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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
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The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays

Switch off your phone every now and again, shut the door and listen in solitude and silence to your thoughts because they are usually sound.

People born on March 9 are innovative explorers who are always willing to take risks and venture boldly into the unknown or to experiment with new ideas and concepts. Their courageous style is often admired by others and, because they are so independent, their lives are often packed with excitement and suspense.

Despite their colorful and independent approach to life these people can be over-sensitive to the opinions of others, easily getting hurt when criticized. With a tendency to take things personally, it is important for them to learn to calm down between the ages of fourteen and forty-one, a period when their lives are full of aggression, assertiveness and new ventures. After the age of forty-two they often have a need for greater calm and emotional steadiness.

People born on this day are often bursting with energy and enthusiasm, moving so fast it can wear themselves and others out. They can quite easily flit from one job or relationship to another, as they love variety and challenge. Although others may regard them as reckless, they are in fact far less impulsive than they appear. From an early age they have learned to trust themselves because their intuition frequently leads them in the right direction. They have an ability to see the world from an unusual viewpoint and for this reason they make great advisors and friends, upon whom people can become dependent. The dependency of others, however, can cause feelings of frustration in them when others can’t or won’t stand on their own two feet.

A part of people born on this day always longs to fly away but, once they have found a way to balance their need for responsibility with their need to rush headlong into uncharted lands, they have the perception, charisma and enthusiasm to push forward social reforms. Although capable of great commitment once they have found a cause they believe in, they should make sure that they never lose touch of the key to their personality and success—their adventurous and curious spirit.

On the dark side

Reckless, subjective, nervous

At your best

Bold, innovative, intuitive

Love Fireworks

The dynamic drive and energy of people born on March 9 can always gain them plenty of admirers and they tend to fall in love quickly. Although they are capable of great commitment in a relationship, there will always be a part of them that wants to spread its wings. For this reason, any partner they are involved with needs to learn to avoid routine and adapt to their need for excitement, romance and adventure in a relationship.

Health Foot massage

People born on this day push themselves hard and, as a result, can place themselves under incredible and unnecessary pressure. Learning to recognize the signs of stress before they slip into depression is crucial. As far as diet is concerned, plenty of variety is important as these vibrant people will suffer if they are forced to stick to a regimented dietary regime. Regular moderate to vigorous exercise is recommended to help them release pent-up stress and tension, and also to keep their weight under control. Foot massages before they go to bed will help calm them down, and clary sage essential oil will be helpful when they feel low or in need of a confidence boost.

Career Born social campaigners

These people have a profound sense of justice and empathy for the underdog and this makes them natural social reformers or campaigners. Indeed whatever career they enter into—be it sport, art or politics—they will always show a marked interest in humanitarian concerns. Their ability to advise and influence others may also draw them to counseling, psychology, teaching, writing, and management, and because they also have great intuitive powers the world of psychic development may appeal.

Destiny To commit to making the world a better place

The life path of people born on this day is to learn responsibility and commitment toward others. Once they have been able to do that without losing their sense of adventure, their destiny is to commit themselves to humanitarian concerns and by so doing make the world a better and a fairer place.

Power Thought

“My intuition will always show me the best way forward”

March 9

Signs & symbols

Sun sign: Pisces

Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator

Symbol: Two Fishes

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable numbers: 3, 9

Lucky days: Thursday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Turquoise, red

Birthstone: Aquamarine

10 March the birthday of sensitivity (#ulink_fffe1aba-ef15-5dcc-a932-97c0bd75a47d)

Your greatest challenge is…

building your self-esteem

The way forward is…

to understand that just because you think something about yourself does not mean it is true.

You’re drawn to people born on…

July 24 to August 23

Opposites attract, as you both have qualities that balance each other’s vulnerabilities; this can create a rounded and fulfilling relationship.

Luck maker

Enjoy yourself more

Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself and stop taking yourself so seriously. The more relaxed and happy you are, the more likely you are to attract luck your way.

People born on March 10 have a fragile, vulnerable quality about them however successful they may appear on the world’s stage. This is because a part of them is always searching for greater self-understanding or knowledge. Although they can be highly driven and energetic individuals, it is the inner world of ideals that defines and occupies people born on March 10. They are also extremely empathetic toward others, particular the underdog or those less fortunate.

Because they are constantly aware of their own feelings and tuned into the feelings of those around them, these highly sensitive people tend to experience life intensely and deeply. They have the capacity to show tremendous kindness and love toward others, but they do need to be careful that they don’t become self-sacrificing, overprotective and jealous in the process.

Although they are highly perceptive and insightful in their relationships, they can also get deeply hurt by the words or actions of others. Instead of facing their pain when they are wounded, they are more likely to withdraw into their own private world of torment. It’s important for these people to find ways to balance their sensitivity with their need to make a difference in the world. Fortunately, before the age of forty there is an emphasis in their life on assertiveness and a desire to be more active in the world. This can help them express themselves more outwardly. After the age of forty-one they often gravitate toward greater material and emotional stability, and this will help them stave off uncertainty and vulnerability.

Preoccupied with their inner conflicts, there is always a danger for these people to become self-involved; but, if they can learn not to use their sensitivity as a way of escaping responsibility and confrontation, the emphasis they place on internal rather than external fulfillment marks them out as very special people. Caring, contemplative and visionary, they will direct their intelligent and original thoughts toward the common good and, by so doing, positively influence and inspire all those who encounter them.

On the dark side

Vulnerable, over-protective, jealous

At your best

Kind, empathetic, energetic

Love Learn to let go