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Murder in the Mews
Murder in the Mews
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Murder in the Mews

‘Yes. Wait a sec, I’ll ring through and get the latest.’

He picked up the telephone receiver and spoke through it.

After a brief interchange he replaced it and looked up at Poirot.

‘Pretty heartless piece of goods. Gone off to play golf. That’s a nice thing to do when your friend’s been murdered only the day before.’

Poirot uttered an exclamation.

‘What’s the matter now?’ asked Japp.

But Poirot was murmuring to himself.

‘Of course … of course … but naturally … What an imbecile I am—why, it leapt to the eye!’

Japp said rudely:

‘Stop jabbering to yourself and let’s go and tackle Eustace.’

He was amazed to see the radiant smile that spread over Poirot’s face.

‘But—yes—most certainly let us tackle him. For now, see you, I know everything—but everything!’

CHAPTER 8 (#ulink_b1a485b1-eafa-57e2-803f-3ccdebcfff28)

Major Eustace received the two men with the easy assurance of a man of the world.

His flat was small, a mere pied à terre, as he explained. He offered the two men a drink and when that was refused he took out his cigarette case.

Both Japp and Poirot accepted a cigarette. A quick glance passed between them.

‘You smoke Turkish, I see,’ said Japp as he twirled the cigarette between his fingers.

‘Yes. I’m sorry, do you prefer a gasper? I’ve got one somewhere about.’

‘No, no, this will do me very well.’ Then he leaned forward—his tone changed. ‘Perhaps you can guess, Major Eustace, what it was I came to see you about?’

The other shook his head. His manner was nonchalant. Major Eustace was a tall man, good-looking in a somewhat coarse fashion. There was a puffiness round the eyes—small, crafty eyes that belied the good-humoured geniality of his manner.

He said:

‘No—I’ve no idea what brings such a big gun as a chief inspector to see me. Anything to do with my car?’

‘No, it is not your car. I think you knew a Mrs Barbara Allen, Major Eustace?’

The major leant back, puffed out a cloud of smoke, and said in an enlightened voice:

‘Oh, so that’s it! Of course, I might have guessed. Very sad business.’

‘You know about it?’

‘Saw it in the paper last night. Too bad.’

‘You knew Mrs Allen out in India, I think.’

‘Yes, that’s some years ago now.’

‘Did you also know her husband?’

There was a pause—a mere fraction of a second—but during that fraction the little pig eyes flashed a quick look at the faces of the two men. Then he answered:

‘No, as a matter of fact, I never came across Allen.’

‘But you know something about him?’

‘Heard he was by way of being a bad hat. Of course, that was only rumour.’

‘Mrs Allen did not say anything?’

‘Never talked about him.’

‘You were on intimate terms with her?’

Major Eustace shrugged his shoulders.

‘We were old friends, you know, old friends. But we didn’t see each other very often.’

‘But you did see her that last evening? The evening of November fifth?’

‘Yes, as a matter of fact, I did.’

‘You called at her house, I think.’

Major Eustace nodded. His voice took on a gentle, regretful note.

‘Yes, she asked me to advise her about some investments. Of course, I can see what you’re driving at—her state of mind—all that sort of thing. Well, really, it’s very difficult to say. Her manner seemed normal enough and yet she was a bit jumpy, come to think of it.’

‘But she gave you no hint as to what she contemplated doing?’

‘Not the least in the world. As a matter of fact, when I said goodbye I said I’d ring her up soon and we’d do a show together.’

‘You said you’d ring her up. Those were your last words?’


‘Curious. I have information that you said something quite different.’

Eustace changed colour.