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The Night Before Christmas
The Night Before Christmas
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The Night Before Christmas

‘Couldn’t you have handled that?’

‘Tried and failed, my friend. What can I say? I’m a rotten liar.’

‘Once again, I’d like to point out that you are probably in the wrong profession.’

‘I like working for the Australian secret intelligence service,’ she murmured dulcetly. ‘I get to play with all the cool toys and I also get to annoy you and Jared. It’s all win.’

Well…maybe not all win. Lena struggled with the blind obedience at times. It came of never knowing the big picture and therefore never being able to make up her mind about whether what they were doing was right. ‘Hey.’ She waited until she had Trig’s undivided attention. ‘If it’s any consolation, you’re better off without Cassandra. I didn’t like her.’

‘You never like any of my girlfriends.’

‘True, but not the point I’m trying to make here. Cassie had a habit of blaming you for her mistakes. I watched her do it over and over again. Not classy.’

Trig sighed.

‘You want me to cheer you up? Because I can. Guess who’s developing a prototype fly board?’ She didn’t wait for his reply. ‘Boyd and Dell Webber. I hereby pronounce prototype fly boards my new favorite thing.’

‘Have you wrangled an invitation to trial it yet?’

‘Boxing Day afternoon. You and your boyfriend are invited, too.’

‘So you heard that.’

‘Cassie’s a fool. She doesn’t understand that family isn’t always about blood.’

Trig opened his mouth as if to say something and then seemed to think the better of it. He ran a big hand over his face and slumped back in her father’s chair instead.

‘Hey,’ she said lightly. ‘Party in progress here and the Pacific on your doorstep. No moping allowed. Did I mention Boyd’s fly boards? Directed water jets for hands and feet? He’s promising thirty feet of air.’

‘Boyd has a habit of making promises he can’t keep.’ Trig stood up and Lena skipped neatly out of his way. Trig took up a lot of space these days and he was still growing.

‘So,’ Trig said on a sigh. ‘Jess did show. I wasn’t sure she would.’

‘Apparently you invited her.’

Trig nodded.

‘Well, she’s here and she looks a million dollars. Great legs, dangerous curves, fantastic dress sense and I have a horrible feeling she’s nice.’

‘She is nice. Boyd seen her yet?’

‘He hadn’t when I left. I left her with Jared.’

Trig picked up his phone only to open the topmost desk drawer, drop the phone in and shut the drawer. Cassandra wasn’t getting to him again tonight and Lena felt a jolt of savage satisfaction at the thought.

‘C’mon.’ Trig headed for the door, one long arm snaking out to drape over her shoulder and drag her closer so that he could plant a swift kiss to the top of her head. ‘Stay away from Boyd tonight. He’s going to be in a mood. And keep an eye on Jess.’

‘Isn’t that your job?’

‘You’re my backup.’

‘Jared’s your backup.’

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