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Den of Thieves
Den of Thieves
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Den of Thieves

Chapter Twenty

“You’re—You’re mad,” Malden had said two days before, when Cythera…

Chapter Twenty-One

The crown—technically a coronet—was not a work of great art…

Chapter Twenty-Two

Bile rushed up Malden’s throat and his head swam. The…

Chapter Twenty-Three

A great crashing noise stopped Croy in his tracks. “That…

Chapter Twenty-Four

It was all Malden could do to hold on. His…

Chapter Twenty-Five

Croy’s blood thrummed with excitement, as if his veins were…

Chapter Twenty-Six

“Curse you, leave off,” Malden whimpered. His strength was nearly…

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Warm gusts of air chased up the shaft and made…

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Croy dashed into the shadows, keeping his head down as…

Chapter Twenty-Nine

As a child growing up in a brothel, Malden had…

Chapter Thirty

Malden rushed back through the arches, thinking Kemper must have…

Part II

An Unquiet Crown


Chapter Thirty-One

Croy and Cythera spent much of the night in furtive…

Chapter Thirty-Two

It took Malden the better Part of the day to…

Chapter Thirty-Three

Finding Bikker was easily enough done, for a man with…

Chapter Thirty-Four

When the Seven Day Fire finally burned itself out, leaving…

Chapter Thirty-Five

The boy’s face was freckled and his chin weak, when…

Chapter Thirty-Six

Knightly interruptions notwithstanding, Malden’s preparations were finished long before midnight.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

An hour later Malden was fast, and finally, asleep.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

The rough hands that dragged Malden inside the door threw…

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Wizardry was not technically illegal in Skrae. It was not…

Chapter Forty

“I’m half of a mind to string you up anyway,…

Chapter Forty-One

And then Cutbill was alone. For quite a while he…

Chapter Forty-Two

Sir Croy had been raised to be a knight, to…

Chapter Forty-Three