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The Diamond Throne
The Diamond Throne
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The Diamond Throne

‘Go on in, then.’


‘It’s a public place, and blind men need affection, too. Just don’t start any fights.’ Talen looked around cautiously. ‘Once you get inside, ask for Naween. She works for Platime on the side. Tell her that he sent you. She’ll get you to someplace where you can eavesdrop.’

‘Does Platime control the whole city?’

‘Only the underside of it. Annias runs the top half.’

‘Are you going in with me?’

Talen shook his head. ‘Shanda’s got a twisted sense of morality. She doesn’t allow children inside – not male ones, anyway.’


‘The madame of this place.’

‘I probably should have guessed. Krager’s mistress is named Shanda – thin woman?’

Talen nodded. ‘With a very sour mouth?’

‘That’s her.’

‘Does she know you?’

‘We met once about twelve years ago.’

‘The bandage hides most of your face, and the light inside isn’t too good. You should be able to get by if you change your voice a bit. Go on in. I’ll stay out here and keep watch. I know every policeman and spy in Cimmura by sight.’

‘All right.’

‘Have you got the price for a girl? I can lend you some if you need it. Shanda won’t let you see any of her whores unless you pay her first.’

‘I can manage it – unless you’ve picked my pocket again.’

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