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Dane Rudhyar's Astrology. Aphorisms and Rules of Life
Dane Rudhyar's Astrology. Aphorisms and Rules of Life
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Dane Rudhyar's Astrology. Aphorisms and Rules of Life

5. Astrology is a discipline of thought.

Astrology does not say what will happen to a person or a country when some planets conjunct in the sky, but only indicates the possibility of a certain type of event. Astrology interprets the connection between the movement of the planets and changes in the life and consciousness of people. At the same time, the nature of this parallelism, the correlation of "what is above with what is below," is of interest to astrology only from the point of view of philosophy or metaphysics.

6. Astrology deals with strictly individual and unique situations and this differentiates it essentially from science which is primarily intent upon establishing classifications which exclude the non-generalizable facts or features, and "laws," which are postulated to be valid everywhere and at all times.

The human society, building its civilization, strives to make its existence orderly, rational and predictable, to reduce the number of "accidents". This desire led to the emergence of astrology.

7. It is because astrology was man's original attempt to formulate the order of the universe and to draw from it a sense of relative security that astrology has been called "the mother of all sciences”.

Astrology can be academically and legally accepted. It can happen when astrologers agree on the terms they use and on the place of various methods in the whole system of astrology.

8. Astrology can fulfill a significant function for individuals, but only if it faces the future and does not look back to the past, especially the European past.

It must be remembered that astrology deals with the whole. This means that, considering the character and behavior of a person, the meaning of the planets and other astronomical data in horoscopes must be correlated with the whole personality, considered in the context of the whole life of a person.

9. Astrology does not predict "events" but only phases in a person's development.

According to Rudhyar, the ways in which each person develops and evolves are universal. This is due to the fact that all representatives of Homo sapiens have similar biological and psychological basis, and they all come through similar phases of human development.

10. Astrology deals first with human nature in a generic sense; and this gives the astrologer a basis for prediction. Yet no astrologer should stop there. He should seek to define and understand the "individual equation" in his client.

When an integral person attains true individuality, he can exercise free will and go beyond the limits of collective generic structures.

The horoscope is a symbolic "name" of an integral personality and sheds light on an individual’s aspirations and capabilities. A person must wisely connect parts of his personality into a single whole, and thus to voice his “name”, to express the full potential of his horoscope.

11. All the words in the language of astrology are symbols that focus the possibility of experience but not necessarily an actual event. A symbol doesn't cause events.

The astrologer must understand how the client reacts, and how he can react to crises in his life. This requires interpreting the horoscope as a whole. Astrology can show the way to the integration of personality and gaining personal freedom.

The basis for any judgment in astrology is a chart, a horoscope. The set of elements in a chart is the same for all people, but in each person they form a unique combination, affecting temperament, behavior, character.

12 An astrological chart can be understood as a kind of chemical formula in which planets and the like represent the simple and basic "elements" which, in their varied combinations, are the subject-matter of the "chemistry" of personality.

At the same time, an astrological chart is not exactly a "formula", it resembles a musical score in many ways. You can not understand it with intelligence only: an astrological chart must be felt as a living symbol of the Universe. To feel it, you need to use your creative imagination and intuition.

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