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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 1
Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 1
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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 1

2. He had nobody to discuss this problem.

30. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Вам допомагають?

1. Are you helped?

2. Do you helped?

31. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Майку було цiкаво, чи не прийде Джейн на вокзал проводити його.

1. Mike wondered if Jane will come to the railway station to see him off.

2. Mike wondered if Jane will come on the railway station to see him off.

3. Mike wondered if Jane will come at the railway station to see him off.

4. Mike wondered if Jane would come to the railway station to see him off.

5. Mike wondered if Jane would come on the railway station to see him off.

6. Mike wondered if Jane come to the railway station to see him off.

32. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Давай пiдемо разом пiслязавтра у кiно.

1. Let go to the cinema together the day after tomorrow.

2. Let's (Let us) go to the cinema together the day after tomorrow.

3. Let's (Let us) go in the cinema together the day after tomorrow.

33. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якби було бiльше бiдних людей, це було б набагато гiрше.

1. If there were more poor people, it would be much worse.

2. If were more poor people, it would be much worse.

3. If were more poor people, it will be much worse.

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