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Honour Among Thieves
Honour Among Thieves
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Honour Among Thieves

Malden moved out of the way as Coruth swept into…

Chapter Forty-One

When dinner was finished Malden took his leave. He was…

Chapter Forty-Two

The thieves of Ness gathered just before midnight, when the…

Chapter Forty-Three

A few murmurs drifted up from the crowd regardless of…

Chapter Forty-Four

Perhaps there was a second reason why Cutbill had chosen…

Chapter Forty-Five

“I have grand plans for the people of Skrae,” the…

Chapter Forty-Six

The sky glowed a deep blue-black that made Malden’s head…

Chapter Forty-Seven

The air in Coruth’s house felt like it had been…

Chapter Forty-Eight

Mörget whirled his axe through the air and brought it…

Chapter Forty-Nine

The bandit camp proved a sorry affair. Two dozen men…

Chapter Fifty

Barbarian pickets controlled the road between Helstrow and Redweir, but…

Chapter Fifty-One

The Baron sighed and looked down at his maps and…

Chapter Fifty-Two

Money kept coming in, as it always had, and that…

Chapter Fifty-Three

It didn’t take long for the thief-takers to make their…

Chapter Fifty-Four

Slag followed Malden all the way across the Sawyer’s Bridge…

Chapter Fifty-Five

“Protection?” Malden repeated, when Herwig had told him what she…

Chapter Fifty-Six

Croy knelt low in the brambles by the side of…

Chapter Fifty-Seven

I didn’t want this job, Malden thought. I never asked…

Chapter Fifty-Eight

It wasn’t easy getting the word out so late in…

Chapter Fifty-Nine

An old fishwife with a face like a rotten parsnip…

Chapter Sixty

Coruth did not wait to hear if he would follow.

Chapter Sixty-One

In a muddy field just off the Helstrow road, Baron…

Chapter Sixty-Two

Mörgain’s barbarians were distracted by the archers and turned outwards…

Chapter Sixty-Three

Spittle flecked their red-painted lips. They came running with blood…

Part 3

A Change of Station
