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Briefing for a Descent Into Hell
Briefing for a Descent Into Hell
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Briefing for a Descent Into Hell

PATIENT. You can’t be one of them. If you were, you’d know. You are tricking me.

NURSE. I’m sorry that you think that.

PATIENT. Or perhaps you’re testing me. Yes, that’s a possibility.

NURSE. Perhaps that is it.

PATIENT. It’s just a question of getting out of the North Equatorial Current into the South Equatorial Current, from clockwise to anti-clockwise. The wise anti-clocks.

NURSE. I see.

PATIENT. Well, why don’t you?

NURSE. I don’t know how.

PATIENT. Is it a question of some sort of a password? Who was that man who was here yesterday?

NURSE. Do you mean Doctor Y.? He was in to see you.

PATIENT. He’s behind this. He knows. A very kindly contumacious man.

NURSE. He’s kind. But I wouldn’t say contumacious.

PATIENT. I say it, so why shouldn’t you?

NURSE. And Doctor X. was in the day before that.

PATIENT. I don’t remember any Doctor X.

NURSE. Doctor X. will be in later this afternoon.

PATIENT. In what?

NURSE. Do try and lie still. Try and sleep.

PATIENT. If I do, I’m dead and done for. Surely you must know that, or you aren’t a maid mariner.

NURSE. I’m Alice Kincaid. I told you that before. Do you remember? The night you came in?

PATIENT. Whatever your name, if you sleep you die.

NURSE. Well, never mind, hush. There, poor thing, you are in a state. Just lie and—there, there. Shhhhh, hush. No, lie still. Shhh … there, that’s it, that’s it, sleep. Sleeeeeeeep. Sle-e-p.

Patient distressed, fatigued, anxious, deluded,


Try Tofronil? Marplan? Tryptazol? Either that

or shock.

August 21st


DOCTOR Y. Well, now, nurse tells me you are Sinbad today?

PATIENT. Sin bad. Sin bad. Bad sin.

DOCTOR Y. Tell me about it? What’s it all about?

PATIENT. I’m not telling you.

DOCTOR Y. Why not?

PATIENT. You aren’t one of Them.


PATIENT. The Big Ones.

DOCTOR Y. No, I’m just an ordinary sort of size, I’m afraid.

PATIENT. Why are you afraid?

DOCTOR Y. Who are they, The Big Ones?

PATIENT. There were giants in those days.

DOCTOR Y. Would you tell them?

PATIENT. I wouldn’t need to tell Them.

DOCTOR Y. They know already?

PATIENT. Of course.

DOCTOR Y. I see. Well, would you tell Doctor X.?

PATIENT. Who is Doctor X.?

DOCTOR Y. He was in yesterday.

PATIENT. In and Out. In and Out. In and Out.

DOCTOR Y. We think it would help if you talked to someone. If I’m no use to you, there’s Doctor X., if you like him better.

PATIENT. Like? Like what? I don’t know him. I don’t see him.