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Сборник упражнений для УМК Rainbow English. 5 класс
Сборник упражнений для УМК Rainbow English. 5 класс
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Сборник упражнений для УМК Rainbow English. 5 класс

Winters are colder the autumns.

Hotels in London are better than hotels in Glasgow.

Kate is happy. Meggy is happy too.

Step 7

Complete the sentences.

Rex is the ______________________ dog in the world! (clever)

The weather was _____________ yesterday than it is today. (pleasant)

This city is the ____________________ of all ! (beautiful)

Becky is ______________ than Jackie. (young)

Patrick is the __________ student in his class. (good)

Step 8

Complete the sentences.

We had dinner at the cafе and ______ vegetable pizza. (take)

My friend Sam ______ an orange juice. (drink)

After lunch we ______ to the park and ______ football. (go, play)

In the evening I ______ a lot of things. (do)

I _______ a letter, _______ my mum to cook dinner. (write, help)

After dinner I _______ my cousin at the cinema. (meet)

Step 9

Complete the sentences.

Last weekend I ate ____________________________.

Last weekend I went __________________________.

Last weekend I did ____________________________.

Last weekend I met ____________________________.

Last weekend I wrote ___________________________.

Step 10

Answer the question and write a story about your last summer holidays.

Where do you usually go for your summer holidays?

Where did you go last summer?

How did you travel there?

What did you do there?

What was the weather like there?

Did you like the place?

Did you enjoy your summer holidays?

Where are you going to go next summer?

What are you going to do?

Where would you like to go?


Задание 1. Закончи словосочетания словами:

hotels square abroad things sea

a small _____________ in the town

to have holidays ______________

a lot of _______________ in the box

the biggest _____________ of the world

the best ____________ of the city

Задание 2. Заполни пропуски

meet      – ___________

___________ – did

take      – ___________

___________ – ate