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God's Health Plan
God's Health Plan
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God's Health Plan

God's Health Plan
André Cronje

God's Health Plan: Besides the finest doctors, staff, and medical advances in the world, man continues to face sicknesses and death. The sick seek a cure, and hope keeps them alive. For many, it comes in labels, potions, even unexpected places. But where medicine ends, faith is born for a miracle from God.

God’s Health Plan

The healthy need no physician, but the sick need a doctor. Go and tell what things you have seen and heard how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and to the poor, the Gospel is preached.

André Cronje


Licensed for personal enrichment and may be used for edification and motivation. No part may be reproduced for profit or resale.

André Cronje © 2020 Copyright

Conceptual Art by André

A special honor to King James.

The Author

Andre is a South African born Huguenot descendant living in Paris, France. He is an artist, author, and owner of an online Christian clothing store. Like a potter molds his clay, so he forms and shapes his thoughts on various subjects, into conceptual art, and prophetic literature, braving social, moral, and spiritual issues with the light of Jesus Christ, who died and rose again, forgiving sins, healing the sick, and giver of eternal life, for anyone who believes and is baptized in his name. (



The Author

1. Jesus Healed Them All

2. A Suffering Healer

3. Cheer Up!

4. Healing In The Post

5. A Woman With An Issue!

6. You're Going To Die

7. Remember Me!

8. Demon Possessed

9. Healthy Food

10. Live Once, Die Twice

11. The Spiritual Body

1.Head 2.Mind 3.Face 4.Eyes 5.Ears 6.Mouth 7.Lips 8.Heart 9.Spirit 10.Age 11.Hands 12.Feet 13.Bones 14.God’s Body 15.Body Prayer

12. A Perfect Heart

13. Heart Problems

14. How Jesus Healed

15. Barren Bears

16. Go And Tell

17. Divine Health

18. Healing Promises

A Blessing For You

1. Jesus Healed Them All

There was a healer in town named Jesus. Yes, he was Jewish, and a carpenter from Nazareth, but when you are sick, you don’t care. Like that Roman officer from Italy, who came to Jesus and said, my servant is sick, he needs healing. God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and with power, and he went to many cities doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil because God was with him. He healed the worst of sinners, and he healed the best of saints alike. He even raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.

He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. Like a man who fixes his house, and a woman her home so is God at work in his creation. But God heals more than just flesh and blood. He heals nations. He heals undrinkable water, and he heals the ground that it may produce fruit. Look at what God did with the barren land of Israel. There is no such thing as incurable diseases with God. To him who believes all things are possible. Nothing is too hard for God. Jesus said, only believe and you will see the glory of God. And so he healed many because they believed.

Jesus went to many places teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom while healing all manner of sickness and all kinds of diseases. His fame even spread throughout Syria. And they brought to him all the sick that had various diseases and torments, and those possessed with devils, lunatics, and those that had the palsy, and he healed them all. For the healthy needs no physician, but they that are sick go to a doctor. And if the sickness gets worse, then people start looking for a specialist that would not only tell you what’s wrong but also offer them a cure. But if they find no cure will they still have hope left to believe that God is able and willing to heal them?

Come to Jesus and he will heal you. God anointed him for this purpose. Sometimes he will find you lying sick in bed or sitting up in your wheelchair, or laying down drop dead in your coffin. Yip, Jesus did find them all, even a demon-possessed man who was always running naked in the hills, scaring businessmen and tourists on their way to Jerusalem. But Jesus kicked out those demons that tormented him into the local pig den and when the town council heard that the pigs committed suicide they came to Jesus begging him to leave. But the crazy man was now found clothed and in his right mind. Unfortunately, the city council was more hung over the loss of their pigs' farm, than feeling joyful over that lunatic’s sweet liberty. His word is medicine to your whole body and nourishment to your bones. He renews your youth like that of an eagle. There is not one word which he has spoken that has fallen to the ground and not bearing results. Because he watches over his word, which he sends out, to do, and to fulfill it. The Lord is able and willing more than what we think.

You may say that Jesus no longer lives among us. Have you not heard, and did you not read, how after his death on the cross and his resurrection three days later, he continued to show himself alive for forty days, before he ascended to heaven in front of over 500 eyewitnesses? And at his final departure and farewell speech, he said: All power in heaven and earth was given to me to give to you that you may go to teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching men to observe all things whatever I have commanded you. I am with you always, to the end of the world. And these signs will follow them that believe. In my name they will cast out devils, they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick and the sick will recover. And so, after the Lord has spoken to them, he was received up into heaven and now sits on the right hand of God. And so they went forth and preached everywhere, and the Lord working with them, confirming the word with signs and wonders following.

You live in a broken world that needs constant fixing. The land in which you live and work needs healing. That’s why God said: If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, I will hear and heal their land. Look at Israel, how they blossom and bloom. Once, a dessert and deserted land, now covered with fruitful trees and potential. And a booming economy means the fat of the land has returned and the sorrow of famine, war, and natural disasters have departed.

There is also healing for both mind and spirit. A broken spirit before God is precious. But an abused person is like a cracked window. But though the strong may despise the weak and wounded, God says come to me, I will be your strength. Many people are ICU cases in need of a good Samaritan to take care of their wounds and to book them into a place of care and recovery. Scars are a dim reminder of past wounds. Whether it be an injury on the playground as a child, or a battle scar defending the land. Nevertheless, some scars came by the words and deeds of loved ones or total strangers. Words that cut like a knife deeper than flesh and bones to lodge itself in the mental frame of one’s soul. And when these wounds are afflicted daily, the abuse affects the person’s behavior. Some are lucky to escape its effects, but others continue with the abuse mantel put on them. This will affect how you see and perceive things around you. Sexual assault can be physical or mental. It may have absolutely nothing to do with the other person, as much as their mannerism is perceived as a violation of your intimacy or domination of their private space, even though they never even touched you. Again, I hear the Lord says, bring all your cares, and burdens to him for he cares for you. Your circumstances will not have dominion over you and your past will not be your future. The balm of Gilead will bring healing, restoration, and deliverance from the effects of past and present hurts. Your famine for affection and true love ends when you enter into his presence where there is fullness of joy and healing.

There is no scientific formula for healing the sick. Thank God for your healing, because it is so easily taken for granted to credit medicine or doctors for it. God is at work and will use natural and supernatural ways to bring healing to you. Paul advised Timothy, take a little wine for your constant tummy aches. Coke helps for mine. Solomon said: Eat honey, my son, for it is good for you. The apostles also recommended that if you are sick, then go to the elders and let them anoint you with oil and pray for your healing. One time Paul prayed over handkerchiefs and when it was laid on the sick, they recovered. On another occasion, he walked by the sick, and when his shadow fell on them, they were instantly healed. Remember the Roman Officer who had great faith. He told Jesus to only speak a word, and that his servant would be healed. His servant was perhaps too sick to come to Jesus, so he approached Jesus on his behalf. He was a man under authority who also exercised authority. And when Jesus saw his faith, he marveled. Here was a gentile who was not a Jew, but he had Abraham’s faith to received a miracle from God. Still, some died in hope, believing though not receiving. But God remains faithful. He is both willing and able to do what he promised. He will always be the God who heals, even if he has to raise the dead to live again. But in the new earth, the bible says, the leaves of the trees will be for the healing of the nations, where death will no longer be.

Healing may not always be felt or seen immediately. And because of that, it may be wrongly assumed that healing never took place. While skeptics look for signs, believers will receive by faith. Let him ask in prayer, believing that he received, and not doubting. Doubt will rob you of a blessing. Why do I say this? After Jesus healed ten lepers, he instructed them to go to the priest to be examined and to verify that they were clean. That was the law before a leper could come back into a community. And as they went in obedience, they were healed. But only one showed gratitude when he went back to thank Jesus for his healing. Did not all got healed, Jesus replied? Sometimes, it is in the action or going to the doctor for a second opinion that you may discover that you were healed when they prayed and laid hands on you. You might even be lying sick in bed, like the great healing evangelist Kenneth Hagin, reading your bible, when faith suddenly enters into his heart to believe, and he got out of bed and was never sick again until his death. Sure the devil will try to come with symptoms like heart pain or short breath and tell you that you’re going to die. You can believe the devil, or you can believe God's word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by God's word. Then boldly say, devil, it is written, By his stripes, I am healed. So take your sickness and disease of me for this body is God’s temple. You don’t have to live sick for the rest of your life. God's word is a better life companion that will give you joy and peace. Healing comes to those who seek Christ for healing. They may have heard or read how Jesus healed someone else. Then because they believe the report they heard, they develop faith for their healing too.

2. A Suffering Healer

Believe my report. The arm of the Lord has been revealed. He grew up before you as a young plant and as a root out of the dry ground. His form of attractiveness was not beauty and desire. He was despised and rejected, a man of suffering and acquainted with illness. And with hidden faces, we despised and disregarded him. Still, it was he who has borne our illnesses and carried our suffering, yet we counted him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God. But he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, punished for our peace, and by his stripes we were healed. Like sheep, everyone went astray and turned to his own way. Thus, Jehovah laid on him the iniquity of everyone. Oppressed and afflicted he opened not his mouth. Like a lamb brought to the slaughter, and as a dumb sheep before her shearers, so he opened not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment but who will declare to this generation that he was cut off out of the land of the living, and because of the transgression of the people was he stricken. His grave was with the wicked and with the rich in his death, though he did no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Still, it pleased Jehovah to bruise and weaken him and to make his soul an offering for sin. He will see his seed, and he prolongs his days, and the pleasure of Jehovah will prosper in his hand. And when he sees the labor of his soul he will be satisfied. By his knowledge will my righteous servant justify many and bear their iniquities. Therefore, have I divided him a portion with the great, and he will divide the spoil of the strong. For it is he who poured out his soul unto death, and it was he who was numbered with the transgressors and bore the sin of many while making intercession for transgressors. In Exodus God revealed himself as Jehovah Rapha when He healed the entire nation all at once. There was not one feeble or sick person among them. He vowed to them to be their Physician. He gave them a free medical care and promised to heal them. God’s promise was one of health and prosperity if they continued in obedience, but they often turned from him and was sorely punished. But God has send his word to heal and by his stripes you are healed.

3. Cheer Up!

And they brought to Jesus a man sick of the palsy, laying on a bed. And when Jesus saw their faith he said to the sick man, Son be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you. But certain of the scribes said within themselves, this man is blasphemy. But Jesus discerned their thoughts and said, Why think you evil in your hearts? For what is easier? To say your sins are forgiven or to say, get up and walk? But that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins, (he then said to the sick of the palsy): Stand to your feet, pick up your bed and go home. And the man arose and went to his home healed, hallelujah. Jesus healed him and he still heals today. And when the multitudes saw it, they marveled and glorified God, who had given such power unto men. That is why any believer can pray and the sick will recover. Friend, if you are laying in bed sick, know this, your sins are forgiven. You can get up, make your bed, and go where ever you need to be in Jesus name. Jesus is still healing the sick and the lame, even the dead are raised.