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Philosophy of Love
Philosophy of Love
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Philosophy of Love

I love you!

And again, we are young together,

We walk to school along the way.

Chestnuts to us, in frozen honor,

Foliage waving from a height.

The road seemed close

And the school is near really.

And I dreamed of going with you,

Slow down time at all.

And I wanted to fly with you

Over the world in the blue dawn.

And in the heart of singing, echoed:

– I love you! I love you!

I saw a wounded Birch

I saw a weeping Birch,

In the glow of the sun in gold,

Shimmering drops, tears,

Breaking in the thunderstorm wind.

Crown – spit branches

Bashfully shielding the body,

As the petals drop roses,

Windy leaves tore.

And the sun with a thundercloud,

Arguing with Thunder in the sky,

Did not notice the wind howling,

Birches, bent to the Earth.

But, soon, the dispute is resolved.

Having washed up with a Thundercloud,

Looked, the sun, letting the beam,

On the body of a chain in gold.

And where white skin is sheltered

Met a ray on the body birches.

The fracture gaped, oozing “blood.”

Sadness from the eyes do not sweep away…

Casual friend

I met you on the road

Fate entered your life.

By chance, as many see,

I found the ideal in you.

And we walked through life

Search your path.

And having passed through life,

Weed could not trample.

He climbed and pricked our feet.

Stir on the path to go.

And stones, like evil rapids,

We got in our way.

And now your twenty-eight

You decided to forget me.

To go straight,