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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 3
Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 3
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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 3

2. While they were talking on the phone, I worked really hard.

3. While they were talking on the phone, I have been working really hard.

Частина 12

221. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Вона перевiряе його роботу. (Дiя вiдбуваеться у момент промови.)

1. She checks his work.

2. She is checking his work.

3. She has been checking his work.

222. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якби я був на твоему мiсцi, я не робив би це.

1. If I was you, I won't do it.

2. If I was you, I wouldn't do it.

3. If I were you, I wouldn't do it.

223. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Коли це буде сказано?

1. When will it be saying?

2. When will it be say?

3. When will it be said?

224. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Ішов сильний дощ. Довелося вдягнути плащi.

1. It was raining hard. We had to wear our raincoats.

2. It was rain hard. We had to wear our raincoats.

3. It was raining hard. We must wear our raincoats.

225. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Ми думали, що вiн не погодиться.

1. We thought that he wouldn't agree.

2. We thought that he won't agree.

226. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Вона сказала, що наступного року зможе читати англiйськi газети без словника.

1. She said that she will can read English newspapers without a dictionary the following year.

2. She said that she will can read English newspapers without a dictionary by the following year.

3. She said that she would be able to read English newspapers without a dictionary the following year.

4. She said that she would be able to read English newspapers without a dictionary by the following year.

227. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Вони штампують цi товари.

1. They churn out these goods.

2. They are churning out these goods.

228. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Чи не був би ви проти, якщо я зачиню вiкно?

1. Will you mind if I will close the window?

2. Will you mind if I closed the window?

3. Would you mind if I closed the window?

4. Would you mind if I will close the window?

229. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Цi компанii конкурують одна з одною.

1. These companies compete with each other.

2. These companies compete with each another.

230. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

У мене закiнчуються грошi.

1. I am running out of money.