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Derek Acorah’s Amazing Psychic Stories
Derek Acorah’s Amazing Psychic Stories
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Derek Acorah’s Amazing Psychic Stories

Mandy says that the car was ‘totalled’. All four wheel rims were bent, the frame was damaged, there was no front passenger door, no mirrors, no windows on the passenger side and no door handles. The engine had been shoved up the dashboard right to the point of entering the front seat.

Mandy had not even been wearing a seatbelt, but she walked away from the car with only a small cut and a strained ligament in her left foot. When the police arrived they were amazed that she had come out of the accident alive, particularly because she was so close to the busy army depot.

Mandy says that she is not sure what happened that day, but having three police officers point out about half a dozen reasons why you should be dead or seriously injured really has the effect of waking you up.

I have to agree with Mandy’s mother – on that day Mandy was certainly being looked after by spirit. It may well have been her friend, but could also have been a member of her family who was looking down upon her.

I hope that in future Mandy will remember that driving when you are as tired as she was really is a very dangerous thing to do and gives all those people in the spirit world who care for us an awful lot of extra work.

Christine is convinced that an angel saved her daughter’s life whilst she was out on a shopping trip.

At the time Christine was standing next to the car with her daughter whilst her husband returned to the shop to pick a few things up. As he came out of the shop his daughter saw him and set off running to meet him in between the parked cars. Christine panicked, as she could see a car moving at some speed through the rows of cars, looking for somewhere to park. Before she had a chance to call out to her daughter to stop, ‘it was like she had run into a wall and she was thrown back, inches away from the car she was about to collide with. She landed on her bottom. I just knew that something had stopped her suddenly and thankfully saved my child.’

Christine says that although there was no visual evidence of an angel being present, in her heart she knows that something extraordinary happened on that day.

Trent was on a camping trip with his family and friends. They were staying in a log cabin close to a rocky ridge.

When the family had settled into their cabin, Trent and his father went exploring. Trent decided that he would go down a slope very carefully and slowly, but unfortunately at one point leaned too far forward and was propelled at full speed almost to the brink of a precipice. Suddenly he felt an ‘amazing swooping sensation’ which knocked him back. It felt as though an ‘amazing strength’ had come from someone who was looking down on him and protecting him.

Paul wrote to tell me of an incident that happened when he was driving along in his car. The radio began to crackle badly and he pulled over to tune it in, thus delaying his journey by a few short moments.

With the radio working properly once more, he set off once more. As he approached a set of traffic lights, he was horrified to see a vehicle drive through the red lights straight across his pathway. Had he not stopped momentarily to tune in his radio he would have been in the direct pathway of this vehicle and would have been severely injured or even killed.

Another incident involving driving was reported by Holly. She was driving her car along a motorway in a convoy of traffic which included a large articulated lorry, when for no apparent reason she felt compelled to turn off at the next exit. Even as she was doing so she just could not understand why she was feeling this compulsion. Feeling rather annoyed with herself because she now had to find her way back to the motorway using a network of A roads and had added time to her journey, she drove on for about three miles before finding signs back to the motorway.

As she approached the sliproad, however, she was caught in a tailback of traffic and could see blue lights flashing ahead. As the queue of traffic progressed slowly onto the motorway she could see that there had been an accident involving the very same articulated lorry and group of vehicles in which she had earlier been travelling. Had she not pulled off the motorway, she too would have been involved in the accident.

Somebody was obviously looking after Holly, because not too long after the above incident, she was distraught to realize that she had lost a considerable sum of money whilst working on a film shoot in a large muddy field. The money was to pay for her food for the next week and without it she would not be able to eat. She was absolutely desperate.

After work, as she was walking along the street to her flat, she saw a lottery ticket on the floor and felt compelled to pick it up. She went into her home and turned on the television just in time to see that four of the numbers on the ticket she had found had been drawn that night in the National Lottery. She hurried around to her local supermarket and proffered the lottery ticket. In return she received a sum of money identical to the amount she had lost earlier in the day.

Kay recalls the time some years ago when she received a telephone call from her mother, Sue, who was very distressed because she had had a dream. In the dream she had seen her own mother, who had passed on to the spirit world some time before, but she would not let her draw close to her. She remained behind what Sue described as a ‘veil of sorts’ and kept telling her that the time was not right.

Later that day Sue was involved in a horrific motor accident. She was so badly injured that she was not expected to live. She was in a coma and was placed on life support. Her family was told that it might be kinder to switch off the life-support machine.

As Kay sat with her mother, holding her hand and telling her how much she was loved and wanted, a tear rolled down Sue’s cheek. Against all the odds, Kay and the rest of the family decided that they would ignore the doctors’ advice and keep on fighting for Sue’s life.

Weeks passed and slowly Sue began to make a recovery. A year later she was back at home. She recalls very little of what happened on that dreadful day, but does remember that her mother was in constant attendance whilst she was in hospital, telling her that, just as in her dream, the time was not right for her to join her family in the spirit world.

CHAPTER 5 (#u27d1af38-f748-5a32-ae27-2566ad9d94cb)

The Words of an Angel (#u27d1af38-f748-5a32-ae27-2566ad9d94cb)

Because mediums are in direct communication with the world of spirit people generally think that we have all the answers and do not experience any of the ups and downs in life. This is just not so. We cannot live our lives isolated from the trials and tribulations of life here on the Earth plane. We get hurt, both physically and emotionally, just as much as other people. We feel let down, we feel emotional pain, we fall in and out of love and we also experience the anguish and grief of losing a loved one to the spirit world. We are of course fortunate in that we know that at some point in the future those loved ones will communicate with us and show themselves to us clairvoyantly, but it is just not the same as throwing your arms around a person here on Earth.

It was at such a low time in my life that I was walking along the sands at Southport. It was late autumn and the town was empty of holiday-makers. Anybody who knows Southport will be aware that the beach is enormous and when the tide is out you are hard pressed to see the waters of the Mersey estuary and the Irish Sea in the distance.

I was feeling very depressed. Life was not being kind to me. Nothing was going right. I had deep financial problems and my emotional life was in a catastrophic state. I felt that I had nothing left to live for. Ending it all and taking myself over to the spirit world seemed a very appealing option.

As I walked towards the murky waters I thought how easy it would be to just keep on walking and to disappear completely from this earthly plane. ‘What do I have left to live for?’ I asked myself.

It was at this point that I became aware of a young lady walking along beside me about 10 feet distant from me. As I turned my head to look at her, I recognized her. It was my sister Angela.

Angela had but a brief visit to the Earth plane. She had passed to the spirit world as a very young baby and I only had a vague recollection of her coming into our family. My last memory of her was lying in a tiny coffin in my grandmother’s front parlour. Throughout my life, however, whenever the going has got tough for me Angela has shown herself and encouraged me to carry on in spite of the difficulties I have been facing at the time. Although only a tiny baby when she passed back to the spirit world, just like me she had grown and matured and was now a lovely young woman who was the image of our own mother when she was in her middle twenties.

Angela smiled reassuringly at me. I could feel the depth of her love and care washing over me.

‘The time’s not right, Degs,’ she said. ‘There’s somebody out there for you. You’ll find love again – somebody who will care for you properly and who’ll value you. You don’t have much longer to wait. When you meet this person, you’ll find every aspect of your life will improve – it’ll take on an even keel and everything will balance.’

I ceased my heavy trudging through the wet sand towards the water’s edge and looked up towards the dark clouded sky. As I did so, a small chink appeared in the clouds and a beam of watery winter sun shone down upon the waters. I felt a lightening within myself.

I turned to look once more towards Angela. She smiled reassuringly, raised her hand in salute and slowly faded from my sight.

My sister Angela! So well named – an angel indeed! And she was right! Although things did not happen overnight, gradually opportunities presented themselves in my life and I was able to sort out the more pressing problems. I weathered my emotional storm and although it would be more than a year before I found true love once again, I was able to start enjoying myself in the company of friends. I also had my work for spirit – the most important thing in my life. I realized that I needed the time without being tied to an emotional relationship in order to dedicate myself my spiritual work.

The night after my walk on the sands I attended my regular physical circle. Physical circles are meetings of a number of mediums, usually between six and eight, who sit with the sole purpose of assisting one of their numbers to attain physical mediumship. Physical mediumship is the point where a medium goes beyond the gifts of clair-audience, clairvoyance and clairsentience and develops the ability to produce ectoplasm in substantial enough quantities to enable a spirit to be viewed by those who do not have the ability to see clairvoyantly.

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