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An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife
An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife
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An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

I’ll give you a little clue, though. Angels often appear with the lightest of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, even if they are dressed as humans! You might want to watch out for that. Their clothing can also be a dead giveaway. They don’t seem to understand fashion at all and often wear what we would consider inappropriate clothing for the time of year or the era. There is usually something that doesn’t look quite right!

So many people have written to tell me about their own lifesaving experiences with both their human ‘family’ of ‘angels’ and the winged variety. Angelic contact really is going on all around us. Children, too, have amazing stories to tell of their own contact with loved ones who have died and their own foresights into the future and insights into the past. There is so much magic in our lives and so many of us are guilty of walking around with blinkers on. We miss things that are right in front of our nose.

I want to open your eyes to the wonders that are all around you. So many children want to be like Harry Potter and perform magic. So many of us want to live in a world where miracles exist. But what if I told you that we already can and they already do?

I know that you’ll enjoy the angelic wisdom, messages and amazing lifesaving adventures in this book. By the end you’re sure to be a believer!

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