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Final Score
Final Score
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Final Score

Ryan looked at him out the corner of his eye as he rocked Rico gently in his arms. ‘And that’s it?’

‘That’s it. You have a really suspicious mind at times, Ryan Fisher. Anyway, let me have a look at my little future client here.’ He walked over to Ryan, smiling down at Rico, whose eyes had begun to slowly close. ‘Let’s hope he’s inherited some of his father’s talent, huh? The on-the-pitch stuff, that is.’

Ryan held his son close, lowering his head to gently kiss his cheek.

‘You know, I really think he’s changed you,’ Max said, switching the kettle on.

‘It’s hard not to let something like this change you.’ Ryan smiled, stroking Rico’s hair as he slept in his arms. ‘I don’t want to let him down. Or Amber. I’ve let her down enough.’

‘So, how are things between you and my prettiest client?’

Ryan’s eyes stayed focused on his baby boy. ‘I wish I knew.’

‘Oh, Jesus, we’re not heading towards another relationship meltdown, are we?’ Max sighed, rolling his eyes.

Ryan looked up. ‘I’m not twelve.’

‘Yeah, okay. I guess I should give you the benefit of the doubt. It certainly seems as though the little fella over there has given you a good kick up the backside.’

Ryan looked back down at his sleeping son’s face. ‘He’s everything I needed, Max. He’s my reason for getting up in the morning. My reason for doing everything now.’

‘Christ, am I talking to the real Ryan Fisher here? Or has he been cloned and replaced with a grown-up version?’

Ryan couldn’t help smiling as he looked up at his agent. ‘The world is full of frigging comedians today. Is it so hard to believe that I might really have changed this time?’

‘Well,’ Max sighed, turning around to make himself a cup of tea. ‘It’s about time, that’s all I can say. And you certainly look as though you’ve settled into fatherhood.’

‘Things would be a hell of a lot better if Amber just realised how much more sensible it would be if we actually lived under the same roof.’

‘She not keen, then?’

‘She doesn’t even want to talk about it.’

‘But you really want to move things forward, I take it?’

‘Of course I do.’

‘You got any idea why Amber’s reluctant to make things more permanent?’

Ryan just threw Max a look, sending out a message Max received loud and clear. A look that said of course he knew why she was reluctant to make things more permanent. Jim Allen. What other reason was there?

‘Well, I’m not sure what I can do about that one, kiddo. Short of some miracle, you’re just going to have to learn to deal with it.’

Ryan continued to gently rock Rico. ‘I really thought this little guy would change things between me and Amber. I thought he’d bring us closer, make her need me more. Guess that just shows how naïve I still am.’

‘You don’t know she’s still hankering after Jim. You’re only assuming.’

Ryan’s eyes met Max’s. ‘She doesn’t want to have sex, she barely even comes near me now. What does that tell you, huh?’

‘She’s just had a baby, Ryan.’

‘Three months ago.’

‘Oh, so you think, what? A couple of weeks and she should have been dragging you back off to bed?’

‘I didn’t say that.’

‘You’re being paranoid.’

Ryan ignored that comment. ‘And couldn’t you try and get her to take more time off work?’

‘Have you tried getting Amber Sullivan to do anything she doesn’t want to?’

‘Frequently,’ Ryan sighed, absent-mindedly stroking Rico’s dark hair as he slept. ‘I just wish she’d take a step back sometimes. Look at the bigger picture.’

‘And what bigger picture would that be?’ Max asked, sipping his tea.

Ryan threw his head back, letting out another long sigh. ‘Jesus, I don’t know, do I?’

‘You might want to start getting your head straight, kiddo. Big match tomorrow, and Wearside Spartans are no pushover. They’ve had a cracking start to this season, and Brandon Palmer is proving to be a force to be reckoned with. Just like his father used to be in his playing days. That kid’s certainly inherited some of the Allen genes.’

Ryan threw Max another look.

‘Deal with it, Ryan.’ Max placed his half-drunk mug of tea down onto the counter. ‘I’m off to Tynebridge. Want me to pass a message on to Amber?’

Ryan shook his head. ‘Would there be any point?’


Amber walked briskly down the tunnel and up the stairs that led back into the ground itself. Her head was down as she reached the top, checking her emails on her phone, so she didn’t see him coming towards her. He was equally as engrossed in something on his own phone, his head also down, so the resulting, inevitable clash couldn’t really have been avoided.

‘Oh, I’m sorry, I…’ She stepped back slightly as her eyes met his, her heart immediately jarring, causing her to take a deep breath. ‘I wasn’t looking where I was going.’

‘No, well, neither was I.’ He smiled, just a small smile, but it reminded Amber of how devastating his smile could be – to her. How it always had been. How it probably always would be. ‘Are you okay? I mean, in general. I haven’t really spoken to you, properly, in a while, so… how are things, with the baby and… is Rico… is he alright?’

‘Rico’s doing just fine, thank you.’ She couldn’t help smiling herself, but this time it was because of the mention of her son’s name. Her perfect boy. ‘He… he’s beautiful. And, yeah, I know every mother probably says that about their baby, but…’

‘If he takes after you then I can only imagine how beautiful he really is.’ Jim’s eyes were still boring into hers, but then, almost as if someone had flicked a switch, he broke the stare and looked back down at his phone. ‘I’d better be going. Got a lot to catch up with before we leave for the hotel tonight. Good to see you, Amber.’

She stood rooted to the spot, watching him as he walked away, back towards his office, her stomach turning involuntary somersaults. Even after everything that had happened.

‘Shit!’ she muttered under her breath, finding Ryan’s number and pressing dial.

‘Hey, beautiful. What’s up?’

‘I’m gonna be tied up here for a bit longer. Can you bring Rico with you when you come down to the stadium?’

‘Yeah, okay. I’ll get him ready and we’ll be with you in about half an hour. Everything alright?’