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Prayers That Routs Satan And Demons
Prayers That Routs Satan And Demons
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Prayers That Routs Satan And Demons

Mercy will usher you to your table of upliftment and Favor will settle you and Your feet will not stumble.

God will take you to places of honor and will watch over your seed in Jesus Name.

God will water your seed and You will reap a bountiful harvest in Jesus Name.

You will enjoy the labor of your hands and helpers of Destiny will locate and help you by the special grace of God.

God Said He will protect you

Scripture Is. 54:17: "No weapon that is formed against you will prosper, and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me," declares the Lord."

When you receive things you do not deserve, when unexpected doors open for you, or when you are miraculously delivered from a tragedy, that is the grace of God at work in your life. God said He will protect us.

God's grace upon your life causes unusual things to happen. It gives you the strength to overcome adversity and lifts you to places of favor or prominence. May God make your life a spectacle with signs and wonders!

Not everyone who says they are "in your corner" is really "in your corner".

Not everyone who says nice things "to you", says the same "about you" to others.

Don't stress over it, it's not your problem. What consumes you, controls you. It says more about them than it does about you and eventually, true character shows through.

I pray this day that Almighty God In his infinite mercy will disappoint and disgrace every betrayer of your destiny and He will make your life more beautiful in Jesus name.

Prayer points

I command the fire of God to fall on all idols, sacrifices, rituals, shrines and local satanic thrones in my village and burn them to ashes, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I command every Satanic manipulation including the spirit of lawlessness, immorality and drug addiction in the world to be totally paralyzed, now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, Let there be thirst and hunger for God in the hearts of Christians of the world, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord, deposit the spirit of revival in this country in Jesus Name.

Prophetic Declarations

May your day be filled with good news, overflowing joy, peace, blessing, promotion, opportunity, wealth, testimonies, good health and the presence of God in Jesus name.

The entrance of water into a coconut and exact time a baby is formed in the womb remains a mystery. The same way you'll become a puzzle your enemies cannot solve.

You shall receive the grace to triumph over the enemy and grace to succeed in all you do in Jesus Precious name.

Scripture: Isaiah 55:12. "For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

May your day be filled with good news, overflowing joy, peace, blessing, promotion, opportunity, wealth, testimonies, good health and the presence of God.

The entrance of water into the coconut and exact time a baby is formed in the womb remains a mystery. The same way you'll become a puzzle your enemies cannot solve.

You shall receive the grace to triumph over the enemy and grace to succeed in all you do in Jesus Precious name.

Rescue your Destiny in the hands of Satan

No matter how good you are to others, or how professionally you represent yourself, there is always someone who rather not see you succeed or be perfectly happy. It happens in every industry, every region, every demographic. That's just life. Don't take it personally and stay on the high road. Their negativity says more about them than it does about you. If you really want to make them crazy, take it as a challenge and smile through it.

You weren't put on this earth to impress anyone else. Just be you.

I pray as from now, you shall be favored beyond what you deserve in Jesus name.

Powerful midnight prayers to defeat Satan: Prayer points O Lord, every altar of darkness from Satan raised against me and my family in the heavenlies, shall die In the name of Jesus Christ.

Every problem programmed into my life from Satan die in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, wipe out, the handwriting of darkness assigned against me by Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every satanic arrow fired against me from the heavenly, backfire in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, defeat Satan on my behalf in the name of Jesus Christ.

I decree and I declare that every power assigned to destroy my destiny, shall die in the name of Jesus Christ.

I decree and I declare that every power of frustration that pursued me last year, shall die in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, every satan in charge of my promotion and advancement shall die in Jesus Name.

O Lord, disgrace every Satan causing darkness in my family in Jesus Name.

O Lord, as long as I believe in you, I shall have unstoppable advancement in Jesus Name.

O Lord, as long as I believe in you, I shall be victorious over satanic powers in Jesus Name.

O Lord, every satanic power operating in my business shall die in Jesus name.

O Lord, I scatter every power of the night programmed against my progress, in Jesus Name.

O Lord, I cut off every satanic hand that is pointing to my star in Jesus Name.

Every satanic malpractice over my family, I cut you off! in Jesus Name.

O Lord, let every power assigned to use my life as a dumping ground, to catch fire in Jesus Name.

Every opposition by Satan against my possession shall die n Jesus Name.

Every tongue anointed by Satan to speak against my life shall die in Jesus Name.

Every power declaring that it is over for me, you are a liar die in Jesus Name.

Every good thing that I have laid my hands upon, my hands shall finish it, in Jesus Name.

I break every yoke upon my hands, in Jesus Name.