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The Island of Golden Zandolie
The Island of Golden Zandolie
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The Island of Golden Zandolie

The ship's passengers showed no interest in the wild-looking Island, which lacked trendy restaurants with gardens and pools or boutiques. But several crew members were willing to go ashore, and the coast guards agreed to take them.

Julia was one of the enthusiasts for landing on the sparsely populated Island. Her work in the ship's gift shop was not full of adventure, and the girl was happy to break free from an endless series of boring shifts, tiresome inventories and monotonous glamorous ports of call.

This Island was just a “lost world”! As in that classic science fiction novel by Conan Doyle, which Julia re-read on her tablet while whiling away the long hours on board.

The coast guard boat dashingly flew on the crest of the wave, rapidly approaching the port. "The capital of the Island" – the corporal, the head of the boat, announced importantly.

The capital consisted of several rows of low buildings, similar to warehouses, and a couple of spiers of picturesque neo-Gothic churches with small gardens around. A couple of higher colonial-style buildings and a stretch of waterfront with stone benches set back to the sea view! As if the locals did not want to know what is beyond the horizon.

The feeling of unreality did not leave Julia. The corporal warned them, that he would be waiting for everyone to be back on the dock at four p.m. and advised all to stick together.

Julia was a pretty young girl of short height, about twenty-five years old, with a round face, round green eyes, a small round cherry-shaped mouth and a large rounded chest. This is where her round shapes ended. Julia was rather slender, with a small foot, with a short haircut of slightly curly dark red hair.

Julia went for a walk around the island in short shorts, a T-shirt, a thin shirt with long sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a funny hat with narrow brims. And, of course, shades and a backpack on the back. Remember her in this outlook – because she will not return on board the cruise ship ever again!

Julia, of course, did not know that she would remain on the Island forever. She and the other crew members enthusiastically agreed to the local taxi driver's offer to ride his minibus around the Island – it would only take a couple of hours! The spontaneous excursion was just super! A fat, cheerful black taxi driver, constantly wiping sweat from his neck with a small towel, chatted incessantly, seemingly in English. However only few words were understandable – such as "beautiful island!", "want to take a picture?"

Soon they turned off the main road along the sea onto a narrower road leading uphill to the dense center of the land. Almost immediately, trees and clouds completely obscured the sun. The air was noticeably thinner and colder. Everything around became dark and damp, as if they were all transported to Scotland or Canada. The road snaked upward. There were almost no oncoming cars.

All passengers of the minibus were simply mesmerized by the views of the sheer mountain wall on one side of the road and the bottomless abyss on the other. The careless speed, at which their local “shuttle” was rushing along the narrow winding road, was also straining. The bus often skidded at all bends, as the road was slippery from the damp mountain clouds.

The fog was thickening. The picturesque rainforest has been replaced by mossy stones and fern bushes. Low trees of bizarre shape sometimes came across on the way.

Suddenly the bus turned sharply right into the sky, someone shouted something, or rather howled. Or was it the wind? Or was it a lapse in time? Everything turned into a multi-colored funnel with a bright light in the center. And then there was silence and darkness…

… Julia was sleeping sweetly in a comfortable, soft bed. The singing of birds, the measured rhythm of the surf and the rustle of tree leaves in the breeze was a completely magical melody of the awakening morning somewhere in the south. It was like sweet, old, childhood memories of summer in the village, when you can sleep and sleep as much as you want… and long, careless days ahead, full of wild fruits and swimming on unfamiliar beaches.

In early years every day was full of amazing discoveries… Without fuss, without looking back at the time… In childhood, there were no plans for a summer vacation, the world was perceived in its original glory, without fear, without thoughts about the future or remorse about the past. The beautiful “today” breathed deeply and happily…

Julia stretched and opened her eyes. She was in a small house with a veranda opening directly to the sea. The veranda opened into the pier; a boat swayed at the pier. A house right on the water? No, Julia heard the singing of birds and the rustle of the leaves of the trees. It meant there was not an open sea around here, the coast was close. She tried to get up, but the darkness came over her eyes, and the nausea rose in her throat. The walls began to revolve, which was completely unbearable. Julia closed her eyes and lay there still, trying to breathe rhythmically…

Then there were an indistinct shadow and a slight sound – Julia immediately opened her eyes and involuntarily smiled. In the doorway against the background of the sea, silvery in the sun, an incredibly handsome young guy was standing. In any case, against the light, he looked very impressive. Tall, muscular, in a T-shirt and shorts, a smooth body of a caramel shade, a slightly rough, narrow face, with well-shaped nose, sensitive lips, huge black eyes and a heavy wave of long black braids-dreadlocks, a high, slightly slanted forehead (apparently, heavy hair pulled the skin back), black well-defined eyebrows. Mulatto Rasta man? Or just a wonderful dream?

The guy was holding a coconut in one hand, a machete in the other. He noticed that Julia woke up and smiled broadly. Then he spoke in a slightly hoarse, low voice (in English, like all the inhabitants of the Island).

“Hello! Woke up? Excellent! That's what you need most!”

He held out a tall glass full of coconut water. Julia tried to get up again, but the room was spinning again, and nausea came right away…

The guy nodded, poured coconut water into an empty plastic bottle and handed it to Julia. He also went to the head of the bed and slowly lifted Julia's pillow, pushing some kind of towel or sheet to make it easier for Julia to drink… Despite her poor health, Julia admired every movement of this human tropical beauty. What bottomless eyes, what an affectionate smile, how much smoothness in every move!

“My name is Marley,” handsome fellow said. “This is my home. I need to leave for a while. Don't worry, just rest. Try to sleep. The toilet is right here, behind this door. Here is a water cooler. The rest is all later. You are still very weak. You just need some time. Everything will be fine. Rest, sleep!”

Julia wanted to say something, but she opened and closed her mouth like a fish! But that’s not a problem. It's very nice here, peaceful, she will sleep, and everything will pass.

“Tomorrow everything will be even better,” she thought. “Everything bad in life has already ended, forever… There is nothing more to worry about, and only happiness ahead… What am I thinking about!? I guess I hit my head pretty hard! No, I don't have to think about anything, everything will be fine! How wonderful… “

A faint feeling of fear, of surreal intake of all events, a cold wave passed down her back and disappeared. Julia plunged into a sweet dream, similar to hypnosis or drug intoxication.

Do you know this feeling when everything is too good and what's the catch?

Chapter 3

Den and Zin. The stars aligned

The morning was rainy and gloomy. Although in this mountain valley it was a normal morning. It rained almost every night and morning, and sometimes it drizzled non-stop for several days in a row. Pretty often a front of clouds from the sea just was stocking in this valley and turning into lingering rains, feeding the many streams and waterfalls around. The Russian home-office was well hidden in this inclement place. Only one road led there, and there were no trespassers.

Denis woke up with a headache and a heavy mood – just like in the morning following a stormy New Year's party, when you want to start a new life and everything will be different, but not today!

The soft sound of the rain was soothing, the sun delicately disappeared behind the clouds.

On a day of arrival, the island instantly charmed Denis, surpassing all expectations. He heard and read a lot about the mysterious islands, where ancient civilizations or artifacts were hidden deep in the jungle, and strange things were happening.

Perhaps even aliens from other worlds once visited local mountain peaks, helped to build temples and shared their knowledge… And even nowadays they follow us and come with visits, live next to us! According to the theory of fans of conspiracy and alternative sciences, these places with living aliens exist, somewhere on the semi-wild islands in Oceania, Polynesia, New Zealand or even the Caribbean.

The theory that aliens not only visited us in the distant past, but never left us, had thrilled Denis since childhood. He loved to draw flying saucers and triangles, the faces of aliens with huge eyes, constellations and ancient temples – sites for UFOs.

Denis grew up and became a programmer. But all his free time he constantly hung in chats and blogs, eagerly catching any news about extraterrestrial civilizations and connections with the development of earthly sciences.

He got a job as an IT specialist on a distant Caribbean island almost by accident, on the recommendation of a friend. And, probably, he would not have gone that far (he could easily work remotely). But when he read in detail about the Island where he was invited, he immediately agreed. Information was scarce, the Island was not a popular tourist destination.

There were more secrets than facts – and Denis liked that very much. And when he found out that a secretary was urgently needed in the office, since the local girl suddenly quit her job and went home, he quickly persuaded his former classmate and first love Olga to go with him. For both of them, it was the first trip abroad and the first job in an offshore office.

And now there was the first morning on the Island. Denis is trying to wake up. Whether a time difference, or a long journey with inconvenient connections of four flights, or a different climate – probably everything immediately piled on and pressed down on the bony shoulders of the IT specialist.

Denis finally stopped daydreaming about the incredible secrets of interplanetary civilizations, climbed out of the bedroom and almost crawled along a long corridor into a huge open kitchen-dining room.

In the kitchen, he saw a giant girl. Broad sloping shoulders, huge breasts, thick muscular legs. The face was also quite impressive – an overhanging forehead, deep-set eyes, a heavy chin. Black, curly long hair is casually pulled back with an elastic band.

The funny thing was that the giantess had headphones in her ears danced very groovy to her music. She even hummed slightly, rather melodiously. The girl was preparing breakfast for herself and did not immediately notice Denis. Denis decided to say hello in English just in case, but she suddenly laughed and waved her hands at him.

“Hi! Hi! I am Russian! My name is Zina, and you are probably Denis! We were expecting you! I am a programmer too, just like you! I really need an assistant. I'll tell you everything later, while you eat! By the way, I made pancakes, you want some? Can I fry some more sausages or an omelet? Where is your Olga? Still sleeping? Well, Olga will go to our madam to assist, and we will have our own party! Let's have breakfast and start working – duty call!”

Zina quickly and dexterously set the table and sat down opposite Denis. She already cooked an omelet with sausages – Denis did not even have time to open his mouth. Everything smelled wonderful. How hungry he was! Of course, he hadn't eaten normally in days!

Denis chewed in silence for a long time – everything was so tasty! Zina made some kind of fragrant tea for him, which he also sipped with pleasure, although he usually started the morning with coffee.

Zina also ate a lot and with pleasure! There was laughter in her slits-eyes.

“Look how you are munching your breakfast – I think we'll work well together. You know, the Nazis in Germany were feeding the prisoners and watching how they ate. That’s how they were choosing their workers. Now tell me why did you really come here!?”

Denis almost choked on the suddenness of the question.

“Really?!… This is a very interesting place! A wild and mysterious land where there are more questions than answers.”

Denis himself was surprised by his words. Zina looked at him intently from under her brows, grinning slightly.

“Aha! Clear! I say – we will come along! Have you heard about the Golden Zandolie? No? This is the local leader of the black mafia. He is the real owner of the island, and not the local government or police. “Zandolie” is a very interesting nickname. This is what the locals call a small lizard, but literally translated from the Creole language as “wild”. This Zandolie is very ferocious, although small in stature and looks like a reptile. He's all covered with tattoos and golden piercings, even his teeth are golden! There are rumors, that the Golden Zandolie is not a person at all, but some kind of mutant or an alien! His power over the whole island is very incomprehensible! And his invulnerability! And his more than strange appearance!!!”