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Зарубежная религиозная литература

Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Nemoć je stanje ili bolest koja proizvodi slabost i može dovesti do smrti. Obolenje, bolest, nemoć i bol sada su rasprostranjeni na zemlji. Uglavnom su nemoći i bolesti demonske po prirodi. Ova knjiga je mini molitvenik za duhovno ratovanje posebno usmeren na uništavanje nemoći i bolesti bubrega, jetre, raka, dijabetesa, povišenog krvnog pritiska i svih neobičnih bolesti u vašem telu i krvnom sistemu. Svaku temu u ovoj brošuri koja se tiče vas treba moliti sedmodnevnim postom za najmanje 1 sat hvale i bogosluženja svakog dana. Brošura se može koristiti bilo kada tokom dana, ali ja vam toplo savetujem da se molite noću između 12 i 3 sata ujutro, jer vi sudelujete u ratnim molitvama. Moć Jehove Rafe ozdraviće vas i osloboditi ropstva nemoći i bolesti kroz ovu knjigu. Nabavite svoj primerak odmah! Šalom!

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

अशकतपण ह अश सथत कव रग आह जयमळ कमजर नरमण हत आण मतय हऊ शकत. आजरपण, रग, अशकतपण आण वदन आत पथववर सररसपण पसरत आहत. मखयत, अशकतपण आण रग ह आसर सवभवच असतत. ह पसतक एक लघ आधयतमक यदधच पररथन पसतक आह ज वशषत मतरपड, यकत, करकरग, मधमह, उचच रकतदब आण आपलय शररत आण रकत परणलतल कणतयह वचतर रगच आजर आण रग नषट करणयसठ लकषयत आह. य पसतकमधल आपलयल लग असणऱय परतयक वषयवर दररज कमतकम 1-तस सतत आण उपसनसह 7 दवस उपवस ठवन पररथन कल पहज. ह पसतक दवसचय कणतयह वळ वपरलय जऊ शकत परत आपण यदधतल पररथनमधय वयसत असणर असलयन आपणस म रतर 12 त 3 दरमयन पररथन करणयच सलल दत. जहवह रफच शकत आपलयल बर करल आण य पसतकचय मधयमतन आपलयल अशकतपण व आजरचय बधनतन मकत करल. आतत आपल परत मळव! शलम!

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Olusola Coker
Название: Command The Day
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement, strength, protection, success, breakthrough, healing, Miracle etc for each day. You will discover reasons you need to command your day and the benefits attached to it.
Prayer in the morning gives you direction to where it needs to be, so you don’t miss your target. When you wake up in the morning, your mental ability function at its peak, so prayers in the morning refresh and recharge your soul. God will be happy with you when you look up to him for the day’s task ahead. Morning prayers are an opportunity to get closer to God and thank him for his unquenchable love, blessings, breakthroughs healing etc.
When you wake up in the morning to pray to God, pray with confidence and keep your eyes open for his answers. In order words, do not be afraid when you are praying to God especially in the morning. According to the Book Isaiah 41.10, the Lord says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am Your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand”
Be rest assured that prayers in the morning lead God our Creator to guide and protect you throughout the day. He loves you and he wants the best for you, so praying in the morning remind God of his promise to you.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Guido Pagliarino
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

This essay divulges what the research has established about the famous Shroud of Turin, and it is not intended to persuade to believe that the Cloth of Turin really wrapped the body of Christ a couple of thousands year ago.
The author returns several times to certain subjects, according to different perspectives: the reader does not consider such reiterations as not necessary and involuntary: the work includes a general introductory part – at some point, considering it useful, already with in-depth studies, as for the medical conclusions of the anatomopathologist Pierluigi Baima Bollone – and a section, divided into chapters, specifically dealing with particular topics already covered in the first part, for example the photographs of the Shroud, and a chronology.
This essay has been updated several times by the author.
The essay is not intended to persuade to believe that the Sheet of Turin has really wrapped the body of Christ a couple of thousand years ago or, as commonly said, that it is authentic-
On the other hand, authenticity can also mean something else, you can say the Shroud preserved in Turin is the Cloth that wrapped body of Christ, but it could be different than simply assume that an item is two thousand years old; and if I do not take a position on the fact that this famous Sheet wrapped Jesus, I suppose that the reasons for thinking that the Shroud is very ancient are prevailing, as there are currently lots of evidence to support it and only two against, of which only one seems objectively to be considered: the radiodating tests on Shroud samples which determined the age of the Sheet at lower medieval period; but they are increasingly disputed by Christian experts, scientifically and not only. The other reason against the Shroud is a prejudice, that comes both from anticlerical laity

and from the majority of the Christians Reformed, preclusion that leads the first to ignore the theme, and sometime to mock it; and leads the Protestant believers to condemn the veneration of the Shroud, which they consider to be a mere ”symbol” created by human hands: they follow the Old Testament condemnation of ”make for yourself images”, historically born for anti-idolatrous reasons, although Catholics argue that the prohibition existed only before God was incarnated in Jesus, showing himself to the world as ”image”, that is as carnal human figure, without any possibility to be confused with graven images; there are, moreover, Catholics who deny authenticity, in the sense that the Shroud isn't precisely the one that wrapped Jesus , and you can find Protestants which assume it is authentic, at least in the second sense of the term or even in the first. In any case, it should be stressed that the Christian faith is not based on the Shroud of Turin but, historically, on the oral witness of the Apostles on Christ’s resurrection, gathered within the first century in the books of the New Testament and come down to us because it was preserved by the Church over the centuries, with systematic control of matching between the new copies and the previous ones, starting with the oldest.
With this spirit comes the second edition of the essay of Guido Pagliarino on the Shroud, , carried out considering new data and correcting a couple of inaccuracies in the book released years ago
The author returns several times to certain subjects, according to different perspectives: the reader does not consider such reiterations as not necessary and involuntary: the work includes a general introductory part – at some point, considering it useful, already with in-depth studies, as for the medical conclusions of the anatomopathologist Pierluigi Baima Bollone – and a section, divided into chapters, specifically dealing with particular topics already covered in the first part, for example the photographs of the Shroud, and a chronology.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Gabriel Agbo
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Here you will find ten well-loaded and powerful chapters: Prayer of Jehoshaphat, God of Heaven and Earth, It is Our Inheritance, War, Diseases and Famine, See How They Reward Us, Won’t You Stop Them? Don’t be Afraid or Discouraged; It is Not Your Battle, March out and Take Your Positions, and Power of Praise. We also have set of powerful prayer points that will bring immediate results at the end of each chapter.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Olusola Coker
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Domina la giornata è una preghiera mattutina per guidarti e proteggerti dalle mansioni quotidiane che devi affrontare. Sarai in grado di gestire al meglio il tuo tempo e la attenzione con l'obiettivo di comprendere il piano che Dio ha per te per tutti i giorni di ogni mese. Questo libro si rivelerà prezioso per chi è alla ricerca della pace, dell'incoraggiamento, della forza, della protezione, del successo, di una svolta, di una ripresa, di un Miracolo ecc per ogni singolo giorno. Capirai perché hai bisogno di dominare la tua giornata e i benefici che ne deriveranno. Domina la giornataè una preghiera mattutina per guidarti e proteggerti dalle mansioni quotidiane che devi affrontare. Sarai in grado di gestire al meglio il tuo tempo e la attenzione con l'obiettivo di comprendere il piano che Dio ha per te per tutti i giorni di ogni mese. Questo libro si rivelerà prezioso per chi è alla ricerca della pace, dell'incoraggiamento, della forza, della protezione, del successo, di una svolta, di una ripresa, di un Miracolo ecc per ogni singolo giorno. Capirai perché hai bisogno di dominare la tua giornata e i benefici che ne deriveranno. Pregare al mattino ti indirizzerà nella direzione corretta, in modo che tu non perda di vista il tuo obiettivo. Quando ti alzi al mattino, le tue capacità mentali sono al massimo, quindi pregare la mattina ti ristorerà e ricaricherà l'animo. Dio sarà felice di te, quando guarderai a lui per affrontare il tuo dovere quotidiano. Le preghiere del mattino sono un'opportunità per avvicinarti a Dio e ringraziarlo per il suo inesauribile amore, benedizione, le svolte, il guarire ecc. Quando ti svegli la mattina per pregare Dio, fallo con piena fiducia e resta ad occhi aperti per vedere le sue risposte. In altre parole, non avere paura quando preghi Dio, soprattutto il mattino. In accordo con il libro di Isaia, 41.10, il Signore afferma: ”Tu, non temere, perché io sono con te; non ti smarrire, perché io sono il tuo Dio; io ti fortifico, io ti soccorro, io ti sostengo con la destra della mia giustizia.”. Essere riposato assicura alle tue preghiere mattutine ti connette a Dio nostro creatore e lui può guidarti e protteggerti durante tutto il giorno. Lui ti ama e vuole essere al meglio per te, quindi prega la mattina fa in modo che Dio si ricordi delle promesse che ti ha fatto.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Olusola Coker
Название: Заповедь Дня
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Утренняя молитва дает вам направление туда, где она должна быть, чтобы вы не упустили свою цель. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, ваши умственные способности функционируют на пике своего развития, поэтому утренние молитвы освежают и заряжают вашу душу. Бог будет счастлив с вами, когда вы будете смотреть на него снизу вверх для выполнения предстоящей задачи на этот день. Утренние молитвы – это возможность приблизиться к Богу и поблагодарить его за его неутолимую любовь, благословения, прорывы исцеления и т.д. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, чтобы помолиться Богу, молитесь с уверенностью и держите глаза открытыми для его ответов. Говоря по порядку, Не бойтесь, когда молитесь Богу, особенно утром. Согласно Книге Исаии 41.10, Господь говорит: ”Не бойтесь, ибо я с вами; не смущайтесь, ибо я ваш Бог; я укреплю вас, Я помогу Вам, я поддержу вас своей праведной десницей” будьте уверены, что утренние молитвы ведут Бога, нашего Творца, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в течение всего дня. Он любит вас и хочет для вас самого лучшего, поэтому, молясь утром, напомните Богу о его обещании вам.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Job Mothiba
Название: The Good News
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

This is the invitation : The invitation calls on people to believe in Jesus—that he is the Son of God who became a man and died on a cross and rose again from the dead. Because of Jesus' work, God offers salvation from sin and death for free to the whole world. He does so much more than providing a way to heaven. He also brings freedom, healing and anointing to every believer. Many of us struggle to understand the basics of salvation in Christian faith. This book offer a starting point to get to know some of the key issues surrounding salvation. I this book you will get: The wonderful presentation of salvation, the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The opportunity to learn how to attain, live in this salvation, and maintain a holy life. Tools to support, encourage and inspire you in your daily Christian living. And much more… So, accept this invite. The invitation calls all people to believe in Jesus—that He is the Son of God who became a man and died on a cross and rose again from the dead. Because of Jesus' work, God offers salvation from sin and death for free to the whole world. He does so much more than providing a way to heaven. He also brings freedom, healing and anointing to every believer.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Olusola Coker
Название: Commandez Le Jour
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Command the Day est une prière matinale qui vous guide et vous protège pour la tâche du jour qui vous attend. Vous pourrez ainsi concentrer votre temps et votre attention sur la recherche du plan de Dieu pour chaque jour du mois. Ce livre est précieux pour ceux qui ont besoin de paix, d'encouragement, de force, de protection, de succès, de percée, de guérison, de miracle, etc. pour chaque jour. Vous découvrirez les raisons pour lesquelles vous devez commander votre journée et les avantages qui y sont liés. Command the Day est une prière matinale qui vous guide et vous protège pour la tâche du jour qui vous attend. Vous pourrez ainsi concentrer votre temps et votre attention sur la recherche du plan de Dieu pour chaque jour du mois. Ce livre est précieux pour ceux qui ont besoin de paix, d'encouragement, de force, de protection, de succès, de percée, de guérison, de miracle, etc. pour chaque jour. Vous découvrirez les raisons pour lesquelles vous devez commander votre journée et les avantages qui y sont liés. La prière du matin vous donne la direction à suivre pour ne pas manquer votre cible. Lorsque vous vous réveillez le matin, votre capacité mentale fonctionne à son maximum, alors les prières du matin vous rafraîchissent et rechargent votre âme. Dieu sera heureux avec vous lorsque vous le regarderez pour la tâche de la journée à venir. Les prières du matin sont l'occasion de se rapprocher de Dieu et de le remercier pour son amour insatiable, ses bénédictions, ses avancées dans le domaine de la guérison, etc. Lorsque vous vous réveillez le matin pour prier Dieu, priez avec confiance et gardez les yeux ouverts pour ses réponses. En d'autres termes, n'ayez pas peur lorsque vous priez Dieu, surtout le matin. Selon le livre Esaïe 41.10, le Seigneur dit : ”Ne craignez pas, car je suis avec vous ; ne soyez pas effrayés, car je suis votre Dieu ; je vous fortifierai, je vous aiderai, je vous soutiendrai de ma droite juste”. Soyez assurés que les prières du matin conduisent Dieu notre Créateur à vous guider et à vous protéger tout au long de la journée. Il vous aime et il veut le meilleur pour vous, alors la prière du matin rappelle à Dieu la promesse qu'il vous a faite.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Olusola Coker
Название: Domine O Dia
Жанр: зарубежная религиозная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Command the Day é uma oração da manhã para guiá-lo e protegê-lo para a tarefa do dia seguinte. Você será capaz de concentrar seu tempo e atenção na busca do plano de Deus para cada dia de cada mês. Este livro é valioso para aqueles que precisam de paz, encorajamento, força, proteção, sucesso, avanço, cura, milagre etc. para cada dia. Você descobrirá os motivos pelos quais precisa comandar o seu dia e os benefícios a ele associados. Command the Day é uma oração da manhã para guiá-lo e protegê-lo para a tarefa do dia seguinte. Você será capaz de concentrar seu tempo e atenção na busca do plano de Deus para cada dia de cada mês. Este livro é valioso para aqueles que precisam de paz, encorajamento, força, proteção, sucesso, avanço, cura, milagre etc. para cada dia. Você descobrirá os motivos pelos quais precisa comandar o seu dia e os benefícios a ele associados. A oração da manhã indica aonde deve estar, para que você não perca seu objetivo. Quando você acorda de manhã, sua capacidade mental funciona no auge, de modo que as orações da manhã atualizam e recarregam sua alma. Deus ficará feliz com você quando você olhar para ele para a tarefa do dia seguinte. As orações da manhã são uma oportunidade para se aproximar de Deus e agradecê-lo por seu amor inextinguível, bênçãos, descobertas de cura etc. Quando você acordar de manhã para orar a Deus, ore com confiança e mantenha os olhos abertos para as respostas dele. Em outras palavras, não tenha medo quando estiver orando a Deus, especialmente de manhã. De acordo com o livro Isaías 41.10, o Senhor diz: “Não temas, porque estou contigo; não se assuste, porque eu sou o seu Deus; Eu te fortalecerei, eu te ajudarei, eu te sustentarei com a minha justa mão direita ” Tenha certeza de que as orações da manhã levam Deus, nosso Criador, a guiá-lo e protegê-lo ao longo do dia. Ele te ama e quer o melhor para você, então orar pela manhã lembra a Deus sua promessa a você. A primeira coisa para orar pela manhã é agradecer a Deus e agradecer a ele por tudo o que ele fez por você ontem, confessar e implorar pelo perdão de todos os seus pecados, tanto aqueles que você cometeu com conhecimento ou sem saber.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.