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Psychology Of Happiness
Psychology Of Happiness
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Psychology Of Happiness

Psychology Of Happiness
Juan Moisés De La Serna

To talk about happiness means talking about an illusion, a goal in life, something very desirable but at the same time ephemeral. At least if we are referring to the idealized “happiness” sold through commercials, television or radio. But happiness is much more than achieving a desired goal in particular; it is a daily effort to maintain that state, otherwise, what would be the purpose of achieving happiness if we have to lose it afterwards? To talk about happiness means talking about an illusion, a goal in life, something very desirable but at the same time ephemeral. At least if we are referring to the idealized “happiness” sold through commercials, television or radio. But happiness is much more than achieving a desired goal in particular; it is a daily effort to maintain that state, otherwise, what would be the purpose of achieving happiness if we have to lose it afterwards? In this book you will find the latest investigations related to happiness and the answers to what it is and how to achieve it. You will also find what happens if you don’t achieve happiness and what happens when the inconveniences and barriers to achieving happiness appear. It will all be explained in a clear and simple way in order to offer you an enriching experience that will be able to help you in your personal search for achieving happiness; but a happiness that will be real, possible and attainable, and above all, lasting.




The journey is now available to everyone

Juan Moisés de la Serna

Translator: Ana María Carrizosa De Narvaez

Tektime editorial


“Psychology of Happiness: The journey is now available to everyone”

Written by Juan Moisés de la Serna

Translator: Ana María Carrizosa De Narvaez

1rst Edition: October 2019

© Juan Moisés de la Serna, 2019

© Tektime editions, 2019

All rights reserved

Distributed by Tektime (

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To talk about happiness means talking about an illusion, a goal in life, something very desirable but at the same time ephemeral. At least if we are referring to the idealized “happiness” sold through commercials, television or radio. But happiness is much more than achieving a desired goal in particular; it is a daily effort to maintain that state, otherwise, what would be the purpose of achieving happiness if we have to lose it afterwards?

In this book you will find the latest investigations related to happiness and the answers to what it is and how to achieve it. You will also find what happens if you don’t achieve happiness and what happens when the inconveniences and barriers to achieving happiness appear.

It will all be explained in a clear and simple way in order to offer you an enriching experience that will be able to help you in your personal search for achieving happiness; but a happiness that will be real, possible and attainable, and above all, lasting.

Surely many times

very happy you have been

but have you ever thought

why did it happen?

And why day after day

we are never happy?

Why is it difficult for us to smile

or make our brother happy?

Searching for an answer

roads I have traveled

I have asked many

no one has defined it.

—Happiness— they answer—,

I don’t know where it will come from

but I know I am happy

—someone will say so.

—Yes, I already know that

—to that one I have replied—

but tell me why.

—I don’t know —he has spoken.

Happiness sometimes

it’s hard to find

because we are demanding

and we don’t want to stop.

It is a quiet moment