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The Book about Cryptocurrency №1. Second edition expanded
The Book about Cryptocurrency №1. Second edition expanded
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The Book about Cryptocurrency №1. Second edition expanded

But I was lucky, I managed to get the coins back and even some Ethereum Classic.

That information you will read in the book cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars. At the very least. And you get it for free. Or for symbolic money.

It’s up to you how you want to use it. Either way, good luck. We are sure you will never want to leave the path of conqueror of the Blockchain world.

Everything you will read in this book is the result of our experience, sometimes sad, sometimes successful. But absolutely we are not theorists, we are practitioners.

Everything we tell you about Bloxchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and other cryptocurrencies is tested on successful and unsuccessful transactions.

In addition to our own funds, we also manage portfolios. The volume of portfolios in different periods varies from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 dollars.

For those who are especially advanced and motivated, there are recommendations from traders at the end of the book.

If you have the desire to learn and develop further, you can learn the profession of a broker in the cryptocurrency market and, due to your experience, flair and expert knowledge, advise others and manage other people’s assets.

I hope we’ve convinced you that we know a little more about cryptocurrencies than the average, run-of-the-mill citizen?»

Important information and disclaimer!

The authors of the book are not responsible for the content of the material from the sources mentioned in the book, for any damages or losses associated with any products or services mentioned in the book.

We encourage readers to do their own research about the product or service mentioned in the text with due diligence.

How to use this book?

You can read the whole thing from cover to cover if you are used to working thoughtfully and systematically with information.

You can start at the end. In the appendices you will find checklists for a beginner in the crypto market with a list of necessary actions. And also a small test that will help you understand what type of trader you belong to.

If you already know what Bloxxhain, Bitcoin, Ethereum are and how it all works, you can flip through the first chapters and read right from the part on portfolio formation and exchange trading.

The glossary of terms at the end of the book will help to structure the information and better understand the main material of the book.

In addition to the book, we invite you to subscribe to the accounts of the Pro Blockchain Media project in Telegram, YouTube, and Twitter.

If you have any questions or suggestions, we would be happy to hear from you.

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If you, like us, are fascinated by the world of cryptocurrencies and seek to enrich your knowledge in this exciting field, then we have a special surprise for you! We offer you to go to a special secret page of our cryptoacademy website, where you will find a huge amount of useful text and graphic materials.

Enter by QR code!

On this page, you’ll discover a treasure trove of valuable knowledge about cryptocurrencies, the latest industry trends, insider information, and more! Our team of experts has worked tirelessly to gather the most relevant and valuable information for you.

Don’t miss the opportunity to expand your horizons in the world of cryptocurrencies and investing. Go to our secret page right now and become a part of our crypto community, where knowledge is the key to success!

We look forward to seeing you at Unlock the potential of cryptocurrencies with us!

Part 1.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

What are they and how to handle them?

Cryptocurrency is

21st century money

This industry is a newcomer among other types of economies, businesses, and human hobbies. It was in 2008 that was officially registered and the first coins appeared.

However, as much hype as appeared around the crypto from the very first years of its existence, perhaps, was not with any other instrument in the field of finance and mutual settlements.

If you look into the essence of the term, its roots go back to the Greek language. Translated from the language of Antiquity (Greek) kryptos means «secret, hidden». Cryptocurrencies work thanks to data encryption technology, or cryptography.

Distinguishing characteristics of cryptocurrencies:

• decentralized data that is stored on multiple computers at the same time;

• anonymity (you don’t know who transferred money to you, you don’t know who owns the wallet where you transfer money);

• security (the record of the transaction cannot be forged or changed).

We believe that cryptocurrencies are the new generation of assets that will change our lives.

Although there are still many skeptics who believe that the value of bitcoin and other coins is exaggerated, that their rate will sooner or later collapse, that this money is useless…

This is normal resistance to the new. Once people did not believe in bank cards and were afraid of ATMs. Once upon a time, a smartphone with its simple functions seemed like science fiction. But a little more time will pass – and cryptocurrencies will become a familiar means of payment for all segments of the population.

This book, among other things, will help you understand the essence of new money, learn how to handle them and not lose your blood fiat money on cryptocurrency transactions. But about that next…

The revolutionary feature of cryptocurrencies is that transactions take place directly between users, without the involvement of anyone else.

For example, if you want to order a memory card for your phone or a trendy t-shirt on Aliexpress, you will need a bank card to pay for it. Thus, there is an intermediary between you and the online store – the bank. Soon Aliexpress and other monsters of online commerce will accept crypto-money on par with bank cards, Webmoney and PayPal.

The basis for the development of cryptocurrencies was the invention of blockchain technology (Blockchain).

Blockchain, or «block chain» in English, is a system of distributed information storage. In the Blockchain system there is no single server where the entire database is stored, information can be simultaneously recorded on several devices.