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Упражнения на разницу времен в английском
Упражнения на разницу времен в английском
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Упражнения на разницу времен в английском

1. He doesn't work in the office / Where does he work?

2. She is not talking on the phone / Is she talking on the phone?

3. They don't buy vegetables regularly / Do they buy vegetables regularly?

4. They are not studying at the moment / Are they studying at the moment?

5. She doesn't surf the net every day / Does she surf the net every day?

6. I am not typing now / Am I typing now?

7. She is not very beautiful / Is she very beautiful?

8. He is not painting a very nice picture now / Is he painting a very nice picture now?

9. He is not 39 years old / Is he 39 years old?

10. They are not preparing for the holidays at the moment / Are they preparing for the holidays at the moment?

Present Simple и Present Continuous #3

Переведите предложения.

1. Ее машина очень дорогая

2. Они забираются на эту гору прямо сейчас

3. Он живет в Москве

4. Они пишут интересную книгу сейчас

5. Она любит цветы

6. В данный момент она сажает цветы в своем саду

7. Она очень много знает о цветах

8. Сейчас он готовится к тесту

9. Я очень ответственный человек

10. Они играют в футбол прямо сейчас


1. Her car is very expensive

2. They are climbing this mountain right now

3. He lives in Moscow

4. They are writing an interesting book now

5. She likes flowers

6. At the moment she's planting flowers in her garden

7. She knows a lot about flowers

8. He's preparing for the test at the moment

9. I am a very responsible person

10. They are playing football right now

Present Simple и Present Continuous #4

А теперь сделайте эти предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.


1. Her car is not very expensive / Is her car very expensive?

2. They are not climbing this mountain right now / Are they climbing this mountain right now?

3. He doesn't live in Moscow / Does he live in Moscow?

4. They are writing an interesting book now / Are they writing an interesting book now?

5. She doesn't like flowers / Does she like flowers?

6. At the moment she's not planting flowers in her garden / Is she planting flowers in her garden at the moment?

7. She doesn't know much about flowers / Does she know much about flowers?

8. He's not preparing for the test at the moment / Is he preparing for the test at the moment?

9. I am not a very responsible person / Am I a very responsible person?

10. They are not playing football right now / Are they playing football right now?

Present Simple и Present Perfect #1

Пожалуйста, раскройте скобки, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в действительном и страдательном залогах в Present Simple и Present Perfect:

1. He (to be) at home now

2. She (not to work) in the office