you are likely to get more from them if you know how to use them by reading a book like this one.
So, if you are someone who has recently acquired the new iPad Pro and now needs guidance on how best to take advantage of its many features that are not immediately obvious to ordinary end users? Or you may even be someone who is not new to the Apple ecosystem, but only just made an upgrade from previous versions of the iPad and it is beginning to seem as if Apple has completely changed the interface and removed or relocated some of your previous favorite features, then this book was written with you in mind.
We all know that the iPad Pro from Apple remains one of the world’s most renowned flagships, when set up properly, it can become more than being just a phone. You can use it as a productivity tool in your business, you can make it an indispensable social media aide, e-book reader and a travel companion. All these can become possible once you learn how to better utilize the iPad Pro.
This book has been written as a step-by-step guide for you to go through what you need to navigate around the iPad Pro.
It covers many of the important features that users need to know and allows users to jump to any section of the book that they feel they want to focus on. That means the guide is written in a way that even if you do not want to follow the order in which it was written, you are still able to make the most of it.
Some of the included contents:
• Simple and easy to understand step by step instructions on how to first setup your device
• Latest tips and tricks to help you enjoy your device to the fullest.
• Using the Face ID
• Hidden features
• Organizing apps with the App Library
• Buying, removing, rearranging, and updating apps
• Taking, editing, organizing, and sharing photos
• Introducing some important Apple Services
• Using Siri
• And lots more
This book will help you explore some features of your iPad Pro that you probably didn’t know existed and also get you started on your device in no time. You can also buy it as a gift for that son or daughter of yours who already like fiddling with devices, this book will get him or her up to speed in no time.
Special Bonus
That is not all, we have a special gift for you, something we believe you will love.
Click the “Add to Cart” button to purchase on your closeout or you can buy straight away with the “Buy Now with a Click” button to buy right away.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Джим Вуд
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Este libro le ayudará a explorar algunas funciones de su iPad Pro que probablemente no sabía que existían y también le permitirá empezar a utilizar su dispositivo en poco tiempo. También puede comprarlo como regalo para ese hijo o hija suyo al que ya le gusta trastear con los dispositivos, con este libro se pondrá al día en poco tiempo.
★★★ Una guía y un manual de usuario completos para los nuevos usuarios del iPad Pros ★★★
Aunque los iPad Pros son estupendos nada más sacarlos de la caja, es probable que les saque más partido si sabe cómo utilizarlos leyendo un libro como este. Así que, si es alguien que ha adquirido recientemente el nuevo iPad Pro y ahora necesita orientación sobre la mejor manera de aprovechar sus muchas características que no son inmediatamente obvias para los usuarios finales ordinarios? O incluso puede ser alguien que no es nuevo en el ecosistema de Apple, pero acaba de hacer una actualización de las versiones anteriores del iPad y está empezando a parecer como si Apple ha cambiado completamente la interfaz y eliminado o reubicado algunas de sus características favoritas anteriores, entonces este libro fue escrito con usted en mente. Todos sabemos que el iPad Pro de Apple sigue siendo uno de los productos estrella más reconocidos del mundo, cuando se configura correctamente, puede convertirse en algo más que ser un simple teléfono. Puede utilizarlo como una herramienta de productividad en su negocio, puede convertirlo en un ayudante indispensable en las redes sociales, en un lector de libros electrónicos y en un compañero de viaje. Todo esto puede ser posible una vez que aprenda a utilizar mejor el iPad Pro. Este libro ha sido escrito como una guía paso a paso para que usted vaya a través de lo que necesita para navegar por el iPad Pro. Cubre muchas de las características importantes que los usuarios necesitan conocer y permite a los usuarios saltar a cualquier sección del libro en la que sientan que quieren centrarse. Esto significa que la guía está escrita de una manera que incluso si usted no quiere seguir el orden en el que fue escrito, todavía es capaz de sacar el máximo provecho de ella. Algunos de los contenidos incluidos:
• Instrucciones paso a paso, sencillas y fáciles de entender, sobre cómo configurar su dispositivo por primera vez
• Los últimos consejos y trucos para que disfrute al máximo de tu dispositivo.
• Uso del Face ID
• Funciones ocultas
• Organización de aplicaciones con la Biblioteca de aplicaciones
• Compra, eliminación, reorganización y actualización de aplicaciones
• Cómo hacer, editar, organizar y compartir fotos
• Presentación de algunos servicios importantes de Apple
• Uso de Siri
• Y mucho más Este libro le ayudará a explorar algunas funciones de tu iPad Pro que probablemente no sabía que existían y, además, le permitirá empezar a utilizar su dispositivo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. También puede comprarlo como regalo para ese hijo o hija suyo al que ya le gusta trastear con los dispositivos, este libro le pondrá al día en poco tiempo. Bonificación especial Eso no es todo, tenemos un regalo especial para usted, algo que creemos que le encantará. Haga clic en el botón ”Añadir a la cesta” para comprar en su cierre o puede comprar directamente con el botón ”Comprar ahora con un clic” para comprar al instante.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Джим Вуд
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

This book will help you explore some features of your iPad Pro that you probably didn’t know existed and also get you started on your device in no time. You can also buy it as a gift for that son or daughter of yours who already like fiddling with devices, this book will get him or her up to speed in no time.
★★★ A Comprehensive User Guide and Manual for New Users of the iPad Pros ★★★
Even though iPad Pros are great right out of the box, you are likely to get more from them if you know how to use them by reading a book like this one.
So, if you are someone who has recently acquired the new iPad Pro and now needs guidance on how best to take advantage of its many features that are not immediately obvious to ordinary end users? Or you may even be someone who is not new to the Apple ecosystem, but only just made an upgrade from previous versions of the iPad and it is beginning to seem as if Apple has completely changed the interface and removed or relocated some of your previous favorite features, then this book was written with you in mind.
We all know that the iPad Pro from Apple remains one of the world’s most renowned flagships, when set up properly, it can become more than being just a phone. You can use it as a productivity tool in your business, you can make it an indispensable social media aide, e-book reader and a travel companion. All these can become possible once you learn how to better utilize the iPad Pro.
This book has been written as a step-by-step guide for you to go through what you need to navigate around the iPad Pro.
It covers many of the important features that users need to know and allows users to jump to any section of the book that they feel they want to focus on. That means the guide is written in a way that even if you do not want to follow the order in which it was written, you are still able to make the most of it.
Some of the included contents:
• Simple and easy to understand step by step instructions on how to first setup your device
• Latest tips and tricks to help you enjoy your device to the fullest.
• Using the Face ID
• Hidden features
• Organizing apps with the App Library
• Buying, removing, rearranging, and updating apps
• Taking, editing, organizing, and sharing photos
• Introducing some important Apple Services
• Using Siri
• And lots more

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Название: Кібербулінг
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Кібербулінг – це сучасна форма залякування (булінг), жертвою якого може стати кожен, але особливе занепокоєння воно викликає тоді, коли від нього страждають діти.
Цей короткий посібник дасть відповіді на найважливіші питання, що стосуються даної проблематики, відповіді, які повинен мати на увазі кожен з батьків дитини дошкільного віку, наприклад: що таке Кібербулінг? Як він впливає на життя жертви? Чи можливо запобігти Кібербулінгу? І перш за все, – що робити, якщо ваша дитина стала його жертвою?
Відкрийте для себе всі ключові аспекти Кібербулінгу, в тому числі завдяки результатам останніх психологічних досліджень з даної тематики.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.