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The Aeneid
The Aeneid
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The Aeneid

And, lest new fears disturb thy happy state,

Know, I have search’d the mystic rolls of Fate:

Thy son (nor is th’ appointed season far)

In Italy shall wage successful war,

Shall tame fierce nations in the bloody field,

And sov’reign laws impose, and cities build,

Till, after ev’ry foe subdued, the sun

Thrice thro’ the signs his annual race shall run:

This is his time prefix’d. Ascanius then,

Now call’d Iulus, shall begin his reign.

He thirty rolling years the crown shall wear,

Then from Lavinium shall the seat transfer,

And, with hard labor, Alba Longa build.

The throne with his succession shall be fill’d

Three hundred circuits more: then shall be seen

Ilia the fair, a priestess and a queen,

Who, full of Mars, in time, with kindly throes,

Shall at a birth two goodly boys disclose.

The royal babes a tawny wolf shall drain:

Then Romulus his grandsire’s throne shall gain,

Of martial tow’rs the founder shall become,

The people Romans call, the city Rome.

To them no bounds of empire I assign,

Nor term of years to their immortal line.

Ev’n haughty Juno, who, with endless broils,

Earth, seas, and heav’n, and Jove himself turmoils;

At length aton’d, her friendly pow’r shall join,

To cherish and advance the Trojan line.

The subject world shall Rome’s dominion own,

And, prostrate, shall adore the nation of the gown.

An age is ripening in revolving fate

When Troy shall overturn the Grecian state,

And sweet revenge her conqu’ring sons shall call,

To crush the people that conspir’d her fall.

Then Caesar from the Julian stock shall rise,

Whose empire ocean, and whose fame the skies

Alone shall bound; whom, fraught with eastern spoils,

Our heav’n, the just reward of human toils,

Securely shall repay with rites divine;

And incense shall ascend before his sacred shrine.

Then dire debate and impious war shall cease,

And the stern age be soften’d into peace:

Then banish’d Faith shall once again return,

And Vestal fires in hallow’d temples burn;

And Remus with Quirinus shall sustain

The righteous laws, and fraud and force restrain.

Janus himself before his fane shall wait,

And keep the dreadful issues of his gate,

With bolts and iron bars: within remains

Imprison’d Fury, bound in brazen chains;