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Lillian Too’s Smart Feng Shui For The Home: 188 brilliant ways to work with what you’ve got
Lillian Too’s Smart Feng Shui For The Home: 188 brilliant ways to work with what you’ve got
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Lillian Too’s Smart Feng Shui For The Home: 188 brilliant ways to work with what you’ve got

Lillian Too’s Smart Feng Shui For The Home: 188 brilliant ways to work with what you’ve got
Lillian Too

Lillian Too's Smart Feng Shui for the Home is a gift from the world's leading feng shui expert for all of us who have to work with what we've already got in our homes.Whether you live in an apartment, family house, penthouse or studio, here are 188 smart ways to transform bad energy to luck-laden good chi, without major building work.Full of practical wisdom, Smart Feng Shui begins with basic principles, explaining everything you'll need to practise authentic Chinese feng shui. It moves on to a guided tour of your principal living areas, including immediate feng shui fixes: you may need a bright light in a bathroom to prevent financial loss or wind chimes to slow down chi energy in a hallway. Special advice is given for those living in apartments, and a unique section is devoted to feng shui and color. Learn to arrange your furniture to welcome in positive energy and locate and activate good fortune corners in every room to encourage money, relationship, health, and career luck – wherever you live.This addictive, easy-to-use feng shui companion is all you will need to enjoy the true abundance of feng shui at home.

Table of Contents

Title Page (#uea8949a7-48a7-537e-b93e-44bc7f104a52)

Dedication (#ucc5c67df-4b81-5ad4-bae6-2b2be5a58279)

Introduction (#u74d0712b-f7ed-52b4-aa16-54d62ef898ce)

Chapter 1 Smart Feng Shui Basics (#u322c36dd-698a-5990-adf1-ecd93d8bae55)

Chapter 2 Feng Shui Makeovers for Interiors (#ubdd588ec-07fd-5d26-86cc-1adf81ee76bb)

Chapter 3 Applying the Five Elements to Enhance the Chi of the Home (#u1943c3ff-33ba-54d8-9c62-d147a6302df2)

Chapter 4 Personalizing Feng Shui Practice With Eight Mansions (#u8c5113ec-1c0a-5ef5-94f7-609a6f41da4e)

Chapter 5 Special Feng Shui Tips for Apartments (#ucc3d6667-11b3-5b24-85d1-635fadada336)

Chapter 6 How to Use Color in Interior Feng Shui (#u139a8d50-7e6d-552e-b4d4-c5c9f05e72b4)

Chapter 7 Special Feng Shui Notes for Living Areas (#uc51a0135-cd48-51f9-baad-5f9fba93b792)

Chapter 8 Taking Note of Annual Afflictions to Your Feng Shui (#u284c95c8-f618-53de-8227-f5aacae075fa)

Lunar Calendars and Index (#u36f80e92-5f7d-5d39-99e2-df8eb0583ae9)

Index (#ucd5bfb68-7763-500f-af2f-e2a9ebd927b0)

Acknowledgements (#u391b53b1-3f11-58ad-8390-af4be3259e87)

Copyright (#u46273b97-193c-5575-b0f9-4254f1374fd8)

About the Publisher (#u8880dc57-04e9-55a6-97ca-eed63e621d5d)

Lillian Too’s

Smart Feng Shui

for the Home

188 brilliant ways to work

with what you’ve got

Lillian Too

dedication (#ulink_347ad709-a904-50e2-8b49-53b501145c1f)

For my daughter Jennifer, and my nephew Han Jin - two beautiful people who give me much joy.

introduction (#ulink_57d15b2b-47ac-5d30-a086-ca9ce8ff191b)

Feng shui does not have to be difficult for it to work. My approach to feng shui has always been based on this premise, so I always write with this in mind. I judge the success of my books not on how many copies they sell, but on how successful I have been in making feng shui easy to understand.

The key to good feng shui is of course to practice it correctly, so simplifying it means that I ensure that the essence of its concepts and fundamental theories is never sacrificed. Happily, when one’s knowledge of a subject has been tried and tested continuously, one emerges with a sharper and more accurate view of the subject; hence the task of simplification becomes easier.

In this book I have tried to create a window for you into the world of chi energy (what we Chinese call the dragon’s cosmic breath,) and share with you a fresh way of looking at the shapes and colors that surround you, and at the decorative objects and the art you hang on your walls. Hopefully, too, I can persuade you to assess the arrangement of your furniture with new feng shui eyes, and alert you to the hidden dangers in your home created by poisonous and killing energy in your space.

As you read about all the simple things you can do immediately to improve your feng shui, do not think that the Tips contained here are any less potent than those you read about in my more advanced books on feng shui. The practice of feng shui operates on many different levels. It has tremendous depth, and there are multiple layers of interpretation and subtle nuances of meaning. However, in my quest for deeper knowledge, I have discovered that the most spectacular success has been when I never forget to observe the simple guidelines of feng shui. Even when I practice the more complicated formulas, I find it is when I systematically break them down into bite-sized steps that I get things done correctly. And then feng shui seems to work for me in a most spectacular fashion.

This is what I am attempting to share with you in this book.

This book presents all the essential information you will need to feng shui your environment correctly and successfully. I have included simplified applications of formulas, arranged into manageable Tips, so you can use all of my recommendations with peace of mind. Even those of you living in the Southern hemisphere can practice the Tips as they stand – there is no need to change any of the directions given.

But do take note of some simple preliminaries. Read the first chapter carefully. Learn how to choose and use a good compass. Learn to take the directions of your house accurately. Learn how to demarcate the compass sectors of your home in the correct way. Familiarize yourself with the basic attributes and associations of the eight directions of the compass. Work through any mental blocks you may have against understanding numbers, and learn to love the Lo Shu Square. Develop a mental affinity with the eight basic trigrams so you know immediately what each stands for in terms of feng shui significance. And then you will be ready to begin.

Working with what you’ve got

This book highlights the most important practices and formulas that you can put to work immediately. I will show you how to make feng shui changes that are completely within your control, and which will not break your budget. This is not a book for the wealthy who can afford to completely demolish their homes and build anew from the ground up. This is a book for the majority of us who do have some physical and financial constraints, so we have to work with what we’ve got. It is especially suitable for couples who are beginning life together in a new home. I believe that things usually start to go bad in these relationships when the feng shui of their new home is out of sync.

Usually, they start out very much in love with each other. Things should not go wrong between them unless the chi energy that surrounds them causes arguments, misunderstandings, fights and, even worse, infidelity and a break-up of the relationship. So it is worthwhile getting the living space arranged in a way that is not only conducive to success, but also brings about continued happiness.

This book is also for young professionals just starting out on new careers and getting a taste of independence. For them it is a good idea to let feng shui help rather than hinder, especially when it is so easy to practice. If you live in an apartment and have little control over the larger environment around your building, you can try to do what you can to ensure that the small space represented by your home stays balanced, harmonious, and a haven from the vagaries of the outside environment. This way you make the best of what you’ve got.

Many of the Tips contained in these pages apply to the interior of your home, and to spaces that are within your control. You will, of course, come across feng shui afflictions where the cure suggested simply cannot be implemented in your situation. However, there is no need to panic when this happens. I want to assure you that no one in this world has perfect feng shui. Everyone has something or other wrong with their feng shui, so it is necessary to take a “big picture” approach. To do this, you need to consider two special feng shui concepts. These are the space dimension and time dimension.

The nature of chi is that it is continuously in a state of change. And so the chi of any living space is subject to small, but imperceptibly shifting, forces. The key to feng shui success is therefore to arrange your space as best you can, given the physical constraints of your home and the budgetary constraints of your pocket, and then to take careful note of the time taboos – the change of chi patterns that affect the energy of your home from year to year.

In Chapter 8 I have simplified the application of time dimensional feng shui forces that change each year (see Tips 182-188.) Overcoming the afflictions of time on your feng shui is not difficult to do. You simply have to observe certain annual taboos, and place specific antidotes to the afflicted sectors of your home, paying particular attention to those areas that feature strongly in feng shui manifestations of good and bad luck.

An attitude for success

At all times you should have a very relaxed attitude and enjoy the practice of feng shui. Do not conjure unhealthy and ridiculous expectations in your mind. Feng shui cannot create instant miracles. It cannot make you win the lottery – it won’t bring immediate wealth or a new love relationship overnight. But yes, good feng shui works pretty fast in that it often takes only nine days for you to notice a difference in the chi within your home.

Also, take note that feng shui accounts for only one-third of your luck – our “earth luck.” The other components of one’s destiny is the “heaven luck” that you are born with – one’s fate, karma, or fortune as written in the stars (that part of our luck over which we have little control,) and what I term our own intrinsic “mankind luck” – the luck that we create as a result of actions and attitudes. This, like feng shui luck, is the type of luck over which we have control. So, when you practice feng shui with a healthy, positive attitude, the possibility of fast, direct benefits increases tremendously.

I have to say that I have always practiced feng shui with the kind of motivation which I believe enhances its power even more – in that for me, feng shui is merely a means to an end. I use feng shui to improve the quality of my relationships, to bring happiness to members of my immediate and extended family, and to make my life more meaningful and fulfilled by being able to make a positive difference to the everyday lives of others. So for me personally, feng shui has brought a fulfillment way beyond my wildest dreams.

Today I am doing what I truly love – which is writing good, successful books on subjects with which I feel an affinity, and which I know have the potential to bring great measures of delight and happiness to others. Feng shui is one of my favorite subjects simply because it is both fascinating and potent. What has been quite amazing to me is its stunning depth. Feng shui can be approached from so many angles and in such a variety of ways. I am continually learning and, the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know in the vast world of knowledge that feng shui represents.

Like an onion, feng shui represents a wonderful sphere of knowledge; its philosophy, rituals, and symbols represent layer upon layer of marvellous new horizons. The scope of the practice is truly remarkable. So with this book I invite you to take your first tentative steps into the world of feng shui or, if you are already a practitioner, to benefit equally from the Tips contained within.

I want you to taste the potency of feng shui and enjoy healthy, friendly, and auspicious chi in your space before going deeper. I hope that this book brings you many moments of enjoyment as you improve the chi of your space. More importantly, I ask that the Tips in this book will answer the prayers of those most in need of feng shui help.

You can write to me at my email address, I can’t answer all my letters, but I do read them. Please ensure your letter is not more than fifty words, and I will try to reply.