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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays

December 22 to January 20

You share a mutual respect and admiration for each other and this creates a powerful and exciting dynamic.

Luck maker

Give and receive in equal measure

When you help or give to someone else, without expecting anything in return, you double your chances of both luck and happiness.

People born on January 8 always make their presence felt. They are born with stunning potential to rise and shine above all obstacles and make an impact on the world around them.

Those born on this day expect to be acknowledged by others; as a result, others always come away impressed. Single-minded, hard-working, courageous and forceful, they have the potential within them to achieve almost everything they want. Because of their determined nature there can sometimes be a tendency to overdo things, so they need to make sure they do not become too obsessive by spending time with friends and loved ones, and having plenty of interests.

The belief, enthusiasm and dedication that people born on this day have for projects they love is not the only thing that makes them stand out from the crowd. They also possess great charm and sensitivity, and the ability to put people at ease. Although naturally intuitive, it is important that they do not let practicality and worldly ambition obscure this talent as it will serve them well in all areas of life, in particular their close personal relationships. After the age of forty-three their intuition and emotional sensitivity often increase.

The irony is that despite their almost superhuman confidence and self-possessed exterior, underneath they do from time to time feel anxious and insecure, with a tendency to wallow in dark moods and become despondent and demanding. Their hidden insecurities can also manifest in an impatience and intolerance of others or an egotistical desire to put others down. Every now and again they need to step off the pedestal they have made for themselves so that they can devote both their time and their considerable energy to nurturing friendships based on mutual love, understanding and respect.

If they can stay positive and develop tolerance and humility in their relationships with others, there is nothing to hold back people born on this day. They are meant to shine and, with their inspired awareness, inner strength and self-discipline, shine they well.

On the dark side

Egotistical, impatient, intolerant

At your best

Courageous, forceful, authoritative

Love Intense and passionate

Those born on January 8 can have the tendency to be controlling; in some circumstances they may become obsessive and jealous. They need to check this tendency as it can destroy relationships. Having said that, they can be extremely warm and generous in a relationship when they feel secure enough to let down their guard and trust someone else.

Health Time to play

Competitive sports appeal to people born on this day but they might benefit more from playing games like charades, because such games give them a chance to laugh both at themselves and with others. Because they possess a tendency to push themselves too hard, they need to watch out for stress-related illnesses such as headaches, insomnia and depression. They also need to watch their posture, especially if they spend much of their day hunched in front of work or a computer. They should avoid rich food and steer clear of drugs altogether. If stress is a constant part of their daily routine, burning a chamomile—, lavender—or sandalwood-scented candle can produce a calming effect.

Career Born achievers

Whatever career these people choose, they tend to rise to the top, be it in the arts (where they can employ their imagination), the sciences (where they can employ their analytical skills), business (where they can employ their explosive impact on others) or humanitarian work (where they can employ their understanding and sympathetic nature). They can also make great designers and property developers, and their ability to communicate, teach and inspire others may lead them to education, politics, spirituality, medicine and philosophy.

Destiny To rise above the odds

The life path of people born on this day is to rise above the odds. Once they have developed their communication skills and the ability to put others at their ease, their destiny is to show others that the possibilities are always there and that if they keep positive and put in the necessary hard work they will be victorious.

Power Thought

“ Recognizing the positive in others, I recognize the positive in myself”

January 8

Signs & symbols

Sun sign: Capricorn

Ruling planet: Saturn, the teacher

Symbol: The Horned Goat

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 8, 9

Lucky day: Saturday, especially when it falls on 8 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Black, gray, rose red and white

Birthstone: Garnet

9 January the birthday of the striver (#ulink_5d090f11-3e3a-59fc-a392-69f08111129f)

Your greatest challenge is…

learning not to lose your temper

The way forward is…

to take a break. Go for a walk. A nap can clear things out; so can chatting with friends or putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. If you’re going to lose it, keep your cool until you can blow off some steam somewhere safe.

You’re drawn to people born on…

March 21 to April 20

You share a mutual energy and an adventurous approach to life and to love, making this a hot and passionate union.

Luck maker

Don’t burn your bridges

One of the most effective ways to avoid bad luck is to have as few enemies as possible.

People born on January 9 tend to be fast-acting, thinking and feeling. They want to rise to the top and will do what it takes to get them there. In both their work and their home life they strive for nothing but the best. They demand high standards from both themselves and others, and they detest mediocrity with a passion. Yet because January 9 people place a high value on initiative and their personal freedom, they often prefer to work or forge ahead alone rather than in a group.

So focused are January 9 people on striving that they rarely take time to savor their achievements or even the present moment; they find it particularly hard to relax or switch off. It is of great importance for them to have a partner, friend or even a pet to help them unwind and take themselves and their goals a little less seriously. Typically around the age of forty-two, sometimes sooner, their sensitivity toward others and their inner life becomes more prominent.

January 9 people are amazingly good at overcoming obstacles and difficulties, and can bounce back from almost anything. However in the process of recovery they can also manifest a ruthless side. If knocked down they will claw their way back by whatever means are available, even if that means upsetting trusted friends along the way and making enemies. They need to learn that one of the secrets of success is not to have enemies. Anger, sometimes violent anger, is often their first response, but if they can remain a little more detached and learn some objectivity they will discover that there are always other ways of dealing with a frustrating situation.

Totally fearless, those born on this day have an abundance of admirable qualities. If they can learn to listen to their conscience and strive to maintain balance as hard as they strive to attain success, there is nothing to stop them enjoying the liberating benefits of a purposeful life that sparkles with happiness and excitement.