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The Trouble with Valentine's
The Trouble with Valentine's
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The Trouble with Valentine's

He sounded complacent. Indulgent. As if she’d reacted exactly as any good little plaything would. ‘Bring your mother.’

‘How’d the big date go last night?’ asked Tris when finally she made it to the kitchen for breakfast. He was standing by the counter waiting for toast to pop. Hallie was all about getting to the coffee pot. ‘I didn’t hear you come in.’

‘That’s because you were totally out of it. I checked on you when I came in.’

Tris poured her a coffee without further comment. Hallie added milk, blew gently on it for good measure and finally took a sip.

‘He’s a nice guy,’ she said. ‘Funny. Good company …’


Hallie reached for the Hong Kong travel guide sitting on the counter, flipped to the back of the book and retrieved Nicholas Cooper’s business card. She held it up, rolling her eyes as Tris not-so-deftly plucked it from her outstretched fingers. ‘How’s the shoulder?’

‘Bruised.’ Tristan studied the card. ‘Seriously?’ His tawny, golden gaze pinned her once more, bright with amusement. ‘You’re dating a computer geek?’

‘Well, it beats dating a cop. Imagine if I brought home someone like you?’

‘No cops,’ growled Tris.



‘Boor.’ She took in the scrape high on his face and the discoloured skin that ran from shoulder to neckline. ‘You still look like hell.’

‘Perks of the job. Speaking of, I’m going to be in Prague most of next week. Maybe longer.’

As far as Tris destinations went, Prague was a new one. ‘What’s in Prague?’


‘Tris, this job you do—’

I wish you’d walk away from it, she wanted to say. I don’t like the distance you put between yourself and other people these days and I can’t bear to see the bleakness in your eyes when you think no one else is looking.

But the Bennett family never said things like that and Hallie was nothing if not one of them.

‘Be careful, won’t you?’ she said, and took comfort from his smile.

Hallie arrived at the jewellers at exactly two o clock, only to find Nick and Clea waiting for her outside, Clea looking thoughtful, Nick looking just plain smug.

‘We got here a little early so we’ve already been in,’ said Nick. ‘Henry’s given me some pieces on loan. I’m sure you’ll like them.’

‘What do you mean you’re sure I’ll like them? You mean I don’t even get to go into the shop and ogle the pieces for myself?’ Hallie stared at him, aghast. Surely he was kidding. ‘Don’t you need to measure my ring size or something? I mean, what if they don’t fit?’

‘Here, dear, try this on.’ Clea handed her one of her own rings, a wide band of square- cut diamonds set in platinum. ‘We used this one for size. I usually have a good eye for these things.’

Hallie slipped the band on her wedding ring finger and stared at it in dismay. It was a perfect fit.

‘Does it fit?’ asked Nick, all solicitousness. ‘It looks like it fits.’

‘It does. But we’re still going inside. I for one will be far more amenable once I get to see all the pretties, even if I don’t get to choose anything.’ Hallie placed a dramatic hand over her heart. ‘Nick, I’m your future pretend wife. You need to humour me.’

‘This really isn’t going to plan,’ said Nick as Hallie handed Clea’s ring back to her and headed towards the plate glass doors of one of London’s landmark jewellery stores. ‘Why isn’t this going to plan?’

‘I have no idea,’ offered Clea dulcetly as she too headed back inside. ‘Coming?’

Henry, Nick’s Friday night poker buddy and current sales director of the jeweller’s UK branches, smirked when Nick stepped back inside. He’d said nothing when Nick had chosen the pieces earlier with Clea’s help, but he’d smirked when Nick had said that Hallie was meeting them here. Henry caught Nick’s gaze, highly amused about something, and then Henry adjusted his tie, turned and bestowed a charming smile on Hallie and on Clea. ‘Let me guess,’ he said smoothly. ‘You’d like to see the pieces again?’

‘Just the rings,’ said Nick quickly, otherwise they’d never get out of here.

‘And maybe a tiara,’ said Hallie.

‘And the animal brooches,’ added Clea.

‘Good call,’ said Hallie.

‘Certainly, ladies. This way, please.’ Henry’s amusement was definitely not part of the regular Tiffany’s jewellery buying experience. Henry needed a refresher course. ‘Nicholas, my friend. Is there anything else I may show you?’

‘The door in half an hour would be excellent.’

‘I live to serve,’ said Henry. ‘And I do love a challenge. Shall we take it over to the chairs?’

‘No need—’

‘Henry, you angel,’ said Hallie. ‘I need a seat, a tiara and possibly a beverage. Give me the whole Tiffany’s excellent service experience. I’m currently in retail. I’m taking notes.’

‘I’m up to the part where I’m making you feel special,’ said Henry as he gestured towards a cluster of seats and a table set in a perfectly lit alcove. ‘Are you feeling the opulence all around you yet?’

‘And beneath my feet,’ said Hallie as she sashayed forward. ‘I’m loving the lighting.’

‘So am I,’ said Clea. ‘My wrinkles are gone.’

Clea and Hallie moved forward. Henry held Nick back.

‘I thought you said you didn’t need a distraction in Hong Kong,’ Henry murmured. ‘I thought you wanted to focus on the deal.’

‘All true,’ said Nick. ‘Hallie can entertain Jasmine. John and I can get on with business. Why are you looking at me like that?’

‘Oh, my friend. I knew fantasy was your speciality. I didn’t realise you’d added delusion to your play deck. Nick, look at her. That is not a woman you are going to be able to ignore. She is exactly your type. She’s going to wrap you around her little finger. You, my friend, are going to come back from Hong Kong completely smitten, and then you’re going to come in and buy every last piece you’ve just borrowed and I am going to dine out on your commission for months.’

‘Want to bet?’

‘Don’t bet,’ cautioned Henry. ‘You need to save your money to pay for the tiara.’

‘I’m pretty sure the tiara request is a joke. Hallie doesn’t want a tiara.’

Henry’s smile was full of pity. ‘Yet.’