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The Pride Of Jared MacKade: the classic story from the queen of romance that you won’t be able to put down
The Pride Of Jared MacKade: the classic story from the queen of romance that you won’t be able to put down
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The Pride Of Jared MacKade: the classic story from the queen of romance that you won’t be able to put down

Not just a chill, he mused. Ice was forming. “That must be your kid I’ve run into out at the farm. Bryan, right?”

“Yes, Bryan’s my son. He’s well fed, he’s in school, and he’s had his shots. Excuse me, I’d better go see what the kids are up to.”

And straight into frostbite, Devin mused as she slid from the booth. He winced as the door swung to behind her. “Ouch. What the hell was that about?”

“I don’t know,” Jared murmured. “But I’m going to find out.” He pulled bills out of his pocket.

“You want a guess?” Devin made way so that Jared could climb out of the booth. “The lady’s had trouble with the law.”

Damn, damn, damn. On the sidewalk, Savannah struggled to regain her composure. That had been stupid, she berated herself. That had been foolish. The trouble with letting yourself relax, she reminded herself, was that all sorts of nasty things could sneak up and bite you in the back.

Now that she was outside, her fists jammed into the snug pockets of her jeans, she realized that she didn’t know what this Regan’s shop was, much less where it was. All she wanted was to get her son and take him home.

“You want to tell me what just happened?” Jared stepped up behind her, touched a hand to her shoulder.

Savannah made herself take a careful breath before turning. “I finished my ice cream.”

“Then maybe you should walk it off.” He twined his fingers around her arm and had them quickly and fiercely shaken off.

“Don’t take hold of me unless I ask you.”

He felt the MacKade temper stir and clamped down on it. “Fine. Why don’t you tell me why you were rude?”

“I’m often rude,” she shot back. “Especially to cops. I don’t like cops. They’re one step down from lawyers. I’m not interested in socializing with either one. Which way are the kids?”

“It seems to me we were just socializing up a storm.”

“Now we’re not. Go back and talk law and order with your brother.” The old fury, the old fears, wouldn’t quite let go. “You can tell him to go ahead and run a make on me. I’m clean. I have valid employment, and money in the bank.”

“Good for you,” Jared said equably. “Why should Devin run a make on you?”

“Because cops and lawyers love to stick their noses in other people’s business. That’s what you’ve been doing with me ever since you drove up my lane. The way I live and the way I raise my son are my concern and nobody else’s. So back off.”

It was fascinating. Even through his own bubbling temper, it was fascinating to watch her simmer and spew. “I haven’t gotten in your way yet, Savannah. You’ll know when I do. Believe me, you’ll know. Right now, I’m just asking for an explanation.”

She didn’t know how he did it. How he could look searing daggers at her and still speak in that controlled, reasonable voice. She hated people who could manage that.

“You’ve just got the only one I’m giving. Now where’s my son?”

Jared kept his eyes on hers. “Past Times—two doors behind you.” But when she started to whirl away, he took her arm again.

“I told you not to—”

“You listen to me. You’re not going to charge in there like some fire-breathing Amazon.”

The heat in her eyes could have boiled the skin off a man. “You’d better take your hand off me before I damage that pretty face of yours.”

He only tightened his grip. Under different circumstances, he might have enjoyed seeing her try. “There are two abused kids in that shop,” he began, and watched her face change. Fury to surprise, surprise to painful sympathy.

“Connor and Emma. I should have seen it.” Her gaze darted to the wide glass window of Ed’s. “Cassandra.”

“Those kids watched their mother get beaten by their father, and that’s more violence in those two short lives than anyone deserves. You go storming in there, you’ll—”

“I don’t make a habit of frightening children,” Savannah snapped back. “Whatever you by-the-book types think, I’m a good mother. Bryan’s never done without. He’s had the best I could give him, and—”

She shut her eyes and fought back the rage. Jared thought it was like watching a volcano capping itself.

“Let go of my arm,” she said, calmly now. “I’m going to take my son home.”

Jared studied her face another moment, saw the licks of temper just behind the molten brown of her eyes. He released her, watched her walk to Regan’s shop, take one more calming breath before pulling open the door and going inside.

Devin strolled out. He stopped beside Jared and scratched his head. “That was quite an interesting show.”

“I have a feeling it was just the overture.” Intrigued, Jared tucked his hands in his pockets, rocked back on his heels. “There’s a lot going on in there.”

“A woman like that could make a man forget his own name.” With a faint smile, Devin looked over at his brother. “You remember yours?”

“Yeah, just barely. I think you were right about her having problems with the law.”

Devin’s eyes narrowed. The law, the town and everyone in it were his responsibility. “I could run a make on her.”

“No, don’t do that. It’s just what she expects.” Thoughtfully Jared turned toward his car. “I’ve got an urge to give the lady the unexpected. We’ll see what happens.”

“Your call,” Devin murmured as Jared climbed behind the wheel. Your call, he thought again. As long as the lady stays out of trouble.

Bryan stared out the car window, his face averted coolly from his mother’s. He didn’t see why Connor couldn’t spend the night. It was still Saturday, and there were hours and hours left until the dumb bell rang for school on lousy Monday.

What was a guy supposed to do with all those hours without his best bud? Chores, he thought, rolling his dark brown eyes. Homework. Might as well be in jail.

“Might as well be in jail,” he said aloud, turning his face now in challenge.

“Yeah, they play a lot of baseball, eat a lot of butterscotch sundaes, in the joint.”

“But I’ve got nothing to do at home,” he said—the desperate lament of every nine-year-old.

“I’ll give you something to do,” Savannah shot back—the typical response of every frustrated parent. And when she heard that come out of her mouth she nearly groaned. “I’m sorry, Bry, I’ve got a lot on my mind, and it’s just not a good night for a sleep-over.”

“I could’ve stayed at Con’s. His mother wouldn’t care.”

Direct hit, she thought grimly as she turned up the lane. “Well, yours does, Ace, and you’re stuck with me. You can start by taking out the trash you didn’t take out this morning, cleaning that black hole that passes as your room, then studying your math so you don’t end up in summer school.”

“Great.” The minute she stopped the car, he slammed out. He muttered another comment about it being worse than jail that had smoke coming out of her ears.

“Bryan Morningstar.” His name lashed out. When he pivoted back, they stood glaring at each other, angry color riding high on each set of cheekbones, eyes almost black with passionate temper. “Why the hell are you so much like me?” she demanded. She threw her face up to the sun. “I could have had a nice, quiet, well-mannered little girl if I’d tried really hard. Why did I think I’d like having some snotty, bad-tempered boy with big feet?”

It made his lips twitch. “Because then you’d have to take out the trash yourself. A girl would whine and say it was too messy.”

“I could take the trash out,” she said consideringly. “In fact, I think I will, after I put you in it.” She made a grab, but he danced back, laughing at her.