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Murder in the Mews
Murder in the Mews
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Murder in the Mews

‘They might be to you.’

He was watching her, saw her look a little disconcerted. He pursued his advantage.

‘But to Mrs Allen—no, she would not notice them.’

‘You’re perfectly right. Barbara thought he was wonderful—took him entirely at his own valuation.’

Poirot said gently:

‘You were fond of your friend?’

He saw the hand clench on her knee, the tightening of the line of the jaw, yet the answer came in a matter-of-fact voice free from emotion.

‘You are quite right. I was.’

Japp said:

‘Just one other thing, Miss Plenderleith. You and she didn’t have a quarrel? There was no upset between you?’

‘None whatever.’

‘Not over this engagement business?’

‘Certainly not. I was glad she was able to be so happy about it.’

There was a momentary pause, then Japp said:

‘As far as you know, did Mrs Allen have any enemies?’

This time there was a definite interval before Jane Plenderleith replied. When she did so, her tone had altered very slightly.

‘I don’t know quite what you mean by enemies?’

‘Anyone, for instance, who would profit by her death?’

‘Oh, no, that would be ridiculous. She had a very small income anyway.’

‘And who inherits that income?’

Jane Plenderleith’s voice sounded mildly surprised as she said:

‘Do you know, I really don’t know. I shouldn’t be surprised if I did. That is, if she ever made a will.’

‘And no enemies in any other sense?’ Japp slid off to another aspect quickly. ‘People with a grudge against her?’

‘I don’t think anyone had a grudge against her. She was a very gentle creature, always anxious to please. She had a really sweet, lovable nature.’

For the first time that hard, matter-of-fact voice broke a little. Poirot nodded gently.

Japp said:

‘So it amounts to this—Mrs Allen has been in good spirits lately, she wasn’t in any financial difficulty, she was engaged to be married and was happy in her engagement. There was nothing in the world to make her commit suicide. That’s right, isn’t it?’

There was a momentary silence before Jane said:


Japp rose.

‘Excuse me, I must have a word with Inspector Jameson.’

He left the room.

Hercule Poirot remained tête à tête with Jane Plenderleith.

CHAPTER 3 (#uc6d7f6fa-00dc-55be-ab52-9b59524837bf)

For a few minutes there was silence.

Jane Plenderleith shot a swift appraising glance at the little man, but after that she stared in front of her and did not speak. Yet a consciousness of his presence showed itself in a certain nervous tension. Her body was still but not relaxed. When at last Poirot did break the silence the mere sound of his voice seemed to give her a certain relief. In an agreeable everyday voice he asked a question.

‘When did you light the fire, mademoiselle?’

‘The fire?’ Her voice sounded vague and rather absent-minded. ‘Oh, as soon as I arrived this morning.’

‘Before you went upstairs or afterwards?’


‘I see. Yes, naturally … And it was already laid—or did you have to lay it?’

‘It was laid. I only had to put a match to it.’

There was a slight impatience in her voice. Clearly she suspected him of making conversation. Possibly that was what he was doing. At any rate he went on in quiet conversational tones.

‘But your friend—in her room I noticed there was a gas fire only?’

Jane Plenderleith answered mechanically.

‘This is the only coal fire we have—the others are all gas fires.’

‘And you cook with gas, too?’

‘I think everyone does nowadays.’

‘True. It is much labour saving.’

The little interchange died down. Jane Plenderleith tapped on the ground with her shoe. Then she said abruptly: