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Зарубежная компьютерная литература

Автор: Kenneth Dawson-Howe
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Computer Vision is a rapidly expanding area and it is becoming progressively easier for developers to make use of this field due to the ready availability of high quality libraries (such as OpenCV 2). This text is intended to facilitate the practical use of computer vision with the goal being to bridge the gap between the theory and the practical implementation of computer vision. The book will explain how to use the relevant OpenCV library routines and will be accompanied by a full working program including the code snippets from the text. This textbook is a heavily illustrated, practical introduction to an exciting field, the applications of which are becoming almost ubiquitous. We are now surrounded by cameras, for example cameras on computers & tablets/ cameras built into our mobile phones/ cameras in games consoles; cameras imaging difficult modalities (such as ultrasound, X-ray, MRI) in hospitals, and surveillance cameras. This book is concerned with helping the next generation of computer developers to make use of all these images in order to develop systems which are more intuitive and interact with us in more intelligent ways. Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Offers an introduction to computer vision, with enough theory to make clear how the various algorithms work but with an emphasis on practical programming issues Provides enough material for a one semester course in computer vision at senior undergraduate and Masters levels Includes the basics of cameras and images and image processing to remove noise, before moving on to topics such as image histogramming; binary imaging; video processing to detect and model moving objects; geometric operations & camera models; edge detection; features detection; recognition in images Contains a large number of vision application problems to provide students with the opportunity to solve real problems. Images or videos for these problems are provided in the resources associated with this book which include an enhanced eBook

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Christophe Kolski
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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The human-computer interactions are more and more present in our everyday life, and lead to many conceptual and methodological problems for the designers and evaluators of interactive systems. This book is about Human-Computer Interaction in Transport domain, in which the traveler becomes a user of information systems, particularly before and during the travel(s). This book will focus on traveler information and personalized systems, using a human-centered design approach.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Gerard Ligozat
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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Starting with an updated description of Allen's calculus, the book proceeds with a description of the main qualitative calculi which have been developed over the last two decades. It describes the connection of complexity issues to geometric properties. Models of the formalisms are described using the algebraic notion of weak representations of the associated algebras. The book also includes a presentation of fuzzy extensions of qualitative calculi, and a description of the study of complexity in terms of clones of operations.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Ying Bai
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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Covers fundamental and advanced Java database programming techniques for beginning and experienced readers This book covers the practical considerations and applications in database programming using Java NetBeans IDE, JavaServer Pages, JavaServer Faces, and Java Beans, and comes complete with authentic examples and detailed explanations. Two data-action methods are developed and presented in this important resource. With Java Persistence API and plug-in Tools, readers are directed step by step through the entire database programming development process and will be able to design and build professional data-action projects with a few lines of code in mere minutes. The second method, runtime object, allows readers to design and build more sophisticated and practical Java database applications. Advanced and updated Java database programming techniques such as Java Enterprise Edition development kits, Enterprise Java Beans, JavaServer Pages, JavaServer Faces, Java RowSet Object, and Java Updatable ResultSet are also discussed and implemented with numerous example projects. Ideal for classroom and professional training use, this text also features: A detailed introduction to NetBeans Integrated Development Environment Java web-based database programming techniques (web applications and web services) More than thirty detailed, real-life sample projects analyzed via line-by-line illustrations Problems and solutions for each chapter A wealth of supplemental material available for download from the book's ftp site, including PowerPoint slides, solution manual, JSP pages, sample image files, and sample databases Coverage of two popular database systems: SQL Server 2008 and Oracle This book provides undergraduate and graduate students as well as database programmers and software engineers with the necessary tools to handle the database programming issues in the Java NetBeans environment. To obtain instructor materials please send an email to:

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: J. R. Parker
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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A cookbook of algorithms for common image processing applications Thanks to advances in computer hardware and software, algorithms have been developed that support sophisticated image processing without requiring an extensive background in mathematics. This bestselling book has been fully updated with the newest of these, including 2D vision methods in content-based searches and the use of graphics cards as image processing computational aids. It’s an ideal reference for software engineers and developers, advanced programmers, graphics programmers, scientists, and other specialists who require highly specialized image processing. Algorithms now exist for a wide variety of sophisticated image processing applications required by software engineers and developers, advanced programmers, graphics programmers, scientists, and related specialists This bestselling book has been completely updated to include the latest algorithms, including 2D vision methods in content-based searches, details on modern classifier methods, and graphics cards used as image processing computational aids Saves hours of mathematical calculating by using distributed processing and GPU programming, and gives non-mathematicians the shortcuts needed to program relatively sophisticated applications. Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision, 2nd Edition provides the tools to speed development of image processing applications.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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Computer-assisted translation (CAT) has always used translation memories, which require the translator to have a corpus of previous translations that the CAT software can use to generate bilingual lexicons. This can be problematic when the translator does not have such a corpus, for instance, when the text belongs to an emerging field. To solve this issue, CAT research has looked into the leveraging of comparable corpora, i.e. a set of texts, in two or more languages, which deal with the same topic but are not translations of one another. This work had two primary objectives. The first is to assess the input of lexicons extracted from comparable corpora in the context of a specialized human translation task. The second objective is to identify bilingual-lexicon-extraction methods which best match the translators’ needs, determining the current limits of these techniques and suggesting improvements. The author focuses, in particular, on the identification of fertile translations, the management of multiple morphological structures, and the ranking of candidate translations. The experiments are carried out on two language pairs (English–French and English–German) and on specialized texts dealing with breast cancer. This research puts significant emphasis on applicability – methodological choices are guided by the needs of the final users. This book is organized in two parts: the first part presents the applicative and scientific context of the research, and the second part is given over to efforts to improve compositional translation. The research work presented in this book received the PhD Thesis award 2014 from the French association for natural language processing (ATALA).

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Christine Solnon
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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Ant colony optimization is a metaheuristic which has been successfully applied to a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems. The author describes this metaheuristic and studies its efficiency for solving some hard combinatorial problems, with a specific focus on constraint programming. The text is organized into three parts. The first part introduces constraint programming, which provides high level features to declaratively model problems by means of constraints. It describes the main existing approaches for solving constraint satisfaction problems, including complete tree search approaches and metaheuristics, and shows how they can be integrated within constraint programming languages. The second part describes the ant colony optimization metaheuristic and illustrates its capabilities on different constraint satisfaction problems. The third part shows how the ant colony may be integrated within a constraint programming language, thus combining the expressive power of constraint programming languages, to describe problems in a declarative way, and the solving power of ant colony optimization to efficiently solve these problems.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Pierre Audibert
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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How many ways do exist to mix different ingredients, how many chances to win a gambling game, how many possible paths going from one place to another in a network ? To this kind of questions Mathematics applied to computer gives a stimulating and exhaustive answer. This text, presented in three parts (Combinatorics, Probability, Graphs) addresses all those who wish to acquire basic or advanced knowledge in combinatorial theories. It is actually also used as a textbook. Basic and advanced theoretical elements are presented through simple applications like the Sudoku game, search engine algorithm and other easy to grasp applications. Through the progression from simple to complex, the teacher acquires knowledge of the state of the art of combinatorial theory. The non conventional simultaneous presentation of algorithms, programs and theory permits a powerful mixture of theory and practice. All in all, the originality of this approach gives a refreshing view on combinatorial theory.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Ying Bai
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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The most up-to-date Visual Basic.NET programming textbook—covering both fundamentals and advanced-level programming techniques—complete with examples and solutions Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB), which is implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two major implementations of Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio (which is commercial software) and Microsoft Visual Studio Express (which is free of charge). Forgoing the large amounts of programming codes found in most database programming books, Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET shows students and professionals both how to develop professional and practical database programs in a Visual Basic.NET environment by using Visual Studio.NET Data Tools and Wizards related to ADO.NET 4.0, and how to apply codes that are auto-generated by solely using Wizards. The fully updated Second Edition: Covers both fundamentals and advanced database programming techniques Introduces three popular database systems with practical examples including MS Access, SQL Server 2008, and Oracle Features more than fifty sample projects with detailed illustrations and explanations to help students understand key techniques and programming technologies Includes downloadable programming codes and exercise questions This book provides undergraduate and graduate students as well as database programmers and software engineers with the necessary tools to handle the database programming issues in the Visual Studio.NET environment.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Anthony J. Dos Reis
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
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Broad in scope, involving theory, the application of that theory, and programming technology, compiler construction is a moving target, with constant advances in compiler technology taking place. Today, a renewed focus on do-it-yourself programming makes a quality textbook on compilers, that both students and instructors will enjoy using, of even more vital importance. This book covers every topic essential to learning compilers from the ground up and is accompanied by a powerful and flexible software package for evaluating projects, as well as several tutorials, well-defined projects, and test cases.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 08:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.