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Are You Psychic?: Find the answers you've always been looking for
Are You Psychic?: Find the answers you've always been looking for
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Are You Psychic?: Find the answers you've always been looking for

Are You Psychic?: Find the answers you've always been looking for
Dorothy Chitty

Psychic Dorothy Chitty shares her experiences of the spirit world and gives practical exercises, interwoven with powerful inspirational stories, to show how you can open up to your own intuitive gifts. Tap in to universal wisdom every day to create the life you were destined to lead.Contents:• Dorothy reveals how she developed her psychic abilities, and shares her incredible personal encounters with guides, spirits, earth beings, and beings from other worlds• What really happens when we die? The secrets of life after death, according to the spirits.• Practical exercises that really work, on how anyone can tap into their own gifts of intuition to see the future and attract the right people to you.• Freewill and your destiny – how to contact your guides to help you follow your destined path.• How healing with the spirits is all powerful.• Ways to communicate with animals on a deeper level.• How child spirits can help us recover our childhood memories of the spirit world.• A highly personal and practical book for anybody looking for answers from the spirit world.




Dedication (#ulink_5529a477-ba2f-5800-86f0-ba969176a869)

I dedicate this book to my husband Michael, my fellow traveller along this path of discovery, whose loving suport has made my personal journey possible.


Cover (#u720ef903-b59b-58f6-83e6-bafd150009c4)

Title Page (#u283b8cee-95f3-5a77-b4c0-e3eb9169229e)

Dedication (#u614dfc25-8b48-5406-b0ef-dc5b92ac3565)

Foreword (#uef5a7e3c-834a-553e-9d6c-551350fe3ae4)

Chapter 1: Awakening Sensitivity (#uce25921e-49be-527f-b88e-491c47236e2a)

Chapter 2: Meeting Spirit Guides (#uba846c6d-4bd0-56cb-8fc4-a6c7c588b3f2)

Chapter 3: Spirit Readings (#u7894b1af-f84c-5077-91b8-b5e735b1c673)

Chapter 4: Soul Healing (#uce7cd8d7-dd15-5d3d-bb76-991c4bec9915)

Chapter 5: Past Lives (#ude46c2e2-5129-5ab0-abe7-7a63e7d3abef)

Chapter 6: Talking with Animals (#u9c75f96e-ef9b-5d11-a583-d671d0e75770)

Postscript: Where Do You Go from Here? (#ua3d01687-371e-5cb8-a72c-ba5861cbcc5f)

Acknowledgements (#uddf315c4-35d6-5b65-8cf5-a648dd321375)

Copyright (#u41e84942-c92f-53dd-a6d8-4cf08644f2ec)

About the Publisher (#uacc5f59a-7c99-5dfe-8992-d2e926651a23)

Foreword (#ulink_26cea20b-41b0-5446-9d35-ec32f6a875f8)

As a child, ‘God’ was my name for my main spirit guide. He always appeared in a suit of rough, brown cloth and I thought the fact that God wore a brown suit quite normal, really. He held my hand, right through school, and I could see and hear him. When I got older I met new spirit guides, and God didn’t come so often. I now see that God had been a monk – which may have explained why he was so good at helping me with Latin translation.

I had other guides, too, all of whom were my friends. As a child, I never thought that they had lived or died, and never questioned why I would know what may happen to some people in the future, or why someone was ill. Today, I often refer to my guides as ‘my friends’ or ‘Spirit’. I have always accepted them, and the way in which they work with me during a reading. But I would never take it for granted. I am excited about what I do, because my work is about talking to people. We all have the potential to be the best we can be, and through working with Spirit I hope that I help people to find their path in life, to heal the past, to feel the love of those they have lost in this life. You too have spirit guides. In reading this book, you have taken the first step towards meeting them.

I’m an ordinary woman. I don’t intellectualise what I do, but I have extraordinary conversations with the deceased and the living. In part, this book is about my personal voyage of discovery as I have learned to develop and harness my sensitive skills; my dialogue with Spirit. I communicate with my spirit guides every day, and with people in spirit who come to talk to their loved ones. I also talk with those who cannot speak in a way that others can understand, such as babies in the womb, and children with disabilities that prevent them talking. I also speak with animals. If you think this sounds too far-fetched, I would like to tell you that all I need to communicate as a sensitive, or medium, are my senses. Everyone has senses, and the potential for sensitivity.

Developing your sensitivity

You may not see spirits yet, or hear them talk to you, but this doesn’t mean that you are not sensitive. We all have the potential to be receptive to other energies and beings, and learn to communicate with them. Because we are all different, we experience this contact in different ways, but always through the senses – our heart and soul, not our heads. If Spirit want to talk to you, they will do it in a way that you can recognise. Knowing when this is happening takes awareness and practice. How often have you thought, ‘I knew that would happen’, after a particular occurrence? How many times have you been thinking of someone, only to find that the very same person phones, writes, or you both meet unexpectedly? How many times have you had a good – or not so good – feeling about someone, and then discover later that your feelings were justified? These are some of the clues being impressed upon you to let you know that you have more help at hand than you could imagine. This is the sensitive psychic in you, awaiting acknowledgement. When you follow these inner urges, it often means that you are listening to spirit without realising. Using this book will teach you how to understand and utilise your inner knowledge by connecting with your guide – a loved one or a dear friend in Spirit who has come to help you.

In order to begin the process of opening up your innate sensitive ability, you simply need to acknowledge the souls of your departed loved ones, known to you either in this life or in past lives. They come in love, and love only. In order to acknowledge them, all you need to do is say, ‘Welcome, come closer’, and you will get a sense of who they are.

Throughout this book, I have set down the exercises which I use in the sensitivity workshops that I run. These exercises were given to me by my spirit guides, who continue to be my greatest teachers. If followed correctly, together these exercises form a comprehensive blueprint for developing your sensitivity, exploring your chakras and meeting your spirit guides. This will enable you to recognise the spiritual truths that are at the very foundation of your being, so allowing you to access healing for yourself and others. In addition, the way will be open for you to reach into memories of past lives, so providing a deeper understanding of why you behave as you do. Lastly, we explore the rewarding but little known area of communicating with animals and I will teach you techniques which will enable you to develop this skill.

Over many years as a working sensitive, I have read for thousands of clients, and many have chosen to develop their own sensitivity. Some people simply want to make sense of their own experiences while others wish go on to use their sensitivity to help others. I hope that through describing my journey as a sensitive, and my workshop exercises, it will inspire you all to develop the sensitivity with which you were born and help enrich your lives.

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