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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays

If those born on this day can find the courage to break down the barriers they have put up and become the person they really are, they may lose some of their idol status but they will gain something far greater in return: self-knowledge. And when they are finally able to understand themselves better, the potential for true greatness lies within them.

On the dark side

Vain, insecure, aloof

At your best

Energetic, exciting, stunning

Love Never short of admirers

People born on January 24 are rarely without a partner; their destiny is to attract others to them. Having said that, they do have problems letting themselves go fully in a relationship, and although they have a loving, generous heart, intense emotions frighten them. They need a partner who is willing to give them the time and space they need to open up fully.

Health Don’t get obsessed

Those born on this day tend to be extremely careful with their health and appearance; it is important that they don’t become obsessed with their diet, or an exercise or beauty regime. When it comes to their health, balance in all things is crucial. They would particularly benefit from group sporting activities that take the focus away from them and onto a team, as well as time spent relaxing with family and friends. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with warm down-to-earth colors such as brown and green will help stimulate their creativity and interaction with others.

Career Born nature lovers

Fear of the disapproval and non-acceptance of others often means that these people are at their happiest among children, or working with animals or with nature, as here they feel they can experience a level of trust and understanding that is perhaps lacking in their relationships with people. With their keen intelligence they are likely to succeed in almost any career, but they may find themselves drawn toward philosophy, religion, law, education, sociology, psychology, astrology, writing or the entertainment world.

Destiny To inspire others with their desire to improve the world

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to feel comfortable with the person they are and not to create false images of themselves. Once they are able to open up, their destiny is to inspire others with their honesty, integrity and genuine desire to make the world a better place.

Power Thought

“I joyously give to life and life joyously gives to me”

January 24

Signs & symbols

Sun sign: Aquarius

Ruling planet: Uranus, the visionary

Symbol: The Water Carrier

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable numbers: 6,7

Lucky days: Saturday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Electric blue, cerise, lilac

Birthstone: Amethyst

25 January the birthday of purpose (#ulink_19c22418-a14d-539d-bdd7-05c450401e93)

Your greatest challenge is…

finding direction or a purpose in life

The way forward is…

to let feelings of envy point you in the direction of what you need.

You’re drawn to people born on…

February 20 to March 20

You share a passion for debate and generosity, and this creates a loving and supportive bond.

Luck maker

Be realistic

Lucky people value what they know they can achieve. Stay with reality and try to make things better, not perfect.

People born on January 25 come into this world with a powerful sense of destiny or purpose. They feel as if they have been sent with a mission, and until they are able to find and then achieve that mission they will feel unfulfilled.

If those born on this day are able to find a sense of purpose, their hard-working and disciplined approach to life will assure their success. They have the ability to focus their energies on their goals; these goals tend to be for the good of others rather than for themselves alone. They are at their happiest when they are totally immersed in a project, but their over-involvement is never at the expense of their individuality. People born on this day refuse to conform, and personal freedom is extremely important to them. Friendship is also important for them, and with their sharp wit they are never boring.

People born on this day are trendsetters, and you will often see them working one step ahead of the rest, using their intuition to push forward in a new direction. Occasionally they run the risk of pushing themselves too far forward and their off-the-wall experimentation with their appearance and their ideas can leave others feeling bewildered. This willingness to experiment is all part of the powerful sense of destiny that marks the out. Although they do see themselves as uniquely talented, they can also see themselves as uniquely flawed, and when there is tendency to dwell too much on their supposed deficiencies this can result in self-defeating behavior. It is important for them to come to terms with who they are and to feel comfortable with their personality. Typically around the age of twenty-six, sometimes later, they develop a greater sense of emotional identity and honesty.

Once people born on this day recognize that there really is nothing wrong with them and that emotions are not fixed but constantly changing, they have the potential to become bold and effective leaders in their work and dynamic and fascinating people in their personal life.

On the dark side

Nervous, self-defeating, impatient

At your best

Profound, altruistic, individual

Love The soul mate

People born on January 25 believe strongly in the idea of a soul mate—that person out there who completes them. Although this means that they can be extremely romantic, generous and passionate lovers, their need for total involvement from their partner can at times be too intense. They are drawn toward people who appreciate their need for life and love to be extraordinary.

Health Stay positive

Those born on this day need to be careful that they do not fall into a state of depression when they feel they are not fulfilling their life purpose. It is crucial for them to keep a positive attitude toward themselves; the best way to achieve this is not just through positive thinking but through a healthy diet, a regular exercise routine and an active social life. They also need to make sure they do not smoke or eat a diet too high in protein or saturated fat, as these could lead to poor mental, physical and emotional health. If they are feeling negative and uncertain, burning bergamot-, lavender- and sandalwood-scented candles may help change their perspective. They may also benefit from thought-changing therapies such as cognitive development or hypnotherapy.

Career Born achievers