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Do UFOs Exist?
Do UFOs Exist?
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Do UFOs Exist?

— What will that gentleman want from you, outside of class, son? Have you been in any trouble?

— I don’t know mom, but stay calm. There are no problems, he wants me to meet to have a coffee.

— He’ll want to ask you for something — she said, more calmly smiling.

— Well, I don’t know. I’ll find out when I see him.

— Son, you have to invite him — she said very seriously.

And before I said anything, she took her purse and taking money out of it, she gave it to me. When I saw it, it seemed a lot and I told her, but she insisted that I take it in case something came up. And it seems she was right, a coffee is one thing and a chocolate with cookies is another, but I was calm because I had enough money in my pockey to pay the bill.

How strange all this seemed to me! But well, it was not a bad idea, so we would warm up.

Taking steps very carefully so as not to end up with our bones on the ground, trying to step where no one had, so that in this way the possible ice that was on the road did not hinder our short walk and we arrived immediately.

The two of us had gone in silence, attentive to the ground. When we entered the cafeteria, which by the way at that time and as the day was, as the waiter told us, no one had dared to leave their house.

— Sit where you like the most, as you see everything is at your disposal — said the waiter when Don Carlos asked him where we could sit.

— What do the gentlemen want? — the waiter said kindly as he approached the table where we had sat after taking off our coats, scarves, gloves. Don Carlos even took his cap.

— You almost have to undress, but if you don’t wear all this, there is no one who dares to leave the house — said the professor, smiling.

— Yes — said the waiter, who was now coming to our side —. Sitting there at the table and with the warmth of a good beer is where on days like today you are better, and well, how have the gentlemen dared to go out? Tell me, what can I do for you?

— Look, I think what works best, on an afternoon like this, is a good chocolate, with cookies — Don Carlos replied.

— You do know! — said the waiter, and looking at me he asked me —. And what about you? Are you also encouraged to do the same?

— Sure! — I said a little curt.

I had looked at Don Carlos and I was thinking “What am I doing here with this man?” I have always been a little shy, but especially this teacher was one of the most imposing, and it is not that I was short, but he must be two meters tall, and surely he had more or less one hundred kilos, that is, he was by far the highest in the entire cadre of teachers, and then, so serious, with his black shell glasses, which gave him an air of intellectuality, what would he want from me? I still didn’t understand.


As we got closer to the destination, we talked about what we would find. We were excited, because surely here they could give us answers to some of the unknowns that we still had to complete.

— Why is there so much controversy? — Peter said —. That is always the question I have asked myself, because if there is no evidence of that possible extraterrestrial life, why are some determined to continue affirming that there is? Where are those strange theories derived from? If there is life here on Earth, does it have to be elsewhere?

— Look, dear friend, it is that each one is free to think what they want, and well, I say, that if they continue affirming it, they will have to demonstrate it, it is not enough just to say it.

— Yes, I agree with that very, very much, but it is so difficult to talk to them when they insist on one thing. It is not only that they do not give their arm to twist, but rather that they do not even let them speak, trying to convince with their words what they think, but when they have to give some proof, nothing at all, they do not have anything to support his blunt claims — Peter added seriously.

— Well, there is the issue, otherwise we wouldn’t have this little job. If everything were so clear, what would we do here?

— Yes, I have been asking that myself for a few days, at the moment when you asked me to come, what for? What will they bring us?

— Wait! And ask me that same question when we go out, and then I’ll have something to answer you. Right now, the truth is that nothing occurs to me, it will be like other times when they tell us that since there is nothing, nothing can be talked about.

— Look, I think we should start the conversation differently — Peter said suddenly becoming very serious.

— What do you mean? I don’t understand you — I answered expectantly to know what idea occurred to him now.

— What if we tell them we know something in particular? Let’s see where they come from.

— Come on, what are we going to tell them? If we don’t know anything about anything — I said a little disappointed, seeing that he didn’t have a brilliant idea as I thought.

— Well, we can invent it, what do you think of the idea?

— Come on! You’re kidding, right? What are we going to invent? I don’t know what you mean, what I say, what we come here is to try to see what they can give us, not to show them that we are smart people and that we know perhaps more than they do. .

— No, look, that is not so, but we do as other times that we are ignorant, because you see that we do not get anything, they think that we are only going to snoop on their beliefs and they do not open up. You’ve seen it before, they hardly even speak to us.

— Well, that is perhaps comprehensible. There would have been many times when someone has laughed at them and they got tired, come on! I would be, of course.

— Listen, when you are involved in something, it is because you like it. This is not like going to the class, that the teacher is nice to you, or that the class is a firecracker, you have no choice but to hold on and not miss or you won’t pass the subject.

— I understand, that when you join an organization it’s for something. Now, I don’t think this looks like anything interesting. I don’t know what purpose they will have to spend the time here.

— Well, everyone likes one thing. Soccer fans who are taken their football match off on Sunday prefer to be getting wet on one of those days of heavy rain instead of staying at home without seeing his favorite team without playing. However, who does not like it, I would say it does not understand. What is fun to see some gentlemen running after a ball? And most of them are millionaires, is it that they do not have money to buy one for each one? You see how we are not all the same! There are tastes for everyone.

— Yes Peter, I agree with you, but tell me, what do they get? I don’t understand it.

— Well, dear friend, something will come out, even if those of us who are not on that subject find it difficult to understand, but well, let’s go back to what it brings us, that we are going to get to the center and we still haven’t agreed on what we are going to tell them.

— I have it clear! — I said very seriously.

— Yes? Well, tell me, that I don’t — he said, looking at me to see if what he was saying was true.

— Look Peter, since you are more skeptical, I let you speak, and that’s it, you’ll know what you have to tell them, and where to take the conversation.

— But how good! What a comfortable posture, and if nothing comes out, what?

— Come on, joker! How can nothing come out? If, as they say in my land, you don’t shut up even under water.

— Are you calling me chatty? — he asked, and it was clear from his tone of voice that he had not liked what he had just heard.

— Of course! With all the letters, but yes, with all my love, don’t go mad, that was not my intention, I just wanted to ask you to take the conversation wherever you want, that I only accompany you.

— Yes, quietly, and if it the result is bad, I know who you’re going to blame.

— No, look, it is not that, Peter. It’s that if we both talk, we will be in trouble, so you only do it and that’s it.

— Well, but without reproaches later, and don’t tell me either, you could have asked them this or that, say it now or be silent forever! That’s what they say at weddings.

— That would be the old ones, because now as the officiant knows that three newscasts are going to last, as they say, I think they tell them half of the things. Look, I remember now some friends, that, at their wedding, which incidentally two priests attended, because of circumstances… Well, that does not matter, what I wanted to tell you is that there is a time when you wish the spouses a long life together, with something like meeting their third generation. Well, I remember because they told me that, in their ceremony, the two priests, not just one, both, only wished them to meet their grandchildren, that is, the second generation, and they said “That is surely that one of the two of us are going to die soon” and indeed it was so, the husband knew only the grandchildren, and these being little ones.

— You mean by that, that the priests were fortune tellers and they knew it?