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Issues Of The Heart
Issues Of The Heart
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Issues Of The Heart

Perhaps, some have not apologised to you because they are ashamed of their actions. Forgive them anyway, be okay with a sorry you never got because forgiveness un-blocks your blessing. Do it, you are worth it. May God’s favour find you, causes you to be at the right place, at the right time, giving you good success.


“May God’s glorious name forever receive honour. Amen.” (Galatians 1:5)




(a). Love (The love of God)

Love is a feeling, a deep feeling that bring lots of emotions. It involves feelings of exhilaration, intense passion, and ecstasy. When you are in love with someone, it touches our body, soul and spirit. You are there to care, support and work together to solve problems. You’re willing to stand by this person in good times and bad. As there are different types of love but, there is only one love, same feeling deep in our heart and mind.

Thus, love is not only between man and woman or children and parents but between family and friends. For love takes its origin from God. It is by love which God is known. When He puts two persons together, He also put love so that they can love and support each other in marriage.

Today, many people has made this pure word become dirty, love is not sex and sex is not love. God in his infinite wisdom designed our bodies to give and receive pleasure in the confines of marriage. “God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honourable.”(1 Thessalonians 4:4)

But, God’s love is different from people. For it is divine and perfect. It converts the soul. It is better than all rubies, diamonds, and riches untold. To know him is to love him, obey and follow his commandments. However, obedience is not the evidence that you love God. Love is the enablement to obey Him. If you love Him it is easy to keep His commandments. For there is nothing you can do to make your “Heavenly Dad” love you any less or any more except by following His statutes. Just as He said in His words: “If you love me, obey my commandments.” (John 14:15)

It can be way too easy to forget the love God has for you, when we live in such a dark and broken world. But, today be assured that He loves you. The mistakes you did yesterday do not dictate the love that God has for you today. For God sees us as we can be and loves us as we are. Likewise, do not look at people through eyes of judgment; look at them through eyes of mercy. For you do not know what they have been through. Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. (Luke 6:36)

Unfortunately, people who are supposed to love us are not always able to give us the kind of love we need. Whether they are friends, mothers, fathers, grandparents, significant others, siblings, family, no matter how good their intentions are, sometimes they leave us still feeling empty, invalidated, un-cared for, and alone.

And on the days when that pain becomes too much to bear, our work is just to recognise that those people whose love we so desperately want are never going to be able to meet our needs. Not because they do not care but, because they cannot change who they are. They are human beings, only God can fulfil our every need. Because His love is unfailing. It is never changing. It is a greater love than anyone else in the world. Therefore nothing in all creation can ever separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39)

No matter who you are, if you allow God to shape your life, you can be used by Him for great things. There are times when God will use you in someone else’s life; though it may not be pretty or comfortable but, they also need to see Jesus through you. Those who walk in God’s new kind of love never injure anyone so, never take advantage of anyone. Simply walk and live in God’s love. Because people do not always need advice. Sometimes all they need is a hand to hold, ear to listen and a heart to understand. “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

This is a time to love and appreciate those around you - near and far. To prioritise and to start over. Start loving yourself for everything you already are. Stop hating yourself for everything you are not. For every part of you was lovingly planned. Every detail was master- fully crafted. You are loved by the Lord unconditionally. He even said in His words “…I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.“(Jeremiah 31:3). So, let your Father’s affection gives you security and courage to face the future. Do not fear.

Life has done nothing to you that God cannot make it work out for you, because with God every mistake is correctable and every sin can be forgiven, if only you will put it in His hands. Hence, you cannot comprehend how much God loves you until you mess up and see how He responds. When you have prayed and done all you can, leave it up to God. It is time to let God do what you cannot do. For God uses everything, nothing is wasted. What you went through yesterday, God may use it to help someone today.

The hardships you endured, God will allow them to speak into other people who are following the same path. So, do not be ashamed of your past. Your scars are proof that God heals. Your story is not over, God is not done with you yet. “He who began a good work in you will continue to perform it until it is complete.” (Philippians 1:6)

(b). Human Love (Romantic)

Have you realised that when you have a quarrel with someone, you tell it to everyone without any fear. But if you really love someone, you even scare to tell them for the fear of being rejected. Hence nothing hurts more than being rejected, ignored, replaced, forgotten, or lied to. It is really scary. I am talking about that nervous feeling you get when you talk to someone you really like, in person or on the phone for the first time. Psychology says, the deeper your feelings, the harder they are to express.

Perhaps, the reason some of us are still single is that, and because we ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us, love the ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones who love us. We are stuck between what we want and what we are. So, stop pretending to be who you are not by putting a different picture from what you truly look like. Be completely honest about your feelings. For God created us to be bold and beautiful in all our ways. Do not be ashamed of the way you look. You have exactly what somebody else wants. What makes you different makes you beautiful. Be original. Be yourself. Be real. For what is real does not fade away. For you are part of a puzzle in someone’s life. Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

You may never know where you fit. But, someone’s life is never be complete without you in it. Perhaps you feel like you are out of place where you are right now. But, as God is a *Keeper, ask Him to keep you from the wrong ones, and keep you celibate until you get your perfect match. If you stand still, you will see the hand of the Lord in your life because standing still is not sitting still. One is resignation.

The other is anticipation. And waiting patiently in expectation is the foundation of the spiritual life. Even if you are waiting for the fruit of the womb do not lose heart. Nothing ever stays the same forever. The seed of the bamboo tree spends 5 years underground with no growth. The 5th year it grows over 80 feet tall. So, waiting time is not wasting time. Your appointed time is coming. “Be still, and know that I am God…!” (Psalm 46:10)

Realise, that someone love you, someone need you, someone prayed for you. You are the answer to someone’s prayer. So, always remember to smile. You may not know it, but someone might be dying to see that smile every day. For every time you smile at someone, it is an act of love, a gift to that person. However, how can you expect a person to smile back at you when you are not happy with who you are or where you are at in life? You deserve to be happy.

If someone is not trying their best for you to be happy, they probably are not the best for you. For the right relationship would not leave you guessing or confused, but you have got to be willing to open up if you want the other person to do the same. So, do not be afraid to show your love. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:8)

If you believe that love is elusive, that you do not deserve love, ask yourself if you really want to live with such negative idea, and for how long? You have what it takes to love and love genuinely. Living a lie will reduce you to one. If the people in your life do not make you feel loved and appreciated, you are surrounding yourself with the wrong people. To love someone is to care for, trust and understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart.

Thus, a forced smile is a sign of what feels wrong in your heart, so recognise it when it happens. You cannot force yourself or someone to open the door to their heart. They have to willingly give you the key. Hence, love starts when you see good things in someone and survives when you accept the bad things in that person. However, not every relationship is the same. Almost everyone who has lost love seems to find it later when they are not even looking for it. So, let the true love finds you.

When love is true, it would not be broken by problems, weakened by time, or gone by distance. “Better a bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate.” (Proverbs 15:17)

Everyone needs someone to make them feel like tomorrow is more than just another day. But, if something is not feeling quite right, just give it time to reveal itself. Though so many of us think that if we act like a thing does not exist, it will just go away. Decide now that you are going to set your mind on it for total victory. God will expose every detail so that your life will not be a mystery but one lived out daily in victory. When God reveals that you are making the wrong choice, listen.

If you resist the truth, you can only create pain. Even when you believe with all your mind that life is meaningless, you simply cannot live that way. You know better. You know God is there. “Do not let the excitement of your… cause you to forget your Creator…” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

Sometimes we resist love but, all it takes is one act of kindness to turn that resistance into reassurance that love is the way. Yes, life with love will have some thorns but, a life without love will have no roses. Hence, you do not just fall into love. You commit to it. When you say “I love you”, you are making a promise with someone else’s heart saying, “I will be there no matter what.”

But, some people will tell each other anything and everything… except the fact they love each other. And, the most stupid thing in the world is acting like a friend to the person you know you love the most. Love knows. And you cannot hide from it. It will always find you. For it does not make sense when you have someone in your heart but, you cannot have them in your arms because you are afraid to tell.

If you are mad at someone, let them know. It works, you should try it. And stop avoiding it. Hence, avoiding something does not mean you do not want it. Sometimes, it means that you do want it but, you know it is not right for you. Sometimes it is good, easier or better to love from a safe distance. Because you do not lead someone on, if you have no intentions on leading them somewhere good. Besides, what is the point of starting something if you cannot finish it?

If you are looking for a life partner, your significant other or a true friend. Do not focus on the flaws; instead look for the good in a person. Do not listen to everything you are told about the person; not everything is truth. Be careful placing judgment upon him or her, for you are unaware of the battles they are fighting. Instead, pay closer attention, figure out why they live the way they do. This does not mean you have to love him or her too soon or trust too fast but, do not judge too soon and do not expect too high. For every person has something to teach you, and as soon as you accept this, you open yourself to true acceptance of the other person.

Otherwise you will end up spending your entire life hopelessly seeking the right lover and, or the right friend if you expect them to be perfect. Even worse, the process of doing so will drive you mad, as you will feel more and more insecure with every failed relationship that does not live up to your fantasy of perfection. We are all seeking those special relationships that feel perfect for us, but if you have been through enough relationships, you begin to realize that there are no “perfect person” for you, just different flavours of imperfect ones. That is because we are all imperfect in some way.

You yourself are imperfect in many ways, and you seek out relationships with people who are imperfect in complementary ways. Hence, it takes a lot of life experience to grow fully into yourself and realize your own imperfections; and it is not until you finally run up against your deepest imperfections, your unsolvable flaws “the ones that truly define who you are” that you are able to proficiently select harmonious relationships. Only then do you finally know what you are looking for. You are looking for the imperfect person who will balance you out, the perfectly imperfect person. “So do not make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives… (1 Corinthians 4:5)

Besides, every person in this world is better than someone else and not as good someone else. Your insecurities are not always a bad thing, your flaws are not a deal breaker when falling in love. Never allow any of these life’s situations to rob you of an opportunity to say, “I love you”. Be yourself, even when you feel imperfect, ugly, too skinny or overweight, know that your love is worth it. For love is not “if” or “because” but, love is “anyway” and “even though” and “in spite of”. So, do not be discouraged to trust again, love again but never settle just because you are lonely.

Most of us are incredibly hard on ourselves and believe there is an invisible score keeper who is tracking our mistakes and accomplishments. Forgetting that life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful. You will never achieve some things until you fully accept the reality that you are not perfect. However, just because you get older in age does not mean you have to settle in relationships just to get married. Happiness in love has no age limit. Slow down, allow yourself to realize that life is about progress, not perfection. And the keys to finding love are patience and a healthy mind-set. Being jaded would not attract anyone worth having and, “settling” guarantees failure.

But, if you are searching for that one person who will change your life. Take a look in the mirror. There is a beauty beyond the mirror. And, it is only the Godly man or woman who can see it that worth your time. Do not let it be about “boobs and booty “or “muscles and six packs” but, your Godly character and sweet personality and your faithfulness in God. Never doubt for a second how beautiful you are. You are one of a kind. Look in the mirror and be proud of that special and unique person you have become. Being the best is great, you are number one.

But, being ‘unique’ is greater, you are the only one. You do not really need someone to change or complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely. Do not truly change for someone; change for God. You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You are here to be you, not to live someone else’s life.

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You were made to fulfil a purpose that only you could do. So, there will never be a more beautiful you. Seek no one’s approval, your life does not depend on other’s acceptance. You do not need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. Do not change who you are just because you are afraid of losing someone. If one really loves you, your imperfections would not matter. Give one a space to show up for you. If you are constantly chasing them, you will never get to see if you are the only one holding on.

The hardest things to let go of are the things you never really had. If one need space, give it to them. If you do not, you will get closer to them and they will grow away from you. Rejection does not decrease your value when you know your worth. Young love cares about what is now and never mind what is next but mature love cares about what is now and after. “Let your beauty be not just the outward adorning of braiding the hair, and of wearing jewels of gold, or of putting on fine clothing; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God” (1 Peter 3:3-4)

God always gives us a choice. However, we cannot remember the choices we made at 16, at 21, at 35 years yet, many of those choices are influencing our lives. We spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, that we miss the right opportunity. When you finally get something good, enjoy it. Do not go looking for something perfect and miss out on what is real. Hence, there is no perfect people. We all make mistakes but you need to remember and celebrate what you have done right. Everything may not be where you want them to be in life… But, even in the small successes, give God the highest praise. For, “…the joy of the Lord is your strength.”(Nehemiah 8:10)

So, choosing a life partner should not be done without first praying fervently and seeking God’s will in the matter. Anytime you take someone with you that God has not authorized, it tampers with your destiny. Never look for someone who will take care of you. Instead look for someone who will care for you. Infatuation is when you find

someone who is absolutely perfect. Love is when you realize that they are not and it does not matter. Do not fall in love with someone who only says the right things, fall in love with someone who does the right things.

To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what she or he has already achieved, but at what she or he aspires to. Not everyone knows how to be everything you need them to be. Forgive their inability. Consider their heart and do not hide yours either, just learn to show it and share it respectfully. The more you hide your heart feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow. Sometimes you can be too busy searching in the distance, to notice that what you are really looking for, is right next to you. “If you search for good, you will find favour; but if you search for evil, it will find you!” (Proverbs 11:27)

Choose a partner that uses the word “when” not “if” when describing their future. Beyond your desire for intimacy also look for sincerity but, it is not easy find sincerity. It is important to know that sincerity does not and cannot substitute the truth for it is an openness of heart that can be found in very few people, what we usually see is only an artful dissimulation to win confidence of others. Do not do it or say it, unless you believe it from your heart. A heart that is worn on the sleeve is evident to others.

Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it. Promise only what you can deliver. Then, deliver more than you promised. Let the truth be the light that you see by, open your heart to honesty and close the door to illusion. Be careful, everything genuine can be faked. In human emotions, only the heart can tell the difference. Words that do not come from the heart can deceive you. Do not be fooled by its common place appearance. Like so many things, it is not what outside, but what is inside that counts.

Do not be fooled by the face they wear, for it is a mask. Pretending is their second nature. They give you impression that they are secure beneath, lays a real confusion. Pretending can fool men but, it cannot fool God. Nature cannot be fooled. Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command. “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.” (Proverbs 12:22)

Being with someone who wants to hear all about your day and let you know everything is going to be okay when you are sad it is the best thing. However, most people are giving love in many different forms to others so they may be appreciated and loved by others. That is a common agenda for one that has not yet found love within themselves. But, love has no agendas, reasons nor attachments. When you love in any form only because it is your truest feeling from within, you will be one with love, not needing to receive it from others externally, so that the love you give is free, and therefore allowing you to be free.