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No Cross No Crown
No Cross No Crown
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No Cross No Crown

No Cross No Crown
Gabriel Agbo

This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through tough times of trial. They should know that those unpleasant situations will serve as God's instruments of lifting them to their next phase of breakthrough. Here, we will see that our attitude can determine our altitude in our walk with God. And also, that there is always a profit in every adversity.

Gabriel Agbo

No Cross No Crown

No cross

No crown


Gabriel Agbo

No cross, No Crown

Gabriel Agbo

P O Box 1755, Enugu. Tel: +234-8037113283 (


Facebook: Double Honour International

All scriptures used in this work are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible unless otherwise stated.

Publisher: Gabriel Agbo

All right reserved:

No part of this publication should be reproduced by any means without the written permission of author.


This book is dedicated to God; my maker and the source of my inspiration.


This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through tough times of trial. They should know that those unpleasant situations will serve as God's instruments of lifting them to their next phase of breakthrough.


Here, we will see that our attitude can determine our altitude in our walk with God. And also, that there is always a profit in every adversity.


May your faith be enriched as you read on.

Gabriel Agbo


"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, in as much as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." 1 Peter 4:12 (KJV).


"But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." 1 Peter 5: 10 (KJV)


One of the things that will make you a balanced Christian is the ability to always look beyond any difficult circumstance to see God's ultimate purpose for your life. As we already know, Christianity is not the absence of trials, but the determination to tenaciously hold unto God, even in the face of life-threatening situations, believing that they will usher us unto a greater level of glory and blessings. And this takes us to the message of the cross and the crown. The cross is a symbol of suffering, affliction, sorrow and sacrifice. While crown is a symbol of victory, royalty, completion, reward, success and perfection.


Now, it is in God's character to allow his children go through some difficult experiences that will help mould them into what He wants them to be. The bible already told us that we are like clay in the hands of the porter. The porter uses different instruments to get the clay to his desired products. Some are to beat the clay, some to sharpen it. While others are to smoothen it, etc.


The clay also comes in contact with the fire and water, just to get out the final product that will serve the pleasure of the porter. So we are in the hands of God. And one of the instruments that God uses to mould us is the trial of faith. It can come as persecution, suffering, sacrifice, loss, lack, mockery, betrayal, denial, etc. However and whenever it comes, the most important thing is that God wants to work out something in your life, and also bring out His glory.


Please, I'm not saying here that all afflictions are trials of faith, No! We must always try to find out each time where our problem is coming from; whether it is of God or just on attack from the enemy. If it is an attack, you repel it. If it is your own mistake, correct it. But, if it is God, there is not much anybody can do about it. You just have to ask Him for the grace to see you through. You ask Him for the grace to learn what He intends for you through the duration of the trial. This is very important because any counter prayer in the later circumstance (trial period) will always amount to nothing, until God finishes His work on you.


Unfortunately, this kind of message is no more popular today. All we hear is that when you receive Christ you will not suffer again. Things will never be difficult for you again, etc. But that is not true. I call this kind of gospel 'Crossless Gospel'. This is preaching Christ without the cross. But as far as our salvation is concerned, you cannot preach the Christ without the cross. We will soon come to that.

Now, do you know why so many Christians backslide when they meet difficult situations in their Christian race? It is simply because of lack of solid foundation. They were not thoroughly prepared to face the persecution that will always come with salvation. They would want all the blessings of God, but not the trials and persecution. They want all the blessings of Abraham, but not his trials. When they meet the trials, it is either they back out completely or they begin to compromise their faith. But this is not how God intends it.


God wants us to go through these trials faithfully and come out victorious and promoted. He had already told us that He will never allow us to face any situation that will be above us. That simply means that we are equal to any situation that comes to us. We already have the in-built capabilities, and also His word to help us go through any trial successfully. He wants us to go through those difficult times still loyal, holy, focused and faithful, so that at the end we will receive our due reward. Yes, there is a reward for every trial!


The apostles of the early church understood this very well, hence, Peter admonishing Christians not to look at it strange when they go through very difficult situations and persecutions. But that they should rejoice that they are partakers of Christ's sufferings, and consequently, will also be part of His glory. He said that after the suffering, they would receive restoration, strength, support and that God would settle them. So God settles people? That's sweet! For trials, they must come. For persecution and tests, they must come. But our consolation is that we have an able and just God that will see us through them all, and at the end settle us. Praise God!


I love that word settle used by King James Version in 1 Peter 5: 10. It simply means to make somebody comfortable after a restless period. It is to move into a new position, into a new house and put things in order. It also means to pay what you owe somebody. So, when we go through trials successful, God automatically gets indebted to us and He must settle us. I love that! Remember, He said that He will not owe anybody. So, we have everything to gain at the time of trials. They will refine us to become what God wants us to be and He will also settle us at the end. The early church knew this very well and so they stood firmly for the gospel through very difficult persecutions. Apostle Paul also put this principle clear when he told Timothy,

"If we endure hardship, we will reign with him"