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The Island of Golden Zandolie 4. The Blue Blood
The Island of Golden Zandolie 4. The Blue Blood
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The Island of Golden Zandolie 4. The Blue Blood

“On one Caribbean Island…”

“Yes, madam, you are also from there, aren't you?”

“It doesn't matter where we are from, we are the same French, like everyone else!”

“Nobody argues with you, dear Clemencia! We will not harm Your wonderful son! Just answer a couple of questions, this is important for all of us! And for him too! This is a matter of life and death, trust me as a scientist!”

“You want to conduct deadly experiments on my son!”

“Oh, no! Don't worry! Quite opposite! We want to help you!”

Clemencia burst into tears suddenly. Luca brought her another glass of water.

Jean-Paul rushed to the woman, gently hugged her, looked into her eyes with his shining blue eyes and spoke softly.

“Forgive me, for God's sake, that I frightened you! But the matter is really important and urgent. Your son is only a couple of years old, although he looks ten times his age, right?”

Clemencia stopped crying in surprise and only nodded in the affirmative, unable to find words. Jean-Paul continued the interrogation.

“He was born much later than your very last contact with a man, and you could not understand how and where he came from? Consider it a gift from God, right?”

Clemencia nodded in response again, although tears flowed again. The scientist was pushing to the end.

“He doesn't have real dreadlocks like yours. Does he have scaly hairs and a mesmerizing look?… He is very smart and learned to read himself?… You moved to France, because nobody here knows you and there was no need to explain to anyone, why your son grew up so quickly?… And here you are still afraid, that your secret will be revealed, that your son will be considered a freak. And he is almost like a god! You probably “lost” the documents, refiled everything from scratch for him, right? And then such a success in Paris! But are you still scared anyway?”

Clemencia looked at Jean-Paul with wide eyes and continued to nod and cry. Jean-Paul took her hands in his and continued to speak.

“Listen carefully now. Your son is a mutant. His life span is very short. Let me study him, and I will definitely help extend his years…”

Clemencia fainted and slid to the floor. Jean-Paul held her up in time. Luca helped him carry the poor woman to the sofa. The scientist gave her a smell of ammonia and brought her to her senses.

“Clemencia, dear! Let's have dinner together! And you will tell us in detail how your wonderful son grew up!”

At this time, Jean-Paul's cell phone rang. An unfamiliar female voice spoke in English.

“Jean-Paul! This is Zina, a Russian programmer from the Island of Golden Zandolie. Remember me, huh? So, I am a hybridomorph. I have blue blood. We have to meet.”

This time was the scientist's turn to go into a stupor. He did not find what to answer and almost fainted too. Luca watched with concern as his beloved turned pale and trembled, and then slowly walked out onto the roof of the mansard, continuing to press the phone to his ear.

Clemencia had already recovered a little and stood up. Taking advantage of Jean-Paul's absence, she turned to Luca with a hasty tirade.

“To be honest, I'm not a mother, but Max's aunt. His mother died in childbirth, such a grief. But she swore to me that she did not know the boy's father. I thought she was crazy. It turns out that she did not lie and did not lose her mind. How ashamed I am now… We have been through so much… But I need to go, I have some business to attend. But I will come back, I swear by the torments of Our Lord! I'll come with Max. I don't want him to be harmed. But if he needs help and he’s dying, then yes, we will do everything right! Max is my whole family! For the sake of my boy, I will go to the ends of the world and do whatever is necessary! He is such a nice, trusting, kind boy! I have to go! I'll call you, don't worry.”

Luca didn't know whether to stop the woman. Although he was more concerned about Jean-Paul's condition. As soon as the front door closed, he rushed to the exit to the roof.

Jean-Paul was sitting in a chair near a small round table, where they sometimes drank coffee in the morning, surrounded by flowers and pigeons, or enjoyed the coolness of the night, sipping wine. The moon and stars were almost invisible in Paris – the city of eternal light.

“Darling, did something happen?”

“Oh, it's you, Luca! Today is such an amazing day…”

“What happened, who called?”

“Yes! Imagine, we expected to see one mutant, and I got a call from another one!”

Chapter 5

Julia and Joy. “The Queen of Fiction”

The joy of Julia and Scott knew no bounds. Their daughter was born! And they were both so happy that they could not even remember what names they were choosing while the baby was still in the womb. All that they tirelessly repeated, looking at the newborn, was “What a joy!”

So, the daughter was just named Joy.

Julia's big breasts have become just huge and hard as a stone. It was very painful to feed the baby. Scott was terribly worried at the beginning, but after a couple of days the pain went away. And Julia could spend hours admiring little Joy, who slept happily, well-fed and contented at her mother's breast. Joy, tiny but so demanding and tenacious, helped her mother develop the good flow in her never feeding before breasts and get to the “milky treasures”.

Scott was proud of the very first exploits of his wife and daughter. It seemed to him that he had the best family in the world.

And how good it was to be back in his native England after so many years of wandering. First, there was service in the Air Force with military trips to many “hot zones”, then years of exploring around the seas.

He dropped anchor for a while on a tiny mountainous piece of land in the Caribbean, but over the years he missed home more and more in his homeland.

Life in the tropics was very leisurely and full of cheap booze and affordable women. But there were almost no interesting memories. Except for his beloved wife Julia. Surprisingly, he didn't even remember how they met! Really, alcohol has already clouded his brain! Julia couldn't remember much either!

But it didn't matter anymore! Life in England seemed to sober them both up. Now he and his wife and daughter were settled for peaceful living in the house of Scott's parents, in northern England, by the sea. There is such a refreshing air, such austere beauty! English summer also can please with the brightness of grass meadows. And the sea, of course, which is amazing always and everywhere!

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