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Пятнадцатилетний капитан / Dick Sand. A Captain at Fifteen. Уровень 2
Пятнадцатилетний капитан / Dick Sand. A Captain at Fifteen. Уровень 2
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Пятнадцатилетний капитан / Dick Sand. A Captain at Fifteen. Уровень 2

“Negoro, one act, one word of insubordination, and I blow out your brains!”

Negoro had no time to reply. Hercules grasped him by the shoulder.

“Maybe to put him overboard, captain?” said the negro, with a grin of contempt.

“Not yet,” quietly answered Dick.

The giant removed his hand, and Negoro stood upright again, and began to retreat to his own quarters, muttering, however, as he passed Hercules,

“You will pay for this!”

The young captain could not shake off the suspicion that Negoro was concerned in the loss of the first compass, and had some further designs upon the second. But what possible motive could that man have?

A week passed, and the barometer continued to fall. The “Pilgrim” still made its way northeast. Its speed could not be less than two hundred miles in twenty-four hours. But no land appeared. Dick was perpetually asking himself: was he sailing in a wrong direction?

But no: he was convinced there was no error in his steering. But where is America? Where were they? Why did not the expected coast appear?

To all these bewildering inquiries Dick could find no answer. He studied his chart; but all in vain.

One morning about eight o’clock, Hercules suddenly shouted,


Dick Sand hurried forward to the bow.

“Where’s the land?” he cried.

“There! Look there!” said Hercules, nodding his head and pointing to the north-east.

Dick could see nothing.

Mrs. Weldon heard the shout. She left her cabin. She scanned the horizon in the direction indicated by Hercules. But all to no purpose.

Suddenly, however, after a while, Dick raised his hand.

“Yes!” he said; “yes; sure enough, yonder is land.”

Mrs. Weldon strained her eyes yet more vehemently. Beyond a doubt an elevated peak was there. It was about ten miles to leeward. Dick went back to the wheel. Here was the land!

Negoro appeared on deck; he nodded to the peak familiarly, and retired.

Two hours later, Dick Sand failed to discover any further indications of a coast-line. His only increased; the horizon was clear. Dick took up his telescope again and again; but there was nothing. No indication of the shore.

Dick Sand uttered a sigh of mingled amazement and relief. He went into Mrs. Weldon’s cabin.

“It was only an island!” he said; “only an island!”

“How? Why? What island? What do you mean?” cried Mrs. Weldon incredulously; “what island can it be?”

“The chart perhaps will tell us,” replied Dick; and hurried off to his own cabin. Then he immediately returned with the chart in his hands.

“There, Mrs. Weldon; the land, I suppose it is that little speck in the midst of the Pacific. It must be Easter Island[22 - Easter Island – Остров Пасхи].”

“And do you say,” inquired Mrs. Weldon, “that it is behind us?”

“Yes, entirely.”

“How far is this,” she said Mrs. Weldon; “how far is this from the coast of America?”

“Thirty-five degrees,” answered Dick; “somewhere about 2500 miles.”

“What do you mean?” rejoined the lady astonished; “we made no progress at all! Impossible!”

Dick passed his hand across his brow. He did not know what to say. After an interval of silence, he said,

“I can’t explain this strange delay. It is inexplicable to myself. Maybe the readings of the compass are wrong. But at least we know where we really are. If this hurricane ceases, we will be on our proper course to the shores of America.”

Chapter XIII

Land at Last

Dick’s sanguine expectations were partially realized. The sea remained exceedingly rough, but the violence of the wind perceptibly diminished.

Mrs. Weldon was the first to leave her imprisonment. She was anxious to speak to Dick.

“Well, Captain Dick, how are you?” she said, as she advanced towards him holding out her hand.

Dick smiled.

“You call me captain, Mrs. Weldon,” he answered, “but you do not submit to captain’s orders. Did I not direct you to keep to your cabin?”

“You did,” replied the lady; “but I could not resist the temptation to disobey you.”

“Yes, madam, I really trust the worst is over now.”

“Thank Heaven!” she replied, and after a few moments’ silence, she added,

“But now, Dick, you must really take some rest; it is absolutely necessary.”

“Rest!” the boy repeated; “rest! I want no rest. I only did my duty.”

“You act like a man,” said Mrs. Weldon; “and my husband, like myself, will never forget your services. I am sure he will not refuse, that you will complete your studies, and you will become a captain.”

Tears of gratitude rose to Dick’s eyes. Mrs. Weldon assured him that he was dear as a son to her, and pressed a gentle kiss upon his forehead.

“Now, my men, I have some work for you today,” he said to the negroes when he came on deck at daybreak.

“All right, captain,” answered Hercules.