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Cards on the Table
Cards on the Table
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Cards on the Table

The routine of the detection of crime had begun.

CHAPTER 4 (#ulink_db92be4e-13b0-582e-8b6c-4b258b129594)

First Murderer? (#ulink_db92be4e-13b0-582e-8b6c-4b258b129594)

Hercule Poirot, Mrs Oliver, Colonel Race and Superintendent Battle sat round the dining-room table.

It was an hour later. The body had been examined, photographed and removed. A fingerprint expert had been and gone.

Superintendent Battle looked at Poirot.

‘Before I have those four in, I want to hear what you’ve got to tell me. According to you there was something behind this party tonight?’

Very deliberately and carefully Poirot retold the conversation he had held with Shaitana at Wessex House.

Superintendent Battle pursed his lips. He very nearly whistled.

‘Exhibits—eh? Murderers all alive oh! And you think he meant it? You don’t think he was pulling your leg?’

Poirot shook his head.

‘Oh, no, he meant it. Shaitana was a man who prided himself on his Mephistophelian attitude to life. He was a man of great vanity. He was also a stupid man—that is why he is dead.’

‘I get you,’ said Superintendent Battle, following things out in his mind. ‘A party of eight and himself. Four “sleuths”, so to speak—and four murderers!’

‘It’s impossible!’ cried Mrs Oliver. ‘Absolutely impossible. None of those people can be criminals.’

Superintendent Battle shook his head thoughtfully.

‘I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Mrs Oliver. Murderers look and behave very much like everybody else. Nice, quiet, well-behaved, reasonable folk very often.’

‘In that case, it’s Dr Roberts,’ said Mrs Oliver firmly. ‘I felt instinctively that there was something wrong with that man as soon as I saw him. My instincts never lie.’

Battle turned to Colonel Race.

‘What do you think, sir?’

Race shrugged his shoulders. He took the question as referring to Poirot’s statement and not to Mrs Oliver’s suspicions.

‘It could be,’ he said. ‘It could be. It shows that Shaitana was right in one case at least! After all, he can only have suspected that these people were murderers—he can’t have been sure. He may have been right in all four cases, he may have been right in only one case—but he was right in one case; his death proved that.’

‘One of them got the wind up. Think that’s it, M. Poirot?’

Poirot nodded.

‘The late Mr Shaitana had a reputation,’ he said. ‘He had a dangerous sense of humour, and was reputed to be merciless. The victim thought that Shaitana was giving himself an evening’s amusement, leading up to a moment when he’d hand the victim over to the police—you! He (or she) must have thought that Shaitana had definite evidence.’

‘Had he?’

Poirot shrugged his shoulders.

‘That we shall never know.’

‘Dr Roberts!’ repeated Mrs Oliver firmly. ‘Such a hearty man. Murderers are often hearty—as a disguise! If I were you, Superintendent Battle, I should arrest him at once.’

‘I dare say we would if there was a Woman at the Head of Scotland Yard,’ said Superintendent Battle, a momentary twinkle showing in his unemotional eye. ‘But, you see, mere men being in charge, we’ve got to be careful. We’ve got to get there slowly.’

‘Oh, men—men,’ sighed Mrs Oliver, and began to compose newspaper articles in her head.

‘Better have them in now,’ said Superintendent Battle. ‘It won’t do to keep them hanging about too long.’

Colonel Race half rose.

‘If you’d like us to go—’

Superintendent Battle hesitated a minute as he caught Mrs Oliver’s eloquent eye. He was well aware of Colonel Race’s official position, and Poirot had worked with the police on many occasions. For Mrs Oliver to remain was decidedly stretching a point. But Battle was a kindly man. He remembered that Mrs Oliver had lost three pounds and seven shillings at bridge, and that she had been a cheerful loser.

‘You can all stay,’ he said, ‘as far as I’m concerned. But no interruptions, please (he looked at Mrs Oliver), and there mustn’t be a hint of what M. Poirot has just told us. That was Shaitana’s little secret, and to all intents and purposes it died with him. Understand?’

‘Perfectly,’ said Mrs Oliver.

Battle strode to the door and called the constable who was on duty in the hall.

‘Go to the little smoking-room. You’ll find Anderson there with four guests. Ask Dr Roberts if he’ll be so good as to step this way.’

‘I should have kept him to the end,’ said Mrs Oliver. ‘In a book, I mean,’ she added apologetically.

‘Real life’s a bit different,’ said Battle.

‘I know,’ said Mrs Oliver. ‘Badly constructed.’

Dr Roberts entered with the springiness of his step slightly subdued.

‘I say, Battle,’ he said. ‘This is the devil of a business! Excuse me, Mrs Oliver, but it is. Professionally speaking, I could hardly have believed it! To stab a man with three other people a few yards away.’ He shook his head. ‘Whew! I wouldn’t like to have done it!’ A slight smile twitched up the corners of his mouth. ‘What can I say or do to convince you that I didn’t do it?’

‘Well, there’s motive, Dr Roberts.’

The doctor nodded his head emphatically.

‘That’s all clear. I hadn’t the shadow of a motive for doing away with poor Shaitana. I didn’t even know him very well. He amused me—he was such a fantastic fellow. Touch of the Oriental about him. Naturally, you’ll investigate my relations with him closely—I expect that. I’m not a fool. But you won’t find anything. I’d no reason for killing Shaitana, and I didn’t kill him.’

Superintendent Battle nodded woodenly.

‘That’s all right, Dr Roberts. I’ve got to investigate as you know. You’re a sensible man. Now, can you tell me anything about the other three people?’

‘I’m afraid I don’t know very much. Despard and Miss Meredith I met for the first time tonight. I knew of Despard before—read his travel book, and a jolly good yarn it is.’

‘Did you know that he and Mr Shaitana were acquainted?’