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The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft
The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft
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The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft

Visualize them coming from the North to be with you and when you feel their presence say:

‘Blessed Be.’

If you have preferred deity forms then you can name and visualize these; there is more on this later in the book. Lastly, move to the North-East of the Circle and with the forefinger of your strong hand draw a circle in the air around the outer boundary of the Circle. As you do so, visualize an electric blue light creating a circle which becomes a sphere containing the whole circle, and say:

‘I do cast this Circle as a place of containment and protection. A place between the worlds and a time outside of time.’

Make sure that you overlap the start and finish points of the circle and then say:

‘Blessed Be.’

Note that you should always move Deosil; that is clockwise, when creating and working in the Circle.

Your Sacred Space is now complete and ready for you to perform whichever magical action you need. Usually, this will include raising energy, the spell or magic, and celebrating the Rite of Wine and Cakes, all of which are covered later in this book. At the end of magical working you then need to dismiss the Elements and thank the Goddess and the God.

Again, start in the East of your area, facing the East, and holding firmly in your mind the image of Air that you developed earlier, call on the Element saying:

‘I give thanks to the Element of Air, for joining with me here in the Circle. Hale and farewell.’

Let the image fade in the way you practised earlier, and when you feel it has departed, say:

‘Blessed Be.’

Now move to the South of the area and repeat the process and words for the Element of Fire. In the West dismiss Water, and in the North, Earth. In many groups the words will be accompanied by drawing the banishing pentagram of each Element. Remain facing the North and call upon the Goddess and the God, saying:

‘I give thanks to the Goddess and the God for being present here with me in these my Rites. Hale and farewell.’

Visualize them returning to the North and say:

‘Blessed Be.’

Lastly, move to the North-East of the Circle and with the forefinger of your strong hand draw a circle in the air around the outer boundary of the Circle. This time visualize the electric blue sphere fading and dissipating, and say:

‘I remove this Circle and return this place as it was before.’

Make sure that you overlap the start and finish points of the circle and then say:

‘Blessed Be.’

You can also return the area, perhaps replacing furniture and so on, to its original state. Lastly, have something to eat and drink to ground yourself, and write up your journal, leaving space for any outcomes to be added later.

Learning and practising this way of creating, and later removing, the Sacred Space is a good way of finding out how it feels, even though you may choose to use a less formal way for most of your magical working. Obviously, not all spells can wait until you have the time and space for a formal circle. Sometimes you may have an urgent need to work magic when you are not at home, or alone, and you can hardly start clearing an area and reciting invocations in a busy public place! On these occasions you can work completely within your head, summoning each Element, inviting the Goddess and the God, and drawing the Circle, all without moving or speaking aloud. There is more on this later.


Practise formal invocations of the Elements. Remember to banish each, every time you call upon it, even if you do not think you were successful. You do not want even traces of Elemental energies hanging around. I have heard of cases when an Element has not been banished, resulting in burst pipes or an overflowing bath (Water), or electrical faults (Fire), and so on. Alongside this, practise bringing forward only your internal images of them, so that you can compare the way both forms of invocation feel. Aim to give your mental images the same energy as the more complex invocations. And, of course, note down your feelings regarding each technique.

The more you practise this the easier it will become, until you reach a point where all four can be brought to mind at will, taking only a little longer than it does to think of each in turn. This not only goes towards enabling you to work effective magic virtually anytime or anywhere, but it can also be used to balance yourself in daily life. Most of us have times when a dominant feeling or emotion affects the way we behave; for example, an argument at home can leave us angry, upset or confused, all feelings which are not helpful at work. Or someone else’s inconsiderate driving may leave you cross and irritable, feelings which you don’t want to take home to your family. If we can achieve balance we can put those feelings aside and behave in a way appropriate to the people around us, rather than taking out our frustrations on them. One of the ways of doing this is by taking a few moments to invoke and then banish the Elements. Of course, you may need to find a few moments of privacy to do this, but even a toilet cubicle should provide you with a little peace and quiet!


Whenever you experience a strong feeling which is inappropriate to the setting you are in, make a point of invoking and banishing each of the four Elements. After you have done this, also take a moment to thank the Goddess and the God for their help. As with the other exercises, write this up as soon as you can.

It is important to remember to use this technique at the right time. You do not need to suppress feelings which are appropriate to the problem and in the appropriate setting. For example, if you are short-changed in a shop then it is right to point this out and to summon the manager if you do not get satisfaction. But if you feel that this is the ‘last straw’ in a day full of niggling aggravations, it is not right to berate the assistant as your first action. Use the balancing before making your point, whatever it be, calmly and sensibly, rather than explosively. Don’t use it to suppress perfectly reasonable comments.

In some Covens knowledge of the Elements is taken very seriously and new members are set specific ‘tests of the Elements’ as a part of their early training. These can involve such things as visiting an underground cave and having the lights turned out, to gain a better appreciation of the sensation of Earth. Or total immersion in the sea for Water. In other groups, individuals are encouraged to set themselves their own ‘tests’ and to report back on what they did and how they reacted. Certainly, it is worth taking any opportunity to increase your understanding of the Elements. Some of the more ‘extreme’ ways include: taking a hot air balloon ride; attending a well-organized fire walking and have a go; taking an underwater swimming class; and getting a trusted friend to cover you up to the neck in a layer of pebbles on a stony beach. Of course, you can also think up your own. If, like many, you have a concern or fear about any particular Element, you will also find that is the experience you will gain most from. Having said that, please do observe safety considerations and don’t take unnecessary risks.

Having worked through the above exercises you may want to work the Elemental Ritual near the end of this chapter. Of course, you could also work this Ritual at any full Moon, but it will be more effective if you have done the preparatory work. It gives you the opportunity to gain a greater experience of one of the four Elements and, if you haven’t done so before, to create the Sacred Space. You can also revisit later to work with each of the other Elements. It can be worked by one person on their own, or by several people together if you prefer. It centres on contacting one of the kinds of Elemental being.

The Elemental Beings, or Elementals, are the ‘life-forms’, or creatures, made directly of the Elements. Sylphs are the creatures of the Air. Salamanders are those of Fire. Undines are the creatures of Water, and Gnomes the creatures of Earth. Try not to confuse these with their fairy-tale counterparts who are often depicted as being cute beings akin to the fairies of childhood. Remember that they are not only made of their representative Elements but that they are capable of being the extremes of those Elements. They should not be invoked casually, but should be treated with respect and should always be thanked, whether or not you feel you succeeded.

To try to contact any of the Elemental beings you need to create the right environment for their presence. Burning an appropriate incense can also help to attract them. In each case it is a good idea to spend a short amount of time focusing all your thoughts on the Element in question, and perhaps to review your notes on some of the preceding exercises so that you can immerse your mind in thoughts of the Element. Then, when you are truly ready to concentrate, you will be set to try to detect the Elemental in question.

Sylphs are the beings of the Air. They are light and are in fact around us all the time, however their presence can usually only be detected in smoke or mist, as it is their moving of the medium which is observed rather than their actual forms. When the smoke from incense moves without a draft or other movement in the room, this is the action of Sylphs. They are most easily attracted to light scents such as Jasmine and Lavender, and to the scents of seasonal flowers. As they dance and play in the winds, your invocation is more likely to succeed on a day when there is only the lightest of breezes, and they prefer an atmosphere which is warm and moist.

Salamanders are the beings of Fire. They can be seen dancing in the flames of a candle or a fire. If you have an open fire then there will almost certainly be salamanders there. They can be attracted to the flame of a red candle, and when the air is completely still you can see them move the flame. They require conditions which are hot and dry. It can also help to burn incense of rose or lotus. Note that these Salamanders are not the same as the lizards of the same name!

Undines are the beings of Water, and are present in all natural waters: rain, streams, rivers and the sea. They prefer water which is moving but can be attracted to still water, so long as it is cold, as they need conditions which are cold and wet. To invoke them, you will need to collect a bucket full of water from a natural source, and to use it within 24 hrs before it loses its ‘life’. Use incense of sandalwood or cedar wood. After your invocation, gently place your hand deep into the water and, if you are fortunate, you will feel the Undines moving in the water around your fingers.

Gnomes, the beings of Earth, are found in all forms of earth. They are the beings which gave rise to the myths of Gnomes in fairy stories, but unlike any description you will have come across before. They are so slow moving that they are almost beyond the reach of

our senses. Probably the best way to come into contact with them is by lying full length on the earth and feeling for their presence with your mind. Place a few drops of musk or patchouli oil onto the ground to encourage them to make themselves known. If you intend to work indoors, then immerse your hands into a large bowl or tray of freshly gathered earth. Gnomes prefer conditions which are cold and dry and are often easier to detect when the earth is cool; winter or early morning.


Do not be put off by the term Ritual. A Ritual is simply a series of Rites, or actions, brought together to make a whole. The central part of a Craft Ritual is usually a spell or spells. Rituals are not necessarily performed by groups of people; they are often performed by Solitary Witches. The usual complete format of a Ritual is as follows:

Prepare the area – that is clearing a space large enough for what you intend to do. If you are on your own and do not need a lot of equipment you will only need enough space to stand, kneel or sit, without falling over things!

Set the Altar – which simply means gathering together in one place everything you will need. Again, if you are on your own you may only need space for a candle, or some incense. Of course, occasionally you may need space for more. At times, an ‘Altar’ may even be a designated area on the ground or the floor. It is simply a question of having somewhere where everything is together, making it easier to avoid losing, or tripping over things.

Invoke the Elements – which, as you have practised above, becomes quicker and easier the more experience you have.

Invite the Goddess and the God – we will work on this later in the book, but for now I will introduce a very simple form of this.

Cast the Circle – if the purpose of the Ritual involves raising energy and directing it to make a spell work, then a proper Circle is needed, but as this Ritual is intended for personal development you do not yet need a formal Circle.

Raising the energy for a spell – which I will go into in more detail later.

Performing the spell or other purpose.

Grounding or earthing – which is sometimes performed by the Rite of Wine and Cakes and at others is simply having something to eat and drink after tidying up.

Dismissing the Quarters – as you have read above.

Thanking the Goddess and the God.

Taking down the Circle – only if it was required.