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The Riftwar Legacy: The Complete 4-Book Collection
The Riftwar Legacy: The Complete 4-Book Collection
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The Riftwar Legacy: The Complete 4-Book Collection

James studied the man a moment. ‘Certain information would have value.’

‘How much value?’

‘It would depend on the information.’

Joftaz looked around and said, ‘The wrong thing said in the wrong ear could end a man’s life.’

‘Daggers have points,’ said James, ‘and so do you.’

‘On the other hand, I do find myself in need of some help in a delicate matter, and for the right man I could possibly remember a few things I’ve heard or faces I’ve seen.’

James nodded. ‘Would this delicate matter be aided by a sum of gold?’

Joftaz smiled. ‘I like your thinking, young man. What may I call you?’

‘You may call me James.’

For an instant the man’s eyes flickered and he said, ‘And you are from …?’

‘Most recently, the village of Sloop, and before that Romney.’

‘Then the men you seek who had been recently in Romney are involved in some matter up there?’

‘Some matter, but before we discuss what I need to know, I need to know the price.’

Joftaz said, ‘Then, my young friend, we are at something of an impasse, for to tell you any of my need is to tell you all my need, and as they say, “in for a copper, in for a gold”.’

James smiled and said, ‘I’m hurt, Joftaz. What must I do to win your trust?’

‘Tell me why you seek these men.’

‘I seek them as nothing more than a link in a chain. They may lead me to another, one with whom I have some serious issues. He is one behind murder and treason, and I will have him to the hangman or dead at my feet; either is fine with me.’

‘You’re the King’s man, then?’

‘Not directly, but we both respect my employer.’

‘Then swear by Ban-ath you will not betray me, and we shall strike a bargain.’

James’s grin broadened. ‘Why by the God of Thieves?’

‘Who better? For a pair of thieves such as we.’

‘By Ban-ath, then,’ said James. ‘What is your need?’

‘I need you to steal something from the most dangerous man in Silden, my friend. If you can do that, I will help you find the men for whom you are looking. Assuming you survive, of course.’

James blinked. ‘Me, steal? Why would you think I would steal for you?’

‘I have lived enough years to know where eggs come from, young man.’ He smiled. ‘If you are willing to swear by Ban-ath, you’ve walked the dodgy path before.’

James sighed. ‘I would be forswearing my oath to speak truly if I denied such.’

‘Good: to the heart of the matter then. There is just a short walk from here a house, in which dwells a man, by name Jacob Ishandar.’

‘A Keshian?’

‘There are many from Kesh who reside here.’ He touched himself on the chest. ‘Such as I. But this man and others like him have but recently come to Silden, less than two or three years ago. They work on behalf of one who is a spider, sitting at the heart of a vast web, and like the spider, he senses any vibration along that web.’

James nodded. ‘You speak of one known as the Crawler?’

Joftaz inclined his head, indicating that this was the case. ‘This was never what one might call a peaceful community, but it was orderly after a fashion. With the Crawler’s men – Jacob and two called Linsey, and Franklin – came bloodshed and pain beyond what is reasonable for men in our line of work to endure.’

‘What of the local thieves, and those with ties to Rillanon and Krondor?’

‘All gone, save myself. Some have fled, others … disappeared. Any thief I contacted in Silden today would be working for the Crawler. Being Keshian by birth, I think these men did not recognize me for one such as those they sought to destroy. There are still a few of us in Silden who survived, but we conduct no business except what we do in the open, such as my inn. Should these interlopers’ enterprises fail, there will be enough of us returning here to reclaim what was taken from us.’

James scratched his chin as he thought. ‘Before I agree, let me show you something.’ He produced the silver spider. ‘Do you know this?’

‘I have seen such before,’ he said. ‘They are rare and when one comes my way I take notice. They are crafted by a smith in a village in the Peaks of Tranquillity. Those that reach the Kingdom come from Pointer’s Head or Mallow Haven.’ He took it from James’s hand and inspected it. ‘I’ve seen bad copies, but these are far finer. You can’t work silver like this and have it endure unless you have the knack.’

‘Odd sort of bird buys an item like this.’

Joftaz smiled. ‘Night birds, for the most part. You play a dangerous game, my friend. You are just the man I seek.’

‘Well, then, can you tell me who you sold this one to?’

‘Yes, I can, and more.’ Joftaz lost his smile. ‘But not until you conduct some business for me.’

‘Then to specifics.’

‘This man I mentioned, Jacob Ishandar, is chief among those recently come from Kesh. He has in his possession a bag –’ he held his hands apart, indicating a bag the size of a large coin purse or belt pouch ‘– and the contents of that bag are worth enough to underwrite his operation here in Silden for the next year.’

‘And you want me to steal that bag?’

Joftaz nodded.

‘I would think you able to undertake such a task yourself,’ said James.

‘Perhaps, but I must continue to live here in Silden, success or failure. Should you fail, I will still be here.’

‘I see. What’s in the bag.’

‘Heart of Joy,’ said Joftaz.

James closed his eyes a moment. Joy was a common drug in the poor quarters of most cities in Kesh, and showed up from time to time in Krondor and other port cities in the Kingdom. A small amount consumed in wine or water would induce a pleasant euphoria for up to a night. A slightly larger dose would transport the user to a state of happiness that could last days. If the dose was too large, the user would be rendered unconscious.

Heart of Joy was a different thing. It was the essence of the drug, compounded in such a way as to make it easy to transport. When sold, it would be mixed in with a harmless powder, often powdered sugar or even flour, anything that would dissolve. By weight it was worth a thousand times more than Joy when sold on the streets of the city.