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Untameable Rogue
Untameable Rogue
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Untameable Rogue

Jacob and Po were working behind the counter today, Jacob on the computer with Po standing at his shoulder, watching intently.

‘He can’t read,’ said Jacob when he saw her. ‘He needs to be in school.’

‘No family information that Po’s willing to share with me, a fierce aversion to being logged into the system, no school,’ said Madeline in reply. ‘I figured housing came first and school could come later.’

‘A tutor, then,’ said Jacob.

‘That I can arrange.’ Madeline looked around casually. No Luke.

‘He’s not here,’ said Jacob without looking up from the screen.

‘Did I ask?’ said Madeline.

‘No, but you wanted to,’ said Jacob. Boy and man swapped amused glances.

So they were right. Madeline shot them a narrowed glare. That didn’t mean she had to admit they were right. ‘Yesterday, you mentioned lunch,’ she said. ‘I’ve got twenty minutes.’

‘Why so tight?’ asked Jacob. ‘Problems with the empire?’

‘Always.’ She’d inherited a crumbling empire, not a thriving one. Staying one step ahead of the creditors had taken ingenuity and time. Fortunately, she’d had plenty of both. Madeline could play the widowed trophy wife to perfection when it suited her, but anyone doing business with Delacourte knew differently. The Delacourte upstart didn’t leech off Delacourte enterprises, she ran them, along with a fair few charity institutions on the side. ‘A meeting with the accountant beckons.’

‘I’ve got leftover mee goreng, a microwave, and an apprentice who knows his way around a kitchen,’ said Jacob.

‘You want me to fix the food?’ said Po.

Jacob nodded and the boy slipped away, swift and silent.

‘Has he taken to karate?’ she asked.

Jacob nodded, eyeing her tailored black business suit with a frown. ‘Po moves fast, thinks fast, and he’s so used to living rough that anything I set him to do is a softness. He and Luke started on some karate forms at around midnight last night and finished around two a.m. He was up again at six. The kid’ll nap now in snatches throughout the day and snap awake the moment something moves, ready to either fight or run. Breaks your heart.’

‘He’ll settle, though, won’t he? Eventually?’

‘Maybe.’ Jacob ran a hand through his hair. ‘I don’t know. Luke’s got a better handle on him than I do. Maybe you should talk to Luke.’

Not quite what she had in mind. ‘Why? What does he say?’

‘He says he’ll stay another week unless a job comes up. And that he’ll keep an eye on Po while he’s here.’

‘And your brother can just do that? Change his plans on a whim?’

‘The man’s a free agent, Maddy. Would you think more of him if he couldn’t stay and help out for a while?’

‘I’m trying not to think of him at all,’ she muttered.

‘Is it working?’ said a silken voice from behind her. Madeline knew it was Luke, even before she turned to face him. Her body’s response to his nearness was very thorough.

He wore a faded grey T-shirt, loose-fitting jeans, and a look in his eye that told her that if she had any sense she’d turn and run and keep right on running. ‘Where’s Po?’ he said.

‘Kitchen,’ replied Jacob.

With a curt nod in Madeline’s direction, Luke left. Madeline made a concerted effort not to watch him go.

Jacob just looked at her and sighed.

‘What?’ she said defiantly.

‘Nothing,’ said Jacob. ‘Nothing I want to talk about at any rate.’


Luke made himself conspicuously absent during lunch. Po showed Madeline the room Jake had given him afterwards—bare walls, bare bulb, a chest of drawers, a bed, white sheets and a thin grey coverlet. Jacob was a minimalist when it came to possessions but Po seemed overwhelmed by the space and the fixtures that had suddenly been deemed his. Madeline asked Po if he felt like staying on as Jacob’s apprentice. If she’d done the right thing in bringing him here.

Po nodded jerkily. Yes.

She’d seen a noodle bar across the street from the dojo that she thought she might try out next Monday lunchtime. She could use some company if Po felt inclined to stop by…

Another nod. System sorted.

Madeline left the dojo with five minutes to spare before the start of her next meeting. It would take her another ten minutes to get to the accounting firm’s offices so she was already running late, even before she spotted Luke Bennett leaning against a shopfront wall not two doors down from the dojo, idly seeming to watch the world go by.

While waiting for her to leave.

She walked towards him slowly, stopped in front of him. Neither of them spoke. But he looked at her and in that fierce heated glance lay a dialogue as old as time.

‘I wanted you to look this way and walk the other,’ he said finally. Had she been listening to his words alone she might have kept on walking, but those eyes and the tension in that hard, lean body of his told a different story.

‘No, you didn’t.’

‘I dreamed of you last night,’ he said next. Not the sweet murmurings of a soon-to-be lover, but cold, hard accusation.

‘Snap.’ She’d dreamed of him too, her sleeping time shattered by a golden-eyed warrior whose righteousness cut at her even as his kisses seduced. ‘Jacob said you and Po trained for half the night.’

‘We did.’ No need to guess why he’d chosen physical exertion over dreaming. He hadn’t wanted to dream of her. He couldn’t have said it any plainer. ‘I still think walking away from you is the smart option,’ he murmured.

‘Then do it.’

He glanced away, looked down the street as if planning where he would walk, but his body stayed right where it was. When he looked back at her the reckless challenge in his eyes burned a path through every defence she had in place. ‘No.’

Oh, boy.

‘Come out with me tonight,’ he said next.

‘Where?’ Was asking about a venue a tacit agreement? She thought it might be.

‘Anywhere,’ he muttered. ‘Do I look like I care?’

A shudder ripped through Madeline, two parts desire and one part dread for the wanton images that played out in her mind every time she looked at this man.