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Prayer Of Jehoshaphat: ”O Our God, Won'T You Stop Them?”
Prayer Of Jehoshaphat: ”O Our God, Won'T You Stop Them?”
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Prayer Of Jehoshaphat: ”O Our God, Won'T You Stop Them?”

Pray that you become a testimony through this situation.

Pray that God manifests Himself as your LORD.

Chapter Three

It is Our Inheritance


“O our God, did you not drive out those who lived in this land when your people arrived? And did you not give this land forever to the descendants of your friend Abraham? Your people settled here and built this temple for you.”

2 Chronicles 20:7-8

All the battles you see in and around you are just war being waged against your destiny. Yes, against the plan of God for your life, against your future, your career, your family and against your happiness. True. The enemy has seen the plan of God for your life. He knows that soon you will fully realize your destiny, hence, his persistent onslaught against you from all directions. And the brighter your destiny, the greater battles you will face in this life. Go and ask people like Jesus and David about this. The battle you are going through now is because of the greatness of your destiny.

No nation since the beginning of the world has faced battles and wars like the Jews. From its formation till present it has been wars, wars and wars. They have not rested. Sometimes, it will look as if they have been displaced, defeated and even dispersed, but miraculously, mysteriously they will begin to gather again and form yet another strong hopeful nation. Sometimes, they will be taken into captivity, and everything about them destroyed for hundreds of years, and yet, that unseen hand would come back to pick their ruined pieces and stitch them back into a people. That is the story of Israel the people of God.

And what is at play? There has been war over the soul and destiny of this people right from inception. Immediately God initiated the messianic promise through Abraham, the battle began. God had told Abraham that He would blessed him, make a great nation out of him and also bless all the nations of the world through him. And in this contains the blessings and destiny of the nation of Israel and the promise of the messiah. Because Jesus Christ is that descendant of Abraham that has/will bless all the nations of the world. From here, the battle began to derail this project. Read the history of the nation of Israel and the Messiah it is indeed one riddled with intense battles, wars, oppositions, betrayal, etc. And who is at the head of all these? Of course Satan! He is the archenemy of God and all His projects on earth. He always knows that the fulfillment of any of God’s project on earth will ultimately deal a blow to him and his dark kingdom. It also reminds him of his own doomed destiny.

It is very important that you know this before we continue. The initiator of all these battles you are facing is Satan. Yes, he might use people, demons, circumstances and other instruments, but he is the mastermind. The sooner you know this the better for you. Yes, always see the man behind the scene – the unseen hand; that old Devil, Lucifer, the old serpent, that deceiver. And also know that the battle is for your destiny. The battle is against the program of God for your life. Now, let’s return quickly to our main discussion.

King Jehoshaphat strategically and systematically reminded God that what the enemy is contending for was what God has given to His people and His friend. Wow! Can you beat that? Remember I told you that this is one of the most powerful prayers and made by one of the most favoured men I have found in the bible. True! Though they were in a desperate situation, yet he took his time to systematically argue out his case before God. We must not allow desperate situations to overshadow of faith in God. Jehoshaphat took time to stay before God because he knew that if he succeeds in getting Him on his side then the battle would have been over. Judah will be victorious even before the war starts.

Now, he told God that it was the same land He gave to His friend Abraham and Israel under an oath that these enemies want to take away. Israel’s inheritance! Are you sure of what you are currently fighting for? Is it yours? Did God give it to you? Is it your inheritance, your right, or are you just fighting for selfish reasons?? Jehoshaphat went for it because he was sure it was theirs from God. That land was given to Israel by God through a covenant. Now, listen to God as He gave this particular place to Abraham hundreds of years before this battle,

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