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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 6
Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 6
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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 6

1. What will you be doing this time tomorrow?

2. What will you do this time tomorrow?

3. What are you doing this time tomorrow?

510. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Це, можливо, вже було сказано.

1. It may already been said.

2. It may have already said.

3. It may have already been said.

511. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Що менi потрiбно зробити, щоб збiльшити свiй словниковий запас?

1. What I need to do to increase my vocabulary?

2. What do I need to do to increase my vocabulary?

3. What should I do to increase my vocabulary?

512. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Я роздрукую це пiсля того, як ти надiшлеш менi цей документ.

1. I will print it after you will send me this document.

2. I will print it after you send me this document.

513. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Вiн ще не зрозумiв це.

1. He didn't understand it yet.

2. He hasn't understood it yet.

3. He hadn't understood it yet.

514. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Можливо, вiн запiзнився на поiзд.

1. He may missed the train.

2. He may have missed the train.

515. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Коли я побачив iх, вони грали у тенiс.

1. When I saw them, they were playing in tennis.

2. When I saw them, they were playing tennis.

3. When I saw them, they played tennis.

4. When I saw them, they played in tennis.

516. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Нiхто не став би звинувачувати тебе, якби ти поводився iнакше.

1. Nobody would have blamed you if you had behaved differently.

2. Nobody would have blamed you if you had behaved yourself differently.

517. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якби я не знайшов цей канал набагато ранiше, мiй рiвень англiйськоi мови був би набагато нижчим зараз.

1. If I didn't find this channel much earlier, my English level would be much lower now.

2. If I didn't find this channel much earlier, my English level will be much lower now.

3. If I hadn't found this channel much earlier, my English level will be much lower now.

4. If I hadn't found this channel much earlier, my English level would be much lower now.

518. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Такi речi могли iгноруватись.

1. Such things could ignore.

2. Such things could be ignored.

3. Such things could be ignore.

519. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Послухай мою пораду!

1. Listen to my advice!