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Magical Dubai – 4. Oh, women, your name is treachery!
Magical Dubai – 4. Oh, women, your name is treachery!
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Magical Dubai – 4. Oh, women, your name is treachery!

Fellow Iranians undertook to carry out their plans. After asking the prison doctor for permission to visit the city doctor, I arrived at the Dubai police Hospital.

Accompanied by cops, she asked to go to the toilet, where she staged scenes of natural bowel emptying, emitting loud noises and unpleasant odors.

The policemen, tired of her antics, went out into the corridor. During this time, Ashrat changed into an Arab abaya, skillfully hidden on her body under a prison robe.

She put on a make-up and covered herself with Sheila, calmly left the toilet.

She also calmly walked past the yawning cops and got into a taxi parked near the hospital.

After driving a good distance, I saw one of them, running out onto the porch, desperately turning her head around.

God marks the rascal.

Either feeling the smell of freedom, or the prescription drugs worked in the wrong direction, the poor guy opened the taxi window and artistically waved a police pen.

She frantically blew her whistle and fainted.

Unfortunately, runaways, Dubai taxi drivers, mostly Pakistanis and Hindus, strongly «adore» the law. Romantic vertical racing is not for them. Despite Ashrat’s desperate exhortations, the taxi driver promptly delivered the fugitive back to the porch of the hospital.

Fenita la comedy!

Upon arrival at the prison, the unfortunate woman staged a striptease scene.

Stripped naked, letting her hair down, she began to bang her head on the floor, thereby begging forgiveness for what she had done.

The young Arab policemen who came were confused by such a frank scene of «remorse».

After learning about her term of imprisonment, they decided not to punish the «unfortunate», thinking that with her 25 years in prison and a «respectable» age, it is almost impossible to live and serve 25 years.

P. S. Strangely enough, the forecasts of prison guards did not come true.

After serving 10 years and receiving amnesty from the sheikh, she left for Iran.

He often calls the prison and still uses drugs.

3 Tanya – death to the one who promised and did not marry!!!

The story of another young woman passing through the murder case plunged the entire female half of the prison into a state of trance, no less than the stories with Julia.

Tanya came to the UAE to work as a waitress in one of the restaurants in Dubai, from the Siberian city of Omsk.

According to her, to gain experience in the service sector.

The staff of the restaurant where she got was international.

Norwegians, Germans and Filipinos worked together with her.

She was only 21 years old, but looking at her, you would think that she was about 30 years old. Short, dark-skinned, with dark hair and eyes, she never smiled. The compressed mouth and lips gave her face a certain asceticism.

In prison, she practically did not communicate with anyone, just like Julia, she sometimes answered questions with contempt and dissatisfaction.

She was a racist and a nationalist, the victim in her briefcase was a man with a Swiss passport, of German origin.

Sometimes she made contact and participated in prison gossip.

The Russian-speaking girls, who were mostly in prison for drug use or prostitution, as well as for the lack of a visa, liked to gossip about how each of them spent time in Dubai before being arrested.

Many stories were exaggerated, many shared delicate details from intimate life.

But in order to somehow pass the term of imprisonment, almost everyone actively participated in the «get-togethers».

Tanya ignored all this, spending most of her time in her room.

She knew that the whole prison was discussing her case. Of course!

She stabbed her boyfriend and received only 3 years in prison.

From the local newspapers that published her case, it was known that the lawyer she hired, in some successful way, justified her act.

The reference was to the fact that the unfortunate Swiss, on the rights of a lover, in his own house, where Tanya lived with him, tried to achieve love that fateful night and was refused because Tanya had her period. And the Sharia court respects women who observe the commandments of the Koran!

Regarding menstruation, it says in one of the suras that when it happens, a woman is considered dirty and if a man touches her at this time, he will be defiled.

Arab men, as well as women, must sacredly honor the Koran and observe its commandments!

The poor Swiss in his short life probably never heard of the Koran, let alone even. what is written in it. I don’t think that Tanya was very fond of reading it at home, in Russia.

Maybe, if only after arriving in the UAE, she showed zeal to study it.

However, on that ill-fated night, she acted like an Arab woman and pushed the «loser» Romeo away, shoving him in the chest with her hand, which for some reason turned out to be a knife.

How this steel object of death ended up in her bedroom, under her pillow, God only knows.

Maybe she kept it in case of robbery, if thieves decided to get into their villa. But they have an Indian security officer in their villa, who called the police.

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