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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 11
Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 11
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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 11

1. What surprises you most of all?

2. What does surprise you most of all?

1011. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Мiй дiдусь колекцiонуе монети з дитинства.

1. My grandfather has collected coins since he was a boy.

2. My grandfather has been collecting coins since he was a boy.

3. My grandfather is collecting coins since he was a boy.

1012. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Коли вони гуляли в парку, вiн тримав ii сумку.

1. While they were walking in the park, he held her bag.

2. While they were walking in the park, he was holding her bag.

1013. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Йому не було чого продавати свое пiанiно. (Але вiн його продав.)

1. He need not have sold his piano.

2. He didn't need to sell his piano.

1014. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

За жодних обставин ви не повиннi розповiдати журналiстам про нашу тактику фiналу кубка i в жодному разi не повиннi давати iншiй командi жодних пiдказок про те, яких гравцiв ми виберемо для початку гри.

1. Under no circumstances you should tell any journalists about our tactics for the cup final and in no way must you give the other team any clues about which players we will choose to start the game.

2. Under no circumstances you should tell any journalists about our tactics for the cup final and in no way you must give the other team any clues about which players we will choose to start the game.

3. Under no circumstances should you tell any journalists about our tactics for the cup final and in no way you must give the other team any clues about which players we will choose to start the game.

4. Under no circumstances should you tell any journalists about our tactics for the cup final and in no way must you give the other team any clues about which players we will choose to start the game.

1015. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Я щойно випив морквяний сiк.

1. I have just drunk carrot juice.

2. I had just drunk carrot juice.

3. I just drank carrot juice.

1016. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Що б Ви хотiли додати?

1. What would you like to add?

2. What do you like to add?

1017. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якби я був на твоему мiсцi, я нiколи б не купив це.

1. If I was you, I would never buy it.

2. If I were you, I would never buy it.

1018. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Хотiлося б менi, щоб я мав бiльше впевненостi. (зараз)

1. I wish I have more confidence.

2. I wish I had more confidence.

1019. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якщо ви ecs виконуватимете цi накази, у нас не тiльки будуть хорошi шанси на перемогу в недiлю, але й вам буде надано небагато часу пiсля гри.

1. If you all will follow these orders, not only will we have a good chance of victory on Sunday, but you will also be given some time off after the game.

2. If you all follow these orders, not only we will have a good chance of victory on Sunday, but you will also be given some time off after the game.

3. If you all follow these orders, not only will we have a good chance of victory on Sunday, but you will also be given some time off after the game.

1020. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Я вже згадав про це.

1. I had already mentioned it.

2. I have already mentioned it.

3. I already mentioned it.

Частина 52

1021. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.