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Daddy's Hobby
Daddy's Hobby
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Daddy's Hobby

“From the first pages I was mesmerised by Lek and the other working girls, their hard lifestyles and thoughts, so dif erent from our own western way of life and aspirations. Couldn't put itdown til I'd finished.”

RLJ, Barry, South Wales

“I enjoyed this book very much and would recommend it. I like stories that take place inforeign countries, so this was right up my alley. It was an easy read and flowed smoothly. Owendid a great job of creating a character readers could connect with and care about. I loved learninglittle tidbits about the Thai culture and the author's descriptions allowed me to be able to picturethe scenes and get a sense of what it might be like to actually be there. I appreciated learning theback story of Lek and the circumstances that led to her working as a bar girl in Pattaya. Oftenwe only see one side of the sex industry in countries like Thailand and the rest is left up to ourown assumptions. The story ended rather abruptly (I wasn't expecting it) so I'm looking forwardto the sequel and finding out what happens next!”

Vanna B., Philadelphia, PA

“I bought your book, Behind The Smile, and enjoyed it tremendously. Your writing style is thesort that I like, it does not take my mind away from the story or the characters. You certainlygive the impression that the book was written with fluency although I am sure you spent a lot oftime playing with it.

The book is a good read and an accurate description of the world of a Thai bar worker. It isvery hard to come to terms with how bar girls live as our cultures are so very dif erent. We mayhave met at the same place but we took very dif erent routes to get there. There is very littlecommon ground to build upon. This book gives a real insight into their lives, hopes andaspirations.

I would recommend this to anyone with a Thai girlfriend, not as a warning but as a help inunderstanding her life. If it saves one argument then it’s money wel spent. I think it would dispela lot of prejudices if more people read it, if only those with prejudices cared enough to buy it. Ifyou ever do a sequel put me down for one.”


Look Out for the Sequel:

“An Exciting Future”


This book is dedicated to all the girls in Pattaya who told me their stories and gave me the idea and the encouragement to write them down.

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