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The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur
The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur
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The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur

These are difficult times indeed. Entire fortunes are being daily

wiped out economies go deeper into turmoil. Unemployment is rife

and many people are looking to the future with distress. But this is

the world economy, not God’s economy – because The Maker has

equipped each of us with the means to succeed and prosper in spite

of whatever is the situation in the world.

There are a few things though that we ought to get out of

the way before you dive deeper into this book. They should help

you determine what you may hope to expect and whether the book

is worth reading at all.

This is a book.

Yes, that is correct. It is not a miracle machine; and you

will not instantly become a successful entrepreneur, just by reading

it. This book contains knowledge and very little else and until you

put the knowledge to work it will remain just a book.

This is a book about how to use proven goal-setting

principles in tandem with sound Christian teachings to achieve life

and financial goals. It contains material from my personal

experience, success stories of other individuals around the world

and also Biblical notes. Regardless, my life encounters are

specifically mine and what has worked for me may not work for



you. It is my wish that you eventually look up and not to my

experience. That is the reason for this book: guiding you to create a

secular occupation that is powered from up above. I offer this book

merely as a guide to assist you to navigate your way through some

of the rough channels of life especially those concerned with the

basic task of finding your purpose and place in the economy of


I have been there.

Maybe you are at this moment thinking you have seen so

much hardship in your life and you are thinking - it is okay for him

to write books; he doesn’t know what I am going through. ; think

again. I can tell you right now how wrong you are. I have passed

through it before. This book is therefore also my testimony

This book is about rising to reclaim your place and purpose

in life. It is a small book, not quite so filled with pages of action

points and motivational jargon such as you have probably read in a

dozen places and you are fed up with them. Read it quickly at first

just to enjoy it; then come back read it all over again, much slower

this time – to apply it.

What you do is what you get.

This book will have no more impact on you than you

permit it. What this means is that if you are happy enough with

your life, this book may be of no use to you. However, if you are in

earnest search for measurable goals, progress and achievements in



your life and you are willing to commit yourself to that search,